public profile
1. BASINUS, son of --- (-after 464). King of Thuringia. Gregory of Tours specifies that Childerich King of the Franks found refuge with Basinus King of Thuringia after being deposed[6], dated to [456/57].
m as her first husband, BASINA, daughter of ---. Gregory of Tours names Basina as wife of Basinus King of Thuringia, specifying that she deserted her first husband to join Childerich after he was restored as king in Gaul[7]. Assuming that Basina existed, it is unlikely that her first name is correct considering that it is the feminine form of her first husband's name. She married secondly ([464]) Childerich I King of the Franks. The marriage date is estimated on the basis of how long Childerich was allegedly in exile, assuming that the date of his deposition is accurate, and is appears to be consistent with the estimated dates of birth of the couple's descendants.
Bisinus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bisinus, Basinus, Besinus, or Bisin (Lombardic: Pisen) was the king of the Thuringii (fl. c. 460 – 506/510).
According to Gregory of Tours, he supplied refuge to Childeric I, the Frankish king who was exiled by his own people. After eight years, Childeric returned to Tournai. Bisinus's wife, Basina, left him and joined Childeric.[1]
The historical Bisinus bears some resemblance to the Bisinus described by Gregory of Tours, but the details are different: Bisinus was the leader of a Thuringian confederation on the Rhine and his wife was a Lombard named Menia[citation needed]. He left three sons, Baderic, Herminafred, and Berthachar, who inherited the throne from him. His daughter Radegund married the Lombard king Wacho.[2]
[1] (Latin) Gregorius Turonensis, Historiarum_Francorum libro III par.4
[2] Cawley, Charles, Medieval Lands - THURINGIA, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, retrieved February 2014
1. BASINUS, son of --- (-after 464). King of Thuringia. Gregory of Tours specifies that Childerich King of the Franks found refuge with Basinus King of Thuringia after being deposed[6], dated to [456/57]. m as her first husband, BASINA, daughter of ---. Gregory of Tours names Basina as wife of Basinus King of Thuringia, specifying that she deserted her first husband to join Childerich after he was restored as king in Gaul[7]. Assuming that Basina existed, it is unlikely that her first name is correct considering that it is the feminine form of her first husband's name. She married secondly ([464]) Childerich I King of the Franks. The marriage date is estimated on the basis of how long Childerich was allegedly in exile, assuming that the date of his deposition is accurate, and is appears to be consistent with the estimated dates of birth of the couple's descendants. BASINUS, King of Thuringia (c460 AD - c505), born c440 AD - died c505. He was married firstly to Basina of Cologne (born c440 - died c480 AD), from whom he was divorced (465 AD, she remarried to Childeric I of the Franks). Basinus remarried secondly (c467 AD) to MENIA N, who was the mother of,
Bisinus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bisinus, Basinus, Besinus, or Bisin (Lombardic: Pisen) was the king of the Thuringii (fl. c. 460 – 506/510).
According to Gregory of Tours, he supplied refuge to Childeric I, the Frankish king who was exiled by his own people. After eight years, Childeric returned to Tournai. Bisinus's wife, Basina, left him and joined Childeric.[1]
The historical Bisinus bears some resemblance to the Bisinus described by Gregory of Tours, but the details are different: Bisinus was the leader of a Thuringian confederation on the Rhine and his wife was a Lombard named Menia[citation needed]. He left three sons, Baderic, Herminafred, and Berthachar, who inherited the throne from him. His daughter Radegund married the Lombard king Wacho.[2]
[1] (Latin) Gregorius Turonensis, Historiarum_Francorum libro III par.4
[2] Cawley, Charles, Medieval Lands - THURINGIA, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, retrieved February 2014
Basin I, konge av Thuringen - ca 451 til ca 464
Basin (Basinus) ca 420- 464 Ifølge Gregorius av Tours, søkte kongen av frankerne Childeric I tilflukt hos Basinus da han ble sent i eksil av sitt folk i 456/457 Etter Etter åtte år under Bisinus' beskyttelse returnerte Childerik. til Thüringen. Han tok med kona Basina som forlot sin mann. De giftet seg i 463
(det er usannsynlig at dette er hennes riktige fornavn det kan være den feminine formen av hennes første ektemanns navn)
420 |
Frankish Territory, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
464 |
Age 44
Thuringia, Germany
???? |
Kingdom of Thuringia, (Present Germany)