Bernard I Roger, comte de Foix

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Bernat I Rogièr de Carcassona, comte de Fois (981 - 1036)

French: Bernard Roger 1er comte de Foix, comte de Fois, Spanish: Dn. Bernardo I Roger de Foix, comte de Fois
Also Known As: "Bernard", "Roger Bernardo I "the Fat" Count of Foix", "le Gros", "Roger Bernard I the Fat", "Bernard /Roger/", "Count of Couserans", "Count of Foix"
Death: August 22, 1036 (50-59)
Place of Burial: Boulbonne, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Roger I le Vieux de Comminges, comte de Carcassonne and Adelais de Rouergue, comtessa consort de Carcassona
Husband of Beatriz and Gersende de Bigorre, comtesse consort de Foix
Father of Stephanie de Najera de Pamplona, DUP; {1960 mistake} Clemence de Foix, Countess of Bigorre and Carcassonne; Estefanía de Foix, reina de Navarra; Bernard II de Foix, comte de Bigorre; Ermisenda de Bigorra, reina consorte de Aragón and 3 others
Brother of Adélaïde de Carcassonne; Ermessenda de Carcassona, comtessa consort de Barcelona; Pierre I Roger, comte de Carcassonne and Raymond I Roger, comte de Carcassonne

Occupation: Comte de Foix, Couserans et Bigorre, Greve, Comte, de Foix, de Couserans, Conde de Carcassonne, de Carcassonne, Conde de Foix y de Bigorra., Conde de Conserans, señor del País de Foix y conde consorte de Bigorra., señor del País de Foix., Lord de Foix
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Bernard I Roger, comte de Foix

BERNARD ROGER de Carcassonne (summer 981-[22 Aug 1036/38]). "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[426]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Bernardo filio meo…comitatu de Cosoragno…castello de Fuxo”[427]. He succeeded in 1012 as Comte de Couserans and (part) Carcassonne, Seigneur du pays de Foix. He succeeded as Comte de Bigorre, de iure uxoris.

BERNARD ROGER de Carcassonne, son of ROGER [I] de Comminges Comte de Carcassonne & his wife Adelais de Pons (summer 981-[22 Aug 1036/38]). "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[858]. "Rotgerius comes et marchio cum coniuge comitissa Adalaisse atque cum prole Regimundo Barnardoque" donated property with the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated 1 Nov 984[859]. "Rodgarius comes et uxor mea Aladaiz" donated property to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Aug [1001], signed by "Ramundo, Bernardo, Petrone"[860]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Bernardo filio meo…comitatu de Cosoragno…castello de Fuxo”[861]. "Rogerius comes et conjux mea Adalaizis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Hilaire, including property which "frater meus Oddo comes habuit", for the soul of "fratris mei Oddoni comitis" and for "filio nostro Regimundo comite", by charter dated Apr 1011, signed by "…Bernardus et dominus Petrus…comites…"[862]. He succeeded in 1012 as Comte de Couserans and (part) Carcassonne, Seigneur du pays de Foix. Comte de Bigorre, by right of his wife.

m ([1010]%29 GARSENDA Ctss de Bigorre, daughter of GARCIA ARNAUD Comte de Bigorre & his wife Ricarda --- ([986]-[1032/34]). Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1034 under which “Rotgarius filius Garsente” paid homage to “Petrone episcopo filio Adalais”[863]. The 15th century Chronicle of Esquerrier names "dona Beatriz de Bezes" as the wife of "Mossen Bernard"[864], but this source is too late to give much credibility to its account of the early comtes de Foix. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.

Comte Bernard Roger & his wife had six children:

1. BERNARD de Foix (-before 24 Jun 1077). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Bigorre.


2. ROGER [I] de Foix (-[1064]). “Petrus episcopus” divided property “cum Rodgario nepote suo” by charter dated 1034 which names “Bernardus pater eius”[865]. “Rotgarius filius Garsente” paid homage to “Petrone episcopo filio Adalais” by charter dated 1034[866]. Comte de Foix. "Rotgerius comes de Foys [et] uxor eius" donated property to Cluny by charter dated 1049[867]. "Rogerius comes filius Rangard" [Comte de Carcassonne] and "Rogerium comitem filium Garsendæ comitissæ" [Comte de Foix] confirmed their agreement relating to "civitate…Carcassona" by charter dated to [1063][868]. m --- (-after [1060]). There is an anonymous reference to her in the joint donation to Cluny by "Rotgerius comes de Foys [et] uxor eius" dated 1049[869]. The edition quoted confirms that the name "Amica" (which appears in this charter as it is reproduced in the 3rd edition of the Histoire Générale de Languedoc[870]%29 was added by the first editor of the charter as the name of Count Roger's wife but that it does not appear in the original[871]. The 15th century Chronicle of Esquerrier names "Madona Arsenda" as the wife of "Mossen Roger"[872], but this source is too late to give much credibility to its account of the early comtes de Foix.

