Bernhard Aleksander Jurno

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Bernhard Aleksander Jurno

Birthplace: Narva, Ida-Virumaa
Death: July 10, 1992 (75)
Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia
Place of Burial: Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Jurno and Luise Jurno
Husband of Virve Jurno
Father of Ivo Jurno
Brother of Gertha Johanna Jurno; Dagmar Wilhelmine Pajusoo; Ellinor Caecilie Jurno and Erika Jurno

Managed by: Toomas Pajusoo
Last Updated:
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Bernhard Aleksander Jurno's Timeline

July 13, 1916
Narva, Ida-Virumaa

Sündinud 13.07.1916

November 8, 1947
July 10, 1992
Age 75
Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia
July 16, 1992
Age 75
Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia