Historical records matching Benjamin Mowry
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Immediate Family
About Benjamin Mowry
alternate birthplace Providence, Providence, Rhode Island.
Wikitree: Benjamin (Mowry) Morey (1649–aft. 1719)
- "Benjamin Mowry, son of Roger Mowry and wife Mary, whose birth was registered in Providence, 8 May 1649[1] Benjamin Maury, son of Roger was baptized 20:3m:1649 (20 May 1649) at Salem, Massachusetts.[2] He may actually have been born in Lynn, where the family lived at the time of his birth.
- Please see Wikitree for further biographical detail and sources.
Books & Quoted Passages
- Arnold, James Newell. 1892. Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850: First Series: Births, Marriages and Deaths: a Family Register for the People. Providence, Rhode Island: Narragansett Historical Publishing. @Archive.org OR @Ancestry.com:—
- “1-81 MOWEY Benjamin, of Roger and Mary [b.] May 8, 1649”
- Sanborn, Melinda Lutz. 2003. U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700: Third Supplement to Torrey´s New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing. @Ancestry.com
- “MOWRY, Benjamin (1649-1719+) & Martha (HAZARD) POTTER, m1 Ichabod POTTER; m. c1676 [AEJA; GMB 2:1314]”
- MacKenzie, George Norbury, ed. 2012. Colonial Families of the United States of America, Vol. III. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing. @Ancestry.com:—
- IV. Martha, m. (firstly) Ichabod POTTER, d. 1676, son of Nathaniel and Dorothy POTTER; m. (secondly) Benjamin MOWRY….
- Roger MOWRY, d. 1710, unm.
- Joseph MOWRY, d. 1718; m. Sarah (surname unknown).
- Benjamin MOWRY, d. 1719.
- John MOWRY, d. 1718; a. Mary (surname unknown).
- Genealogies of Rhode Island Families, Vol. I. @Ancestry.com:—
- MacKenzie, George Norbury, ed. 2012. Colonial Families of the United States of America, Vol. III. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing. @Ancestry.com:—
- IV. Martha, m. (firstly) Ichabod POTTER, d. 1676, son of Nathaniel and Dorothy POTTER; m. (secondly) Benjamin MOWRY….
- Roger MOWRY, d. 1710, unm.
- Joseph MOWRY, d. 1718; m. Sarah (surname unknown).
- Benjamin MOWRY, d. 1719.
- John MOWRY, d. 1718; a. Mary (surname unknown).
- Robinson, Caroline E. 1895. The Hazard Family of Rhode Island, 1635-1894: Being a Genealogy and History of the Descendants of Thomas Hazard… Author Published: Boston. @Ancestry.com:—
- § 5. MARTHA HAZARD, 2 (Thomas, 1). There is no record of her birth. She married, first, Ichabod Potter, son of Nathaniel and Dorothy Potter. He died in 1676. She married, second, Benjamin MOWRY.
- 31. Thomas POTTER…
- 32. John POTTER…
- 33. Robert POTTER…
- 34. Ichabod POTTER…
- 35. Roger MOWRY, died 1710; unmarried.
- 36. Joseph MOWRY, died 1718; married Sarah ——.
- 37. Benjamin MOWRY, died 1719.
- 38. John MOWRY, died 1718; married Mary ——.
- The earliest mention of Roger Mowry in this country is found in the Boston records, as follows:—
- “Eighteen May, 1681, names of such as desire to be made ffreemen, [among them] Roger Mawry, Roger Williams.” Neither of these two Rogers remained in Boston to accept the duties and privileges of “ffreemen” in that colony. But, soon after, we find them both citizens of Plymouth, later both became citizens of Salem, and finally they lived side by side in Providence. Roger Mowry was in Salem from 1636 to 1649. He and his wife Mary were members of the church at Salem. The Suffolk records (vol. iii., p. 874) show that his wife was “the eldest daughter of John Johnson, late of Roxbury.” In 1637 “he had fifty acres laid out” to him two miles or more from the settlement at Salem toward what was afterwards known as Salem Village. He built his house on the lot which is now the corner of Essex and Flint Streets, adjoining the Bowditch School. Indeed, this house lot ran from what is now Essex Street northward to the river and included the land upon which now stand the Bowditch School and the Catholic Church.