3. PIERRE BERNARD de Foix (-1071). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified, other than the reference to him as "Petrus Bernardi comes". Comte de Couserans, Comte de Foix. "Petrus Bernardi comes" sold his rights "in villa Calsan" to the monastery of Camon, with the consent of "Rodgerii comitis filii sui", by charter dated to [1070][873]. m LETGARDE, daughter of --- (-after [1074]). "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et genetrix mea…Ledgardis" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074][874]. Comte Pierre Bernard & his wife had two children:

a) ROGER [II] de Foix (-1124). His father's name is confirmed by the charter dated to [1064/71] under which "Petrus Bernardi comes de Alberga et de Forcia" donated property to the abbey of Lagrasse on the advice of "Rodgerii comitis filii sui"[875]. "Petrus Bernardi comes" sold his rights "in villa Calsan" to the monastery of Camon, with the consent of "Rodgerii comitis filii sui", by charter dated to [1070][876]. He succeeded in 1074 as Comte de Foix. "…Rodgarii comitis de Fuxo…" subscribed the charter dated 7 Sep 1071 which records an agreement between "Wuiellmum Tolosanum comitem" and "Raimundum comitem Barchinonensem et Carchanonensem et Raimundem filium eius" settling their dispute about "castello de Laurago" [Lauragais][877]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et coniux mea Sicardis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074], subscribed by "domni G. comitis Tolosani et domni Raymundi fratris eius comitis Ruthenæ"[878]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et genetrix mea…Ledgardis" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074][879]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis" and "Ermengarda vicecomitissa et…Bernardo Atonis filio eius" settled their disputes about the county of Carcassonne by charter dated 21 Apr 1095[880]. “Rogerius comes Fuxensis…et filius meus Rogerius” restored property to the abbey of Alet by charter dated 1108[881]. “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[882]. m firstly ([1073]%29 SICARDA, daughter of --- (-1076 or after). "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et coniux mea Sicardis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074][883]. "Rogerius comes [et] Sicardis uxor mea" made donations to Cluny dated 25 Jan 1075 and 1076[884]. m secondly ESTEFANÍA de Besalú, daughter of GUILLEM [II] "Trunus"[885] Conde de Besalú his wife Estefania de Provence. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated Dec 1129 of her son “Rogerius Fuxi comes, filius Rogerii et Stephaniæ”[886]. 1095. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Comte Roger [II] & his second wife had four children:

i) ROGER [III] de Foix (-[1147/48]). “Rogerius comes Fuxensis…et filius meus Rogerius” restored property to the abbey of Alet by charter dated 1108[887]. He succeeded his father in 1124 as Comte de Foix.

- see below.

ii) BERNARD de Foix (-[1120/27]). “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[888].

iii) PIERRE BERNARD de Foix . “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[889]. “Rogerius comes Fuxensis et fratres mei Petrus-Bernardi et Raimundus Rogerii” renounced their claim to the county of Carcassonne in favour of “Bernardo-Athonis vicecomite et cum uxore eius Cæcilia vicecomitissa, filiisque eorum Rogerio et Raimundo Trencavelli atque Bernardo” by charter dated 1 Apr 1125[890]. 1127.

iv) RAYMOND ROGER de Foix . “Rogerius comes Fuxensis et fratres mei Petrus-Bernardi et Raimundus Rogerii” renounced their claim to the county of Carcassonne in favour of “Bernardo-Athonis vicecomite et cum uxore eius Cæcilia vicecomitissa, filiisque eorum Rogerio et Raimundo Trencavelli atque Bernardo” by charter dated 1 Apr 1125[891]. 1127. m ---. The name of Raymond Roger´s wife is not known. Raymond Roger & his wife had one child:

(a) RAYMOND de Foix . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

b) PIERRE de Foix (-after 17 Aug 1084). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. "Petrus comes" donated "alodem meum…in comitatu Tolosano…monte…de Fonte-rubati [Monte-Domini]" to the abbey of Cluse, with the consent of "uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Rogerii et Raymundi", by charter dated 17 Aug 1084[892]. m --- (-after 17 Aug 1084). The name of Pierre´s wife is not known. Pierre & his wife had two children:

i) ROGER de Foix . "Petrus comes" donated property to the abbey of Cluse, with the consent of "uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Rogerii et Raymundi", by charter dated 17 Aug 1084[893].

ii) RAYMOND de Foix . "Petrus comes" donated property to the abbey of Cluse, with the consent of "uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Rogerii et Raymundi", by charter dated 17 Aug 1084[894].

4. HERACLIUS de Foix . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1037/65. Bishop of Bigorre 1056.

5. GILBERGA de Foix ([1015]-1 Dec 1049, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña). The Crónica de San Juan de la Peña records that Ramiro married "la filla del Comte de Bigorra nombrada Hermissenda et por baptismo Gelberda"[895]. The marriage contract between "Ranimirus…prolis Sanctioni regis" and "Gilberga filiam comitis Bernardi-Rodegari et comitissæ matris eius…Garsinde" is dated 22 Aug 1036 and lists her dowry as "castellum…Atheres", judged spurious by the Histoire Générale de Languedoc[896]. She adopted the name ERMESENDA as Queen of Aragon[897]. This is confirmed by the charter dated Oct 1076 under which her daughter "Sancia comitissa Ranimiri regis filia et Armissende regina" donated property to the monastery of Santa Cruz de la Serós[898]. m (contract Jaca 22 Aug 1036) as his first wife, RAMIRO I King of Aragon, illegitimate son of SANCHO III King of Navarre & his mistress Sancha de Aibar (Aibar [1008]-killed in battle Graus 8 May 1063, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña).

