Historical records matching Baldwin VI, count of Flanders and Hainault
Immediate Family
mother's fiancé
mother's fiancé's daughter
mother's fiancé's son
About Baldwin VI, count of Flanders and Hainault
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070. He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele Capet, a daughter of king Robert II of France.
Married: Richilde de Hainaut
1. Arnoul III de Flandre
2. Baudouin II de Hainaut
3. Agnes
BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1030]-Hasnon Abbey 17 Jul 1070). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, et Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, et Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" as the children of "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam"[232]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Balduinum sextum, Robertum cognomento Fresonem, Philippum patrem Guilelmi de Ypra et filias duas Iudith, quam duxit Tostinus comes Nortdanimbronum in Anglia et Mathilda…Normannorum ducissa"[233], which confuses three generations of the family of the counts of Flanders. Baudouin's father sent him to be educated at the court of Emperor Heinrich III, who installed him as Markgraaf van Antwerpen in 1045, although this was taken away in [1050] after his father opposed the emperor[234]. He succeeded in 1055 as BAUDOUIN I Comte de Hainaut, by right of his wife. He succeeded his father in 1067 as BAUDOUIN VI Count of Flanders. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1070 of "Baldwinus marchisus, qui Hasnoni sepultus est"[235]. The Annales Elnonenses Maiores record Baudouin's death "XVI Kal Aug" and his burial "Hasnonie"[236].
m (1051) as her second husband, RICHILDE, widow of HERMAN Comte de Hainaut, daughter of --- (-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Abbaye de Hasnon). The difficult question of the parentage of Richilde is discussed fully in the document HAINAUT which sets out her first husband's family. Richilde married thirdly (1070) as his second wife, Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford.
The Annals of Winchester record the marriage in 1070 of “comitissam Flandriæ” and “rex…nepoti suo Willelmo filio Osberni”[237]. William of Malmesbury records that Baudouin I comte de Hainaut entrusted the guardianship of his two sons to "Philip king of France…and to William Fitz-Osberne", adding that the latter "readily undertook the office that he might increase his dignity by a union with Richilda"[238].
The Complete Peerage, citing Annales Flandriæ, states that Richilde was taken in battle where her new husband FitzOsbern was killed[239], but the precise reference has not yet been found to this primary source. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Apr" of "Richildis comitisse"[240].
Count Baudouin VI & his wife had three children:
a) ARNOUL de Flandre ([1055]-killed in battle Cassel 22 Feb 1071, bur Saint-Bertin). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Arnulfum et Balduinem" as sons of "Balduinum Haanoniensem [et] Richelde"[241]. "Arnulfum nepotem suum [Robertus filius Balduini comitis Insulani] occiso" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[242]. He succeeded his father in 1070 as ARNOUL III Count of Flanders, Comte de Hainaut. His uncle Robert rebelled against Count Arnoul, defeated him at the battle of Cassel where Arnoul was killed, and seized control of Flanders[243]. Arnoul's younger brother Baudouin was left only with the county of Hainaut.
b) BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1056]-on Crusade 1098, after 8 Jun). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Arnulfum et Balduinem" as sons of "Balduinum Haanoniensem [et] Richelde"[244]. Guibert describes him as "Balduinus comes de Montibus, Roberti Flandrensis comitis iunioris patrui, filius"[245]. "Balduino frater eius [Arnulphum occiso]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[246]. He succeeded his brother in 1071 as BAUDOUIN II Comte de Hainaut.
c) [AGNES (-[1071] or after). Comte Arnoul III names his sister Agnes in a charter dated to [1071][247]. It is possible that Agnes was the same person as the unnamed daughter of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde" referred to in the Annales Hanoniæ, which specify in a later passage that she became a nun[248]. If this is correct, she was Arnoul's uterine half-sister.]
Baldwin VI, Count of Hainaut, was one of the most prominent leaders of the Fourth Crusade, which resulted in the capture of Constantinople, the conquest of the greater part of the Byzantine Empire, and the foundation of the Latin Empire, also known as Romania (not to be confused with the modern state Romania).
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel (1071) and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut.
Le cours de sa vie
En 1045, il est investi momentanément par l'empereur Henri III de la marche d'Anvers. En 1051, son père lui fait épouser Richilde, veuve du comte Herman de Hainaut, et entre en possession de ce territoire où il devient Baudouin Ier de Hainaut. Pour consanguinité, les époux sont d’abord excommuniés, puis une dispense papale est accordée. Les deux enfants de Herman sont privés de la succession de leur père : son fils Roger, deviendra en 1066 évêque de Châlons-sur-Marne, sa fille entrera dans un monastère.
