Immediate Family
About Bertha of Swabia
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIA.htm#BurkhardIIdied973
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertha_of_Swabia
Bertha of Swabia (c. 907 – after January 2, 966) was Queen consort of Burgundy. She was the daughter of Burchard II, Duke of Swabia and his wife Regelinda.
In 922, she was married to Rudolph II of Burgundy. Adelaide of Italy was their common daughter. Their son, Conrad succeeded Rudolph II as the King of Burgundy.
After Rudolph's death (937), Bertha married Hugh of Italy on December 12, 937. Hugo died in 947, and Bertha was married a third time.
- Married about 948 to Eberhard Lebarten ca 910-
- Parents : Eberhart Lebarten ca 875-906 & Amalrada Of Ringelheim ca 892-)
- (Son) Othon Lebarten ca 948-964 With Lukharde De Linselstein ca 940-
Berta von Alamannien
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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Berta von Alamannien (* um 907; † nach 2. Januar 966), als Gattin von Rudolf II. Königin von Hochburgund und nach der Vereinigung von Hoch- und Niederburgund ab 933 Königin von Burgund, in der Schweiz meistens Bertha von Schwaben genannt. Nach 937 wurde sie durch Heirat auch Königin der Lombardei.
Berta war die Tochter des Herzogs Burchard II. von Schwaben. Nachdem die expansiven Herrscher von Hochburgund ihre Ostgrenze auf Kosten Schwaben-Alamanniens von der Aare an die Reuss verlegten, dann aber im Jahre 919 in der Schlacht bei Winterthur in der Schweiz eine Niederlage erlitten hatten, wurde Berta wohl im Jahr 922 als Versöhnungsgeste mit König Rudolf II. von Hochburgund vermählt. Die gemeinsame Tochter Adelheid wurde in zweiter Ehe die Gattin von Kaiser Otto I..
Rudolf und Berta wurden grosse Kirchenstifter in der Westschweiz. Nach Rudolfs Tod 937 amtierte Berta zeitweise als Vormund von König Konrad von Burgund. Sie heiratete am 12. Dezember 937 König Hugo von Italien Die Ehe blieb unglücklich, nach Hugos Tod 947 verbrachte Berta den Rest ihres Lebens wieder nördlich der Alpen, wobei die Angaben unsicher sind.
Berta hat die Gründung des Marienkloster Payerne, das nach ihrem Tod von ihrer Tochter, Kaiserin Adelheid über der Grablege der Mutter zum Zwecke der Memoria (siehe auch Memorialwesen) errichtet wurde, mit Schenkungen befördert.
Sie ist eine sagen- und legendenumwobene Identifikationsfigur in der französischsprachigen Schweiz (die gute Königin Bertha, La reine Berthe), auch etwa bei der Gründung des Kantons Waadt. Mit der Reformation wurde ihr Bild von der guten Herrscherin zu jenem der vorbildlichen Hausfrau umgedeutet. Ein weiterer Beiname, Berta die Spinnerin, leitet sich daraus ab.
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* Genealogische Erwähnung
* Historischer Bericht über Berta von Alamannien (PDF-Datei; 71 kB)
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1. April 2010 um 13:48 Uhr geändert.
Bertha of Swabia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bertha of Swabia (c. 907 – after January 2, 966) was Queen consort of Burgundy. She was the daughter of Burchard II, Duke of Swabia and his wife Regelinda.
In 922, she was married to Rudolph II of Burgundy. Adelaide of Italy was their common daughter. Their son, Conrad succeeded Rudolph II as the King of Burgundy.
After Rudolph's death (937), Bertha married Hugh of Italy on December 12, 937. Hugo died in 947, and Bertha was married a third time.
Bertha of Swabia (c. 907 – after January 2, 966) was Queen consort of Burgundy. She was the daughter of Burchard II, Duke of Swabia and his wife Regelinda.
In 922, she was married to Rudolph II of Burgundy. Adelaide of Italy was their common daughter. Their son, Conrad succeeded Rudolph II as the King of Burgundy.
After Rudolph's death (937), Bertha married Hugh of Italy on December 12, 937. Hugo died in 947, and Bertha was married a third time.
Bertha of Swabia (c. 907 – after January 2, 966) was Queen consort of Burgundy. She was the daughter of Burchard II, Duke of Swabia and his wife Regelinda.
In 922, she was married to Rudolph II of Burgundy. Adelaide of Italy was their common daughter. Their son, Conrad succeeded Rudolph II as the King of Burgundy.
After Rudolph's death (937), Bertha married Hugh of Italy on December 12, 937. Hugo died in 947, and Bertha was married a third time.
Emma of France (894–November 2, 934) was daughter of Robert I of France and Béatrice of Vermandois. In 921 she married Duke Rudolph of Burgundy who was crowned king 13 July 923, at Saint-Médard de Soissons. She was very politically active and an army leader. The marriage produced a son, who died young. She died in 934, after having helped her husband stop the revolts of several vassals. Her family is known as the Robertians.
Emma de France (1)
F, #105191
Last Edited=31 Oct 2004
Emma de France is the daughter of Robert I, Roi de France. (1) She married Rudolf de Bourgogne, Roi de France, son of Richard 'the Justicer' d'Autun, Duc de Bourgogne and Adelaide d'Auxerre. (1)
Emma of France (894–November 2, 934) daughter of Robert I of France and Béatrice of Vermandois, she married in 921 the duke Rudolph of Burgundy who was crowned king 13 July 923 at Saint-Médard de Soissons. She was very politically active and an army leader. The marriage produced a son, who died at a young age. She died in 934, after having helped her husband stop the revolts of several vassals. Her family is known as the Robertians.
From the Wikipedia page on Emma of France:
Emma of France (894–November 2, 934) was daughter of Robert I of France and Aelis. In 921 she married Duke Rudolph of Burgundy who was crowned king 13 July 923, at Saint-Médard de Soissons. She was very politically active and an army leader. The marriage produced a son, who died young. She died in 934, after having helped her husband stop the revolts of several vassals. Her family is known as the Robertians.
Emma of France (894–November 2, 934) was daughter of Robert I of France and Béatrice of Vermandois. In 921 she married Duke Rudolph of Burgundy who was crowned king 13 July 923, at Saint-Médard de Soissons. She was very politically active and an army leader. The marriage produced a son, who died young. She died in 934, after having helped her husband stop the revolts of several vassals. Her family is known as the Robertians.
Preceded by
Béatrice of Vermandois Queen of Western Francia
923–934 Succeeded by
Gerberga of Saxony
This biography of a French peer or noble is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
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Emma of France (894–November 2, 934) daughter of Robert I of France and Béatrice of Vermandois, she married in 921 the duke Rudolph of Burgundy who was crowned king 13 July 923 at Saint-Médard de Soissons. She was very politically active and an army leader. The marriage produced a son, who died at a young age. She died in 934, after having helped her husband stop the revolts of several vassals. Her family is known as the Robertians.
Bertha of Swabia's Timeline
923 |
Arles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
929 |
Burgundy, Marne, Grand Est, France
931 |
Burgundy, France
966 |
January 2, 966
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
???? |
Rhone Valley, Burgundy, France
???? | |||
???? |