- The records of the church in Salem show that his oldest son, Jonathan, was baptized April 2, 1637, and other children as follows: Bethia, 1638, June 17; Mary, 1640, June 16; Elizabeth, 1643, January 20; Benjamin, 1649, May 20; between Elizabeth and Benjamin were four other children as given on the north side of the monument and no record is found of their baptism. In August 1658, in open Town Meeting, at Providence, Roger Mowry testified that his three youngest children, BENJAMIN, Thomas and Hannah, were born m Providence. It is supposed that the Salem pastor, when on a visit in 1649 to the members of his church then residing in Providence, found the infant Benjamin, baptized him there and entered the record upon the Salem Church book on his return home. The original records of that period of the Salem Church have been lost, although some of them were copied and kept in a later book which has been preserved. The above facts are gleaned from that book.
- Cutter, William Richard. 1912. Genealogical and Family History of Western New York, Vol. I. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing. @Ancestry.com:—
- “Thomas Hazard, the progenitor of the Hazard family in America,… Children: Robert… Elizabeth… Hannah… Martha, married (first) Ichabod Potter; (second) BENJAMIN MOWRY.”
- Austin, John Osborn. 1887. The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island: Comprising Three Generations of Settlers who Came before 1690: with Many Families Carried to the Fourth Generation. Albany, New York: J. Munsell & Sons. @Archive.org:—
- Benjamin Mowry 1661, Jan 19. He is mentioned in will of Isaac Heath, of Roxbury:
- "If Benjamin Mowry, duly serves out his time my will is that at the end of his time he shall receive 5 pounds".
- 1667, Oct 31. Kings Town. He was one of those to whom were granted 500 acres to be called East Greenwich.
- 1687, Sep 6. Taxed 3 shilling, 2 pence.
- Peirce's Colonial Lists: Rhode Island Colony - Civil Lists, @Ancestry.com:—
- Voted, wheras at the General Assembly held for the Collony, at Newport, in May last, it was ordered that a certaine tract of land in some Convenient place in the Narragansett country shall be laid forth into hundred acre shares with the house lots, for the accommodatinge of soe many of the inhabitants of this Collony as stand in need of land, and the General! Assembly shall judge fit to be supplyed. In pursuance of said act of the Generall Assembly this present court doe enact and declare that the said tract of land be forthwith layd forth to conteine five thousand acres, which shall be divided as followeth: five hundred acres to be laid in some place neare the sea, and as commodious as may be for a towne, which said five hundred acres shall be divided into fifty house lots, and the remainder of said five thousand acres, beinge four thousand five hundred acres, shall be divided into fifty eaqual shares or great divisions; and that each person hereafter named and admitted by this Assembly to have land in the said tract, shall have and enjoy to him and his heires and assigns forever, in manner and forme, and under the conditions and limitations hereinafter expressed, one of the said house lots and one great division, containing in the whole one hundred acres.
- “And further this Assembly do enact, order and declare, that the persons before named, that is to say,… BENJAMIN MOWRY, JOSEPH MOWRY,… are the persons unto whom the said tract of land is granted, and who shall possess and enjoy the same, their heires and assigns, accordinge to true intent and meaning of this present grant.
- Find a Grave® Benjamin Mowry:—
- "BENJAMIN, 9th child of Roger & Mary (Johnson) Mowry, was born 8 May 1649 [PrTR 2:18]; bp. Salem 20 May 1649 [SChR 22]. He married say 1676 Martha (Hazard) Potter, widow of Ichabod Potter and daughter of Thomas and Martha (_____) Hazard."
- Benjamin Moorie in the Rhode Island, U.S., Birth Index, 1636-1930 @Ancestry.com.
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Benjamin Mowry's Timeline
1032 |
May 9, 1032
May 9, 1032
1649 |
May 8, 1649
Portsmouth, Portsmouth Colony, British Colonial America
May 20, 1649
Providence, Providence, Ri
May 20, 1649
Providence, Providence, Ri
May 20, 1649
Providience, Providence, Rhode Island
May 20, 1649
Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
1675 |
Kingstown, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, British Colonial America
1679 |
Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, British Colonial America