En qualité de comte de Hainaut, il reconnaît entre 1066 et 1070 la guilde de Valenciennes (Karitet). Il restaure l'Abbaye de Hasnon.
Comte de Flandre à la mort de son père (1067), son règne est marqué par la fondation de l’abbaye de Grammont (Geraardsbergen) qui reçoit des privilèges en 1068. Se sachant malade, il règle sa succession au cours de l’assemblée d’Audenarde : à l’aîné Arnould reviendra la Flandre, sous la tutelle de son frère Robert le Frison ; au cadet Baudouin le Hainaut, sous la tutelle de la comtesse Richilde, sa femme. En cas de décès de l’un de ses fils, l’autre hériterait. Il est enterré au monastère d’Hasnon.
Malgré ces précautions, la mort précoce de Baudouin laisse la Flandre et le Hainaut en contestation dynastique. Le comté de Flandre sera bientôt usurpé par Robert le Frison, qui deviendra Robert Ier de Flandre. Le jeune Arnoul III sera tué l'année suivante à la Bataille de Cassel.
Mariage et enfants
Il épouse vers 1051, Richilde, veuve du comte Herman de Hainaut. Celle-ci s'arrange pour déposséder les enfants de son premier mariage pour favoriser ceux de son second mariage. Sont issus de cette union :
* Arnoul III (1055 † 1071), comte de Flandre et de Hainaut
* Baudouin II (1056 † 1098), comte de Hainaut
* Agnès, vivante en 1071
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
Boudewijn (Valenciennes, juli 1172 - spoorloos verdwenen in 1205) was als Boudewijn IX graaf van Vlaanderen van 1194 tot 1205, als Boudewijn VI graaf van Henegouwen van 1195 tot 1205, en als Boudewijn I keizer van het Latijns Keizerrijk van Constantinopel van 1204 tot 1205.
[bewerk] Familie
Hij was de oudste zoon van graaf Boudewijn V van Henegouwen en van Margaretha van de Elzas, zus en erfgename van Filips van de Elzas, graaf van Vlaanderen. Hij trouwde in 1186 met Maria, dochter van Hendrik I van Champagne. Bij de dood van zijn moeder (15 november 1194) werd hij graaf van Vlaanderen en na het overlijden van zijn vader (17 december 1195) erfde hij ook het graafschap Henegouwen. Aldus waren beide graafschappen weer voor het eerst verenigd sinds Robrecht I de Fries zijn voorganger Arnulf III van Vlaanderen had verslagen.
[bewerk] Bewind
De eerste jaren van zijn bewind verliepen in een aanhoudende strijd met zijn leenheer, de Franse koning Filips II August, die enkele jaren voordien (1191) de hand had gelegd op het zuidelijke deel van Vlaanderen (Artesië). Boudewijn zocht vooral steun bij de Rooms-Duitse Hendrik VI en de Engelse koning Richard I Leeuwenhart. Bij de Vrede van Péronne (1199) werd Filips II August verplicht een deel van Zuid-Vlaanderen te restitueren. Nog in hetzelfde jaar legden Boudewijn en zijn echtgenote in de St.-Donatuskerk te Brugge de kruisvaartgelofte af: zodoende verliet hij op 14 april 1202 zijn graafschap om zich aan te sluiten bij de Vierde Kruistocht (1202-1204), die onder impuls van Venetië niet het Heilige Land, maar Constantinopel als doel had. Tijdens zijn afwezigheid nam zijn echtgenote Maria van Champagne het regentschap in Vlaanderen en Henegouwen waar.
Nadat de kruisvaarders Constantinopel ingenomen en de legitieme keizer Alexios V verdreven hadden, werd Boudewijn op 9 mei 1204 tot eerste Latijnse keizer van Constantinopel uitgeroepen en op 16 mei in de Hagia Sophia gekroond. Met paus Innocentius III spande hij samen om een eind te maken aan het Groot Schisma. Veel kon Boudewijn als keizer niet realiseren, want reeds in april van het volgende jaar viel hij in handen van de Bulgaarse tsaar Kalojan. Sindsdien werd nooit meer een spoor van hem teruggevonden, zodat de graafschappen Vlaanderen en Henegouwen in handen kwamen van zijn minderjarige dochter Johanna. Zijn vrouw, die hem was achterna gereisd, overleed onderweg te Akko (voorjaar 1204). In Constantinopel werd hij opgevolgd door zijn broer Hendrik.