6. [STEPHANIE (-after 1066). "Garsea…rex, Sancionis regis filius…cum coniuge mea domina Stefania regina" granted two monasteries to abbot Gómez of Yábar by charter dated 1040[899]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. According to Marca, "les mémoires du convent de Nagara" state that she was "fille du comte de Foix", but he does not provide a direct quote or source reference[900]. The Histoire Générale de Languedoc refers to a marriage contract (again, no quote or source reference) dated 1036, but this is not reproduced by Marca[901]. This is all too vague to show Stephanie´s origin other than in square brackets in this document, until more precise information comes to light. Salazar y Acha suggests that Stephanie was a widow when she married King García, and the mother of a daughter Constanza who married her [second] husband´s illegitimate son Sancho (see below)[902]. Firstly, he says that this would explain Stephanie´s presence in Barcelona when she married, which is confirmed by the charter dated 1038 from San Juan de la Peña which names her for the first time with King García and records that he fetched her in Barcelona[903]. Secondly, it would explain the charter dated 29 Nov 1074 under which her son Sancho IV King of Navarre granted “unas casas en la ciudad de Calahorra” to “germano meo domno Sancio et uxori vestra vel germana mea domna Constanza”[904], the reference to his sister-in-law as “germana mea” being unusual if she was not also his own sister. Thirdly, it accords with the narrative in the Crónica Najerense which recounts that “infans domnus Sancius, quem rex Garsias Pampilonensium ex concubina habuerat” abducted “filiam regine Stephanie”, who was betrothed to “Santius rex”, and took her to the court of the Moorish king of Zaragoza and later to Ramiro I King of Aragon, triggering the war between Castille and Aragon in the course of which the Aragonese king was killed in 1064[905]. Salazar y Acha speculates that Stephanie´s first husband was an otherwise unidentified son of Bernardo [I] Conde de Besalú (whose possible sister was named Constanza) but this is only one of the possibilities. However, Salazar y Acha´s hypothesis, although appealing, appears unlikely to be correct because Queen Estefania does not include Constanza in her testament dated to [1066] which names all her other known children[906]. "Garsea…rex…cum mulier mea Stephania regina" confirmed the resettlement of Villanova de Pampaneto by charter dated 1 Jan 1044[907]. "Stephanie coniugis" is named in the charter of "Garsia rex, Sancii regis filius" dated 2 Dec 1052[908]. [m firstly ([1030/35]%29 --- (-1038 or before).] m [secondly] (1038) don GARCIA V "él de Nájera" King of Navarre, son of SANCHO III "el Mayor" King of Navarre & his wife Munia Mayor de Castilla ([after 1020]-killed in battle Atapuerca 1 Sep 1054, bur Santa María de Nájera).] Stephanie & [her first husband had one possible child]:

a) [CONSTANZA ([1033/37]-after 1074). "Sancius rex" granted property to "senior Sancio Furtuniones" by charter dated 7 Dec 1057, confirmed by "…Infante domno Santio et uxor eius domna Contanza…"[909]. Salazar y Acha discusses her possible parentage, her possible betrothal and her marriage[910]. The Crónica Najerense records that “infans domnus Sancius, quem rex Garsias Pampilonensium ex concubina habuerat” abducted “filiam regine Stephanie”, who was betrothed to “Santius rex”, and took her to the court of the Moorish king of Zaragoza and later to Ramiro I King of Aragon, triggering the war between Castille and Aragon during the course of which the Aragonese king was killed in 1064[911]. Salazar y Acha hypothesises that this alleged daughter of Stephanie de Foix, wife of García V King of Navarre, was Constanza, born from an otherwise unrecorded earlier marriage with a noble at the court of Barcelona[912]. He cites the charter dated 29 Nov 1074 under which Sancho IV King of Navarre granted “unas casas en la ciudad de Calahorra” to “germano meo domno Sancio et uxori vestra vel germana mea domna Constanza”[913], suggesting that it would be unusual for King Sancho to refer to his brother´s wife as “germana” unless there was also a blood relationship between them. However, Salazar y Acha´s hypothesis, although appealing, appears unlikely to be correct because Queen Estefania does not include Constanza in her testament dated to [1066] which names all her other known children[914]. [Betrothed to don SANCHO de Castilla y León, son of don FERNANDO I "el Magno" King of Castile and León & his wife doña Sancha de León ([1036]-murdered Zamora 7 Oct 1072, bur Monastery of Oña). He succeeded in 1065 as SANCHO II King of Castile.] m (before 7 Dec 1057) SANCHO García de Navarra Señor de Uncastillo y Sangüesa, illegitimate son of GARCÍA V King of Navarre & his mistress --- ([1030/35]-after 29 Nov 1074).]

Bernard-Roger of Foix

and in French:

Bernard Roger (c.962 – c.1034) was the count of Couserans, in which capacity he was lord of parts of Comminges and Foix.

He was the son of count Roger I of Carcassonne. His elder brother, Raymond I of Carcassonne inherited the county of Carcassonne and the remaining part of the lordship of Comminges. Bernard Rogers comital status is attested in the donation to the Abbey of Saint-Hilaire in 1011.

He is the founder of the House of Foix which ruled that county for centuries. During his father's lifetime, he married Arsinde, or Garsenda, the heiress of the county of Bigorre.

He built the square tower of the castle at Foix in France and made it his capital, from which a town group up. He had endowed the monastery at Foix and in it he was buried when he died at the ripe old age of seventy-two.

