Historical records matching Beatrix van Limburg
Immediate Family
About Beatrix van Limburg
from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NASSAU.htm#RuprechtIdied1154 v3.0 Updated 31 May 2014
RUPRECHT [I] von Laurenburg, son of DUDO Graf von Laurenburg & his wife --- von Arnstein (-before 13 May 1154). The Vita Lodewici comitis de Arnstein names "Rubertum…et Arnoldum et Demudim filiam" as the children of "Nassauwen" and his wife, daughter of "in castro Arnstein…comes…Lodewicus"[2]. "…Arnoldus et frater eius Rubertus de Lurenburch…" signed the charter dated 1128 under which Adalbert Archbishop of Mainz donated property to Mainz cathedral[3]. Adalbert Archbishop of Mainz confirmed the foundation of Kloster Schönau by "cognatus noster comes Ruobertus de Lurenburch" by charter dated 1132, before 13 Sep[4]. Arnold [I] Archbishop of Köln confirmed property of Köln St Cunibert by charter dated 5 Mar 1143 witnessed by "Rupertus de Luriburg, Heinricus comes urbanus, Gerhardus comes de Iuliaco, Walterus comes de Kesle, Walterus de Rodenburg, Walterus de Hengebach…"[5]. Hillin Archbishop of Trier confirmed an exchange of property "in pago Nahgove in archiepiscopatu Moguntino per manum Folmari comitis de Castele et advocati prædictæ curiæ" for property "in Nasove…in pago Logenæ" with the bishop of Worms, represented by "advocati maioris domus Symonis comitis de Sarbruke", adding that "prædictum castrum de Nasove" had been occupied violently by "antecessores Ruberti et Arnoldi de Lurenberg", by charter dated 9 Mar 1158 witnessed by "Symon advocatus maioris domus Wormatiensis ecclesiæ, Folmar comes de Castele, Cunradus comes de Cherberch, Hemico comes de Boimeneburch, Godefridus comes de Spanheim, Gerlacus comes de Veldenze…"[6].
m (before 1135) BEATRIX van Limburg, daughter of WALRAM [II] Graaf van Limburg Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his wife Jutta van Gelre (-12 Jul after 1164). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 1151 under which Henri Bishop of Liège confirmed the donations by "domina Jutta, nobilissima matrona uxor ducis Walrami de Lemburg" to Rolduc abbey, which records the presence at her burial in Rolduc of "…Arnoldus quoque filius Ruberti comitis de Lunneburg natus ex domina Beatrice filia præfatæ dominæ…"[7]. Hillin Archbishop of Trier records, in a charter dated 1 Apr 1158, that "castrum de Nassouwe" had previously belonged to the church of Worms but that "Ruberti et Arnoldi de Luremburg" had built a castle against the wishes of the church, and that "postmodum…Beatrix comitissa et coheredes eius…filii Ruberti et Arnoldi de Luremburg" had requested settlement of the dispute which was mediated by "Gerlaci de Isemburch et Everhardi de Burgensheim"[8]. This document suggests that Beatrix survived both her sons and acted as head of the family on behalf of her grandsons.
Ruprecht [I] & his wife three children:
- ARNOLD [II] von Nassau (-after 1 Apr 1159).
- RUPRECHT [II] (-after 1 Apr 1159).
- GERHARD von Laurenburg.
Beatrix van Limburg's Timeline
1105 |
Wassenberg, Masagau (Present Kreis Heinsberg), Herzogtum Niederlothringen (within present Nordrhein-Westfalen), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
1123 |
Laurenburg, RP, Germany
1125 |
1150 |
1164 |
July 12, 1164
Age 59
Nassau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany