Bárbara García de la Parra Calvillo

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Bárbara García de la Parra Calvillo

Birthplace: Merida, Libertador, Mérida, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Diego Sánchez Calvillo and Leonor García de la Parra Rodríguez
Wife of Sarjeant Major Juan Garrido Ramírez de Arellano
Mother of Francisca de Garrido y Ximenez de Arellano; Fernando Garrido Jiménez de Arellano; Juan Félix Garrido Ximénez and Pedro Garrido Jiménez de Arellano
Sister of Catalina Sánchez de la Parra; María de la Parra and Isabel García

Managed by: Private User
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Bárbara García de la Parra Calvillo's Timeline

Merida, Libertador, Mérida, Venezuela (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)
Mérida, Libertador, Mérida, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of