His lands were divided:

   * His eldest son, Bernard of Foix, count of Bigorre, took the County of Bigorre.

* His second son, Roger I of Foix, count of Foix, became the first count of Foix, which included the castles of Castelpenent, Roquemaure, Lordat, and several within the county of Toulouse.
* His third and youngest son, Peter of Foix, lord of Couserans, inherited the lordship of Couserans. NOBILITY.htm

BERNARD ROGER de Carcassonne (summer 981-[22 Aug 1036/38]). "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[426]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Bernardo filio meo…comitatu de Cosoragno…castello de Fuxo”[427]. He succeeded in 1012 as Comte de Couserans and (part) Carcassonne, Seigneur du pays de Foix. He succeeded as Comte de Bigorre, de iure uxoris.

BERNARD ROGER de Carcassonne, son of ROGER [I] de Comminges Comte de Carcassonne & his wife Adelais de Pons (summer 981-[22 Aug 1036/38]). "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[858]. "Rotgerius comes et marchio cum coniuge comitissa Adalaisse atque cum prole Regimundo Barnardoque" donated property with the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated 1 Nov 984[859]. "Rodgarius comes et uxor mea Aladaiz" donated property to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Aug [1001], signed by "Ramundo, Bernardo, Petrone"[860]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Bernardo filio meo…comitatu de Cosoragno…castello de Fuxo”[861]. "Rogerius comes et conjux mea Adalaizis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Hilaire, including property which "frater meus Oddo comes habuit", for the soul of "fratris mei Oddoni comitis" and for "filio nostro Regimundo comite", by charter dated Apr 1011, signed by "…Bernardus et dominus Petrus…comites…"[862]. He succeeded in 1012 as Comte de Couserans and (part) Carcassonne, Seigneur du pays de Foix. Comte de Bigorre, by right of his wife.

m ([1010]%29 GARSENDA Ctss de Bigorre, daughter of GARCIA ARNAUD Comte de Bigorre & his wife Ricarda --- ([986]-[1032/34]). Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1034 under which “Rotgarius filius Garsente” paid homage to “Petrone episcopo filio Adalais”[863]. The 15th century Chronicle of Esquerrier names "dona Beatriz de Bezes" as the wife of "Mossen Bernard"[864], but this source is too late to give much credibility to its account of the early comtes de Foix. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.

Comte Bernard Roger & his wife had six children:

1. BERNARD de Foix (-before 24 Jun 1077). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Bigorre.


2. ROGER [I] de Foix (-[1064]). “Petrus episcopus” divided property “cum Rodgario nepote suo” by charter dated 1034 which names “Bernardus pater eius”[865]. “Rotgarius filius Garsente” paid homage to “Petrone episcopo filio Adalais” by charter dated 1034[866]. Comte de Foix. "Rotgerius comes de Foys [et] uxor eius" donated property to Cluny by charter dated 1049[867]. "Rogerius comes filius Rangard" [Comte de Carcassonne] and "Rogerium comitem filium Garsendæ comitissæ" [Comte de Foix] confirmed their agreement relating to "civitate…Carcassona" by charter dated to [1063][868]. m --- (-after [1060]). There is an anonymous reference to her in the joint donation to Cluny by "Rotgerius comes de Foys [et] uxor eius" dated 1049[869]. The edition quoted confirms that the name "Amica" (which appears in this charter as it is reproduced in the 3rd edition of the Histoire Générale de Languedoc[870]%29 was added by the first editor of the charter as the name of Count Roger's wife but that it does not appear in the original[871]. The 15th century Chronicle of Esquerrier names "Madona Arsenda" as the wife of "Mossen Roger"[872], but this source is too late to give much credibility to its account of the early comtes de Foix.

3. PIERRE BERNARD de Foix (-1071). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified, other than the reference to him as "Petrus Bernardi comes". Comte de Couserans, Comte de Foix. "Petrus Bernardi comes" sold his rights "in villa Calsan" to the monastery of Camon, with the consent of "Rodgerii comitis filii sui", by charter dated to [1070][873]. m LETGARDE, daughter of --- (-after [1074]). "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et genetrix mea…Ledgardis" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074][874]. Comte Pierre Bernard & his wife had two children:

a) ROGER [II] de Foix (-1124). His father's name is confirmed by the charter dated to [1064/71] under which "Petrus Bernardi comes de Alberga et de Forcia" donated property to the abbey of Lagrasse on the advice of "Rodgerii comitis filii sui"[875]. "Petrus Bernardi comes" sold his rights "in villa Calsan" to the monastery of Camon, with the consent of "Rodgerii comitis filii sui", by charter dated to [1070][876]. He succeeded in 1074 as Comte de Foix. "…Rodgarii comitis de Fuxo…" subscribed the charter dated 7 Sep 1071 which records an agreement between "Wuiellmum Tolosanum comitem" and "Raimundum comitem Barchinonensem et Carchanonensem et Raimundem filium eius" settling their dispute about "castello de Laurago" [Lauragais][877]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et coniux mea Sicardis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074], subscribed by "domni G. comitis Tolosani et domni Raymundi fratris eius comitis Ruthenæ"[878]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et genetrix mea…Ledgardis" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074][879]. "Rogerius comes Fuxensis" and "Ermengarda vicecomitissa et…Bernardo Atonis filio eius" settled their disputes about the county of Carcassonne by charter dated 21 Apr 1095[880]. “Rogerius comes Fuxensis…et filius meus Rogerius” restored property to the abbey of Alet by charter dated 1108[881]. “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[882]. m firstly ([1073]%29 SICARDA, daughter of --- (-1076 or after). "Rogerius comes Fuxensis et coniux mea Sicardis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Pons de Thomières by charter dated to [1074][883]. "Rogerius comes [et] Sicardis uxor mea" made donations to Cluny dated 25 Jan 1075 and 1076[884]. m secondly ESTEFANÍA de Besalú, daughter of GUILLEM [II] "Trunus"[885] Conde de Besalú his wife Estefania de Provence. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated Dec 1129 of her son “Rogerius Fuxi comes, filius Rogerii et Stephaniæ”[886]. 1095. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Comte Roger [II] & his second wife had four children:

