The wife of Guermond [I] is called Beatrix in secondary sources but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. Darsy states that the wife of Guermond "Béatrix" was buried “XVI Kal Mar” 1144 at “l’église de Saint-Jean”[Darsy (1860), p. 26]. In a later passage, he notes a charter dated 13 Feb 1144 which records the burial in the presence of her six children "avec les trois enfants de Gérard et Manassès de Bulles, frère de Renault"[Darsy (1860), p. 27, citing Cartulaire de l’abbaye de Saint-Jean, p. 38 (not traced)]. Domesday Descendants records that the --- de Saint-Valéry, daughter of Renaud de Saint-Valéry was the mother of "Gerard II de Picquigny vidame d’Amiens", presumably indicating Gérard [I], and cites the cartulary of Oseney[Domesday Descendants, p. 698, citing Salter, H. E. (ed.) (1929-36) The Oseney Cartulary (Oxford), Vol. V, p. 1037]. The chronology for this connection does not appear ideal, assuming that the dates of the members of the Picquigny family are accurately recorded in the present document. However, a connection (maybe a family relationship) between the Saint-Valéry and Picquigny families is shown by the letter written by Pope Alexander III to Henri Archbishop of Reims, dated 29 Mar 1154, to enforce reparations from "vicedominus Pinciniaco, Bern. de S. Walerico et Gualterius Tyrellus" for the damage which they had caused to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Selincourt[Veterum Scriptorum, Tome II, col. 826.].
1100 |
1115 |
Picquigny, Somme, Picardy, France
1116 |
Picquigny, Somme, Picardie, France
1144 |
Age 44
???? |