Volgens de lokale folkore in Veliko Tarnovo, hoofdstad van het Tweede Bulgaarse Koninkrijk, werd Boudewijn gevangen gezet in een toren in de muur van de vesting Tsarevets. Dit torentje is nog altijd (in herstelde staat) te zien en wordt lokaal Boudewijns Toren genoemde. Alberik van Troisfontaines verhaalt voorts dat Boudewijn de avances van een Bulgaarse koningin afsloeg, die hem prompt van poging tot verkrachting beschuldigde en hem liet executeren. De Bulgaarse vorst Joannitsa zou opdracht hebben gegeven Boudewijns lichaam in stukken te hakken en aan de honden te voederen. De honden zouden echter geweigerd hebben zijn lichaam te eten. Twintig jaar later verscheen er in Vlaanderen een kluizenaar ten tonele die beweerde de verloren gewaande Boudewijn te zijn. Niettegenstaande hij erin slaagde enige volgelingen om zich heen te verzamelen, werd de man als bedrieger terechtgesteld.
[bewerk] Trivia
In 2005 werd hij genomineerd voor de titel van De Grootste Belg. Hij eindigde echter buiten de nominatielijst op nr. 197.
Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders
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Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele, a daughter of king Robert II of France.
[edit] History and Family
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel (1071) and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut.
[edit] See also
* Counts of Flanders family tree
* Counts of Hainaut family tree
[edit] References
* Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Line 163-2
Preceded by
Baldwin V Count of Flanders
1067 – 1070 Succeeded by
Arnulf I/III
Preceded by
Herman, Count of Mons Count of Mons
1051 – 1070
Preceded by
Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut Count of Hainaut
1051 – 1070 Succeeded by
Arnulf III, Count of Flanders
This page was last modified on 7 May 2010 at 12:31.
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele, a daughter of king Robert II of France.
[edit] History and Family
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel (1071) and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut.
[edit] See also
Counts of Flanders family tree
Counts of Hainaut family tree
[edit] References
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Line 163-2
Preceded by
Baldwin V Count of Flanders
1067 – 1070 Succeeded by
Arnulf I/III
Preceded by
Herman, Count of Mons Count of Mons
1051 – 1070
Preceded by
Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut Count of Hainaut
1051 – 1070 Succeeded by
Arnulf III, Count of Flanders
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Categories: 1030s births | 1070 deaths | House of Flanders | Counts of Flanders | Counts of Hainaut | Counts of Mons | European nobility stubs
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – July 17, 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele Capet, a daughter of king Robert II of France.
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut.
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – July 17, 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele Capet, a daughter of king Robert II of France.
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut.
Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele Capet, a daughter of king Robert II of France.
[edit]History and Family
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel (1071) and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut.
Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Baldwin VI of Flanders)
Baldwin VI of Flanders (c. 1030 – 17 July 1070) was briefly Count of Flanders, from 1067 to 1070. He was also (as Baldwin I) count of Hainaut from 1051 to 1070.
He was the eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders and Adele, a daughter of king Robert II of France. [edit] History and Family
In 1051 he married Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut, widow of count Herman of Mons. By this marriage Flanders took control of Hainaut (at that moment still a conglomerate of the county of Mons, the margraviate of Valenciennes and the southern part of the landgraviate of Brabant).
Baldwin's early death left Flanders and Hainaut in the hands of his young son Arnulf III, with Richilde as regent. The countship was soon usurped by Baldwin's brother Robert the Frisian, who became count Robert I of Flanders. The young Arnulf III was killed the next year at the Battle of Cassel (1071) and Baldwin's younger son eventually became Baldwin II of Hainaut. [edit] See also
War seit 1051 als Bolduin l. Graf von Hennegau genant. Seit 1067 Graf von Flandern.
1067-1070 talet
a. Hermans sterf 1051.
b. Sy trou teen die voorskrifte van die Kanonieke reg in 1051 met haar neef Boudewijn VI van Capetian direct.
c. Pous Leo IX het hierdie ban ongedaan gemaak.
d. Toe Boudewijn in 1070 sterf, regeer Richilde oor die Graafkappe Vlaandere en Henegouw
e. Robrecht de Fries poog om die Graafschap Vlaandere te bekom Richilde se leer word by die Slag van Kassel(1071) verslaan en haar seun Arnulf en eggenoot Willem sneuwel-Ds.MG Muller
Baldwin VI, count of Flanders and Hainault's Timeline
1030 |
Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
1051 |
- 1070
Age 21
1055 |
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
1056 |
Mons, Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium
1067 |
- 1070
Age 37
Flandre, Flanders
1070 |
July 17, 1070
Age 40
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
July 1070
Age 40
Abbaye de Hasnon, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Age 40
Age 40