i) ROGER [III] de Foix (-[1147/48]). “Rogerius comes Fuxensis…et filius meus Rogerius” restored property to the abbey of Alet by charter dated 1108[887]. He succeeded his father in 1124 as Comte de Foix.

- see below.

ii) BERNARD de Foix (-[1120/27]). “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[888].

iii) PIERRE BERNARD de Foix . “Rogerius comes Fuxi et filii mei Rogerius et Bernardus et Petrus” donated property to the abbey of Lezat by charter dated 1120[889]. “Rogerius comes Fuxensis et fratres mei Petrus-Bernardi et Raimundus Rogerii” renounced their claim to the county of Carcassonne in favour of “Bernardo-Athonis vicecomite et cum uxore eius Cæcilia vicecomitissa, filiisque eorum Rogerio et Raimundo Trencavelli atque Bernardo” by charter dated 1 Apr 1125[890]. 1127.

iv) RAYMOND ROGER de Foix . “Rogerius comes Fuxensis et fratres mei Petrus-Bernardi et Raimundus Rogerii” renounced their claim to the county of Carcassonne in favour of “Bernardo-Athonis vicecomite et cum uxore eius Cæcilia vicecomitissa, filiisque eorum Rogerio et Raimundo Trencavelli atque Bernardo” by charter dated 1 Apr 1125[891]. 1127. m ---. The name of Raymond Roger´s wife is not known. Raymond Roger & his wife had one child:

(a) RAYMOND de Foix . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

b) PIERRE de Foix (-after 17 Aug 1084). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. "Petrus comes" donated "alodem meum…in comitatu Tolosano…monte…de Fonte-rubati [Monte-Domini]" to the abbey of Cluse, with the consent of "uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Rogerii et Raymundi", by charter dated 17 Aug 1084[892]. m --- (-after 17 Aug 1084). The name of Pierre´s wife is not known. Pierre & his wife had two children:

i) ROGER de Foix . "Petrus comes" donated property to the abbey of Cluse, with the consent of "uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Rogerii et Raymundi", by charter dated 17 Aug 1084[893].

ii) RAYMOND de Foix . "Petrus comes" donated property to the abbey of Cluse, with the consent of "uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Rogerii et Raymundi", by charter dated 17 Aug 1084[894].

4. HERACLIUS de Foix . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. 1037/65. Bishop of Bigorre 1056.

5. GILBERGA de Foix ([1015]-1 Dec 1049, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña). The Crónica de San Juan de la Peña records that Ramiro married "la filla del Comte de Bigorra nombrada Hermissenda et por baptismo Gelberda"[895]. The marriage contract between "Ranimirus…prolis Sanctioni regis" and "Gilberga filiam comitis Bernardi-Rodegari et comitissæ matris eius…Garsinde" is dated 22 Aug 1036 and lists her dowry as "castellum…Atheres", judged spurious by the Histoire Générale de Languedoc[896]. She adopted the name ERMESENDA as Queen of Aragon[897]. This is confirmed by the charter dated Oct 1076 under which her daughter "Sancia comitissa Ranimiri regis filia et Armissende regina" donated property to the monastery of Santa Cruz de la Serós[898]. m (contract Jaca 22 Aug 1036) as his first wife, RAMIRO I King of Aragon, illegitimate son of SANCHO III King of Navarre & his mistress Sancha de Aibar (Aibar [1008]-killed in battle Graus 8 May 1063, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña).

