Benjamin Nurse, born 26 Jan 1666 at Salem, was the son of Francis Nurse and Rebecca Towne. He married 1st Tamesin Smith on Feb. 21, 1688 in Salem MA He married 2nd Elizabeth Sawtelle on Feb. 16, 1714 in Framingham MA
"Benjamin Nourse, son of Francis Nurs (Nourse, Nurss, Nurse, etc.) (1), was born in Danvers, Massachusetts, then Salem Village, January 26, 1666, and died at Framingham in 1747. He came to Framingham with his relatives Clayes and Bridges, mentioned above, in 1693, and located on what is still known as Salem Plain and built a house between those now or lately of F.C. Brown and W.G. Lewis. He bought of Joseph Buckminser, February 11, 1707, "a messuage now in actual possession of Benjamin Nurse home lot of 12 acres on the south side of Stony Brook fifty acres on the north side of the brook and 38 acres adjoining Coller's meadow." He was for a long time one of the leading citizens of the town of Framingham. He was selectman and served in othe rimportant positions for the town. He left his real estate to this son Aaron, who sold it June 11, 1764, to Abner Bixby, who in turn sold it to Richard Fiske.
"He married (first) Tamazin ------ and (second), February 16, 1713-14, Elizabeth (Sawtelle) Morse, widow of Joseph Morse, of Watertown."
From Worcester County, Massachusetts Memoirs, Volume I-II p80
https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Salem/aBirthsN.shtml "(NURSE (Nourse)) Benjamin, s. Frances and Rebecka, Jan. 26, 1665. CTR"
https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Salem/aMarriagesN.shtml "(NURSE (Nourse)) Benjamin, and Tomasin Smith, Feb. 21, 1688. CTR"
https://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Middlesex/Framingham/aMarriagesN.shtml "(NURSE (Nurss)) Benjamin and Elizabeth Morse of Watertown, Feb. 16, 1713-4. In Watertown.*"
Salem VR has Benjamin with:
Framingham VR has Benjamin with:
1666 |
January 26, 1666
First Church, Town of Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
As with most people from this period, the actual date of birth of Benjamin Nurse to father Francis and mother Rebecca Nurse is unrecorded. His actual birth likely took place one or two months before this date. (A note on English "double dates" - the old English calendar before 1752 used to change year on March 25. The first date indicated the English year, which differed between January 1 and March 24 from what the rest of the world followed. As what appeared to be some sort of compromise, English officials would double date their documents, and the rest of English society followed. Because the computer date system inflexibly changes years only on January 1, in order to maintain a proper chronology, the second date should be used.) |
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Colonial America
As with most people from this period, Benjamin's actual date of birth to father Francis and mother Rebecca Nurse is unrecorded. His actual birth likely took place within one or two months of his recorded baptismal date of January 26, 1665/1666. The infant had three older brothers (a young man named John - age 20, a young man named Samuel - age 16, and a young boy named Francis - age 4) and four older sisters (a young woman named Rebecca - age 18, an older girl named Sarah - age 14, a young girl named Mary - age 6, and an infant named Elizabeth - age 13 months). |
1691 |
November 13, 1691
Framingham, Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial America
1694 |
January 20, 1694