6. [STEPHANIE (-after 1066). "Garsea…rex, Sancionis regis filius…cum coniuge mea domina Stefania regina" granted two monasteries to abbot Gómez of Yábar by charter dated 1040[899]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. According to Marca, "les mémoires du convent de Nagara" state that she was "fille du comte de Foix", but he does not provide a direct quote or source reference[900]. The Histoire Générale de Languedoc refers to a marriage contract (again, no quote or source reference) dated 1036, but this is not reproduced by Marca[901]. This is all too vague to show Stephanie´s origin other than in square brackets in this document, until more precise information comes to light. Salazar y Acha suggests that Stephanie was a widow when she married King García, and the mother of a daughter Constanza who married her [second] husband´s illegitimate son Sancho (see below)[902]. Firstly, he says that this would explain Stephanie´s presence in Barcelona when she married, which is confirmed by the charter dated 1038 from San Juan de la Peña which names her for the first time with King García and records that he fetched her in Barcelona[903]. Secondly, it would explain the charter dated 29 Nov 1074 under which her son Sancho IV King of Navarre granted “unas casas en la ciudad de Calahorra” to “germano meo domno Sancio et uxori vestra vel germana mea domna Constanza”[904], the reference to his sister-in-law as “germana mea” being unusual if she was not also his own sister. Thirdly, it accords with the narrative in the Crónica Najerense which recounts that “infans domnus Sancius, quem rex Garsias Pampilonensium ex concubina habuerat” abducted “filiam regine Stephanie”, who was betrothed to “Santius rex”, and took her to the court of the Moorish king of Zaragoza and later to Ramiro I King of Aragon, triggering the war between Castille and Aragon in the course of which the Aragonese king was killed in 1064[905]. Salazar y Acha speculates that Stephanie´s first husband was an otherwise unidentified son of Bernardo [I] Conde de Besalú (whose possible sister was named Constanza) but this is only one of the possibilities. However, Salazar y Acha´s hypothesis, although appealing, appears unlikely to be correct because Queen Estefania does not include Constanza in her testament dated to [1066] which names all her other known children[906]. "Garsea…rex…cum mulier mea Stephania regina" confirmed the resettlement of Villanova de Pampaneto by charter dated 1 Jan 1044[907]. "Stephanie coniugis" is named in the charter of "Garsia rex, Sancii regis filius" dated 2 Dec 1052[908]. [m firstly ([1030/35]%29 --- (-1038 or before).] m [secondly] (1038) don GARCIA V "él de Nájera" King of Navarre, son of SANCHO III "el Mayor" King of Navarre & his wife Munia Mayor de Castilla ([after 1020]-killed in battle Atapuerca 1 Sep 1054, bur Santa María de Nájera).] Stephanie & [her first husband had one possible child]:

a) [CONSTANZA ([1033/37]-after 1074). "Sancius rex" granted property to "senior Sancio Furtuniones" by charter dated 7 Dec 1057, confirmed by "…Infante domno Santio et uxor eius domna Contanza…"[909]. Salazar y Acha discusses her possible parentage, her possible betrothal and her marriage[910]. The Crónica Najerense records that “infans domnus Sancius, quem rex Garsias Pampilonensium ex concubina habuerat” abducted “filiam regine Stephanie”, who was betrothed to “Santius rex”, and took her to the court of the Moorish king of Zaragoza and later to Ramiro I King of Aragon, triggering the war between Castille and Aragon during the course of which the Aragonese king was killed in 1064[911]. Salazar y Acha hypothesises that this alleged daughter of Stephanie de Foix, wife of García V King of Navarre, was Constanza, born from an otherwise unrecorded earlier marriage with a noble at the court of Barcelona[912]. He cites the charter dated 29 Nov 1074 under which Sancho IV King of Navarre granted “unas casas en la ciudad de Calahorra” to “germano meo domno Sancio et uxori vestra vel germana mea domna Constanza”[913], suggesting that it would be unusual for King Sancho to refer to his brother´s wife as “germana” unless there was also a blood relationship between them. However, Salazar y Acha´s hypothesis, although appealing, appears unlikely to be correct because Queen Estefania does not include Constanza in her testament dated to [1066] which names all her other known children[914]. [Betrothed to don SANCHO de Castilla y León, son of don FERNANDO I "el Magno" King of Castile and León & his wife doña Sancha de León ([1036]-murdered Zamora 7 Oct 1072, bur Monastery of Oña). He succeeded in 1065 as SANCHO II King of Castile.] m (before 7 Dec 1057) SANCHO García de Navarra Señor de Uncastillo y Sangüesa, illegitimate son of GARCÍA V King of Navarre & his mistress --- ([1030/35]-after 29 Nov 1074).]

Bernard-Roger of Foix

and in French:

Bernard Roger (c.962 – c.1034) was the count of Couserans, in which capacity he was lord of parts of Comminges and Foix.

He was the son of count Roger I of Carcassonne. His elder brother, Raymond I of Carcassonne inherited the county of Carcassonne and the remaining part of the lordship of Comminges. Bernard Rogers comital status is attested in the donation to the Abbey of Saint-Hilaire in 1011.

He is the founder of the House of Foix which ruled that county for centuries. During his father's lifetime, he married Arsinde, or Garsenda, the heiress of the county of Bigorre.

He built the square tower of the castle at Foix in France and made it his capital, from which a town group up. He had endowed the monastery at Foix and in it he was buried when he died at the ripe old age of seventy-two.

His lands were divided:

   * His eldest son, Bernard of Foix, count of Bigorre, took the County of Bigorre.

* His second son, Roger I of Foix, count of Foix, became the first count of Foix, which included the castles of Castelpenent, Roquemaure, Lordat, and several within the county of Toulouse.
* His third and youngest son, Peter of Foix, lord of Couserans, inherited the lordship of Couserans.

Roger-Bernard I of Foix

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roger Bernard I the Fat (c. 1130 – November 1188) was the fourth Count of Foix from 1148. He made peace with the church.

At Pamiers in 1149 and again in 1163, he had to make restitution of confiscated lands to the church of Saint-Antonin of Fredelas. He made a paréage with the church dividing the government of the lands between them. The count was to have charge of defence and justice. Another pareage was established with the abbey of Saint-Volusien in 1168, where rents were split between the ecclesiastic and comital authorities.

On 11 July 1151, Roger Bernard married Cecilia, daughter of Raymond Trencavel, and became a vassal of the County of Barcelona. However, he avoided involving himself in the count's war of 1159 and concentrated on expanding his own zone of influence, as by a treaty with the lords of Dun in 1162. In 1185, he was finally constrained to fight alongside the count of Barcelona, Alfonso the Chaste, in southern France. Only Bernard IV of Comminges successfully remained neutral. It seems that the count intended to confide the government of Provence to him.

Roger Bernard was buried in the abbey of Boulbonne and succeeded by his son Raymond Roger. He was also the father of Esclarmonde de Foix.

Bernard-Roger of Foix

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bernard Roger (c.962 – c.1034) was the count of Couserans, in which capacity he was lord of parts of Comminges and Foix.

He was the son of count Roger I of Carcassonne. His elder brother, Raymond I of Carcassonne inherited the county of Carcassonne and the remaining part of the lordship of Comminges. Bernard Rogers comital status is attested in the donation to the Abbey of Saint-Hilaire in 1011.

He is the founder of the House of Foix which ruled that county for centuries. During his father's lifetime, he married Arsinde, or Garsenda, the heiress of the county of Bigorre.

He built the square tower of the castle at Foix in France and made it his capital, from which a town group up. He had endowed the monastery at Foix and in it he was buried when he died at the ripe old age of seventy-two.

His lands were divided:

His eldest son, Bernard of Foix, count of Bigorre, took the County of Bigorre.

His second son, Roger I of Foix, count of Foix, became the first count of Foix, which included the castles of Castelpenent, Roquemaure, Lordat, and several within the county of Toulouse.

His third and youngest son, Peter of Foix, lord of Couserans, inherited the lordship of Couserans.

Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre1,2

b. circa 990, d. circa 1038

Father Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges b. circa 945, d. after April 1011

Mother Adelais de Pons b. circa 945, d. after April 1011

    Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the father of Gilberga de Couserans; the daughter of Bernardo Roger, count of Couserans, and Garsenda, countess of Bigorre.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the son of Roger I, comte de Carcassone, and Adelais, sister of Baldwin de Pons.2 He was related to Clemence de Foix; hypothesized as another sibling of the family of Bernard Roger, Count of Foix, and provisionally named Clemence.3 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the father of Estefania de Foix; the daughter of Bernardo Roger, count of Couserans, and Garsenda, countess of Bigorre.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the successor of Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges; Count of Couserans.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the successor of Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges; Lord of Foix.2,4 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was born circa 990. He was the son of Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges and Adelais de Pons. Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre married Gersinde, comtesse de Bigorre, daughter of García Arnaldo, comte de Bigorre and Ricar d' Astarac, circa 1010.2,5 Comte de Bigorre at Hautes-Pyrénées, Midi-Pyrenees, France, between 1010 and 1038.2 Comte de Couserans at Ariège, Midi-Pyrenees, France, between April 1011 and 1038.2 1st Count of Foix at Ariège, Midi-Pyrénées, France, between April 1011 and 1038.2,4 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the predecessor of Pedro Bernardo, comte de Couserans et de Foix; Count of Foix.2,4 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre died circa 1038.2 He was the predecessor of Pedro Bernardo, comte de Couserans et de Foix; Count of Couserans.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the predecessor of Bernardo II, comte de Bigorre; comte de Bigorre.2


Gersinde, comtesse de Bigorre b. circa 995, d. after 1038


Clemence de Foix+ b. c 1010

Estefania de Foix+ b. a 1010, d. a 1066

Bernardo II, comte de Bigorre+ b. a 1010, d. c 1077

Pedro Bernardo, comte de Couserans et de Foix b. c 1014, d. 10712

Gilberga de Couserans+ b. c 1016, d. 1054

Heraclius, évêque de Bigorre b. c 10162

Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre1,2

b. circa 990, d. circa 1038

Father Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges b. circa 945, d. after April 1011

Mother Adelais de Pons b. circa 945, d. after April 1011

    Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the father of Gilberga de Couserans; the daughter of Bernardo Roger, count of Couserans, and Garsenda, countess of Bigorre.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the son of Roger I, comte de Carcassone, and Adelais, sister of Baldwin de Pons.2 He was related to Clemence de Foix; hypothesized as another sibling of the family of Bernard Roger, Count of Foix, and provisionally named Clemence.3 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the father of Estefania de Foix; the daughter of Bernardo Roger, count of Couserans, and Garsenda, countess of Bigorre.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the successor of Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges; Count of Couserans.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the successor of Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges; Lord of Foix.2,4 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was born circa 990. He was the son of Roger I "el Viejo", comte de Comminges and Adelais de Pons. Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre married Gersinde, comtesse de Bigorre, daughter of García Arnaldo, comte de Bigorre and Ricar d' Astarac, circa 1010.2,5 Comte de Bigorre at Hautes-Pyrénées, Midi-Pyrenees, France, between 1010 and 1038.2 Comte de Couserans at Ariège, Midi-Pyrenees, France, between April 1011 and 1038.2 1st Count of Foix at Ariège, Midi-Pyrénées, France, between April 1011 and 1038.2,4 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the predecessor of Pedro Bernardo, comte de Couserans et de Foix; Count of Foix.2,4 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre died circa 1038.2 He was the predecessor of Pedro Bernardo, comte de Couserans et de Foix; Count of Couserans.2 Bernard Roger I, comte de Couserans, de Foix et de Bigorre was the predecessor of Bernardo II, comte de Bigorre; comte de Bigorre.2


Gersinde, comtesse de Bigorre b. circa 995, d. after 1038


Clemence de Foix+ b. c 1010

Estefania de Foix+ b. a 1010, d. a 1066

Bernardo II, comte de Bigorre+ b. a 1010, d. c 1077

Pedro Bernardo, comte de Couserans et de Foix b. c 1014, d. 10712

Gilberga de Couserans+ b. c 1016, d. 1054

Heraclius, évêque de Bigorre b. c 10162


[S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 227-33.

[S438] Theroff's Royal Genealogies, online, Foix.txt.

[S901] Todd A. Farmerie (e-mail address), Etiennette of Longwy - NOT!!!!

In "Etiennette of Longwy - NOT!!!!

," newsgroup message 2001-04-25 23:30:18 PST, per a 1960 article appearing in Annales de Bourgogne by Szabolcs de Vajay.

[S261] Regnal Chronologies, online, France, Foix.

[S1265], online, Counts of Bigorre, Ribagorza and Pailhars.

RAYMOND ROGER de Carcassonne (-before Apr 1011). "Rodgarius comes…cum Adalissa comitissa conjuge mea et Regimundo sobole" donated property "alodem meum de Corniliano" to the monastery of Saint-Hilaire, Carcassonne by charter dated 979[424]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Raimundo filio meo…civitatem Carcassonam cum ipso comitatu carcassense…[et] Redas castellum cum suo comitatu…et ipsa tertia parte de comitatu Cominico”[425]. He succeeded as Comte de Carcassonne.

RAYMOND ROGER de Carcassonne, son of ROGER [I] de Comminges Comte de Carcassonne & his wife Adelais --- (-before Apr 1011). "Rodgarius comes…cum Adalissa comitissa conjuge mea et Regimundo sobole" donated property "alodem meum de Corniliano" to the monastery of Saint-Hilaire, Carcassonne by charter dated 979[438]. "Roggarius comes…cum coniuge comitissa Adalaice seu Regimundo sobole atque Bernardo sobole" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated Aug 981[439]. "Rotgerius comes et marchio cum coniuge comitissa Adalaisse atque cum prole Regimundo Barnardoque" donated property with the abbey of Saint-Hilaire by charter dated 1 Nov 984[440]. "Rodgarius comes et uxor mea Aladaiz" donated property to the abbey of Lézat by charter dated Aug [1001], signed by "Ramundo, Bernardo, Petrone"[441]. “Rogerius comes”, under his testament dated to [1002], divided his properties, “ad Raimundo filio meo…civitatem Carcassonam cum ipso comitatu carcassense…[et] Redas castellum cum suo comitatu…et ipsa tertia parte de comitatu Cominico”[442]. He succeeded as Comte de Carcassonne, although as he predeceased his father this was presumably on the basis of some power-sharing arrangement. "Rogerius comes et conjux mea Adalaizis comitissa" donated property to Saint-Hilaire, including property which "frater meus Oddo comes habuit", for the soul of "fratris mei Oddoni comitis" and for "filio nostro Regimundo comite", by charter dated Apr 1011, signed by "…Bernardus et dominus Petrus…comites…"[443].

m (before 990) as her first husband, GARSINDIS de Béziers, daughter of GUILLAUME [II] Vicomte de Béziers & his first wife Ermentrudis --- (975-after 29 Sep 1043). The testament of "Guillelmus vicecomes", dated 990, appointed "…Arsindis vicecomitissa…" among his executors and named "filia sua Garsindis…filia mea Senegundis"[444]. "Ratulfus et uxor mea Lugrizia…" gave property "in comitatu Agathense in villa Almas" to "Raimundo comiti et uxore tue Garsindi comitisse" by charter dated 21 Jul 1007, which also names "Guillelmo vicecomes" but gives no indication of any relationship between the latter and Garsindis[445]. Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 26 Jun 1070 under which “Remundus Bernardi vicecomes cognomento Trencaveis et Ermengardis vicecomitissa conjux mea, filia…Rangardis comitissæ” transferred property to “Raimundo comiti Barcheonæ et Almodi comitissæ coniugi tuæ et filio vestro Raymundo Berengarii” which names “Guillermus vicecomes Biterrensis…avus Petri Raymundi”[446]. She married secondly (1013) as his second wife, Bernard "Pelet" Seigneur d'Anduze. A charter dated 18 Dec 1029 records the foundation of the monastery of Sauve by "Garsindis et filius meus Bremundus et frater eius Almeradus", for the soul of "genitoris nostri Barnardi", in the presence of "Wilelmi comitis Tholosani…Atthonis vicecomitis, et Berengarii, et fratris eius Elisiari de ipso Castro…Emenonis de Sabrano…"[447]. "Garsendis comitissa…et filiis meis Petro et Guillelmo et Bermundo" donated property to Conques, for the souls of "genitoris mei Guillelmi…genetricis meæ et…Bernardi senioris mei et filii mei Remundi et…filiorum meorum Guillelmi, Petroni, Bermundi", by charter dated Aug [1034][448]. "Petrus Raimundi comes" donated property to the church of Béziers, with the advice of "Garsindis comitissæ matri meæ", by charter dated 29 Sep 1043[449]. NOBILITY.htm