Immediate Family
About Bertha of the Obertenghi, of Milan of Luni
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertha_of_Milan
- https://web.archive.org/web/20140111021815/http://epistolae.ccnmtl....
Probably the same as her sister Bertha, queen of Italy
There are 2 distinct pages also on wikipedia, which however report the probability, which we also find on her father's Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otbert_II,_Margrave_of_Milan :
- half of the languages report the thesis of a single Berta. (the other half don't specify)
- MedLands simply quotes them in place 3) and 6) distinctly without specifications.
(it is certainly a beautiful coincidence that King Arduin is forced to abdicate and become a friar in exile in the mountains in 1013... and a sister of the same name from Berta is married in 1014... and Arduino dies in 1015... but what happened to the former Queen? :)
There is no document in MedLands that contradicts the thesis of a single Berta .. only the date of birth c.997 assigned to Berta(6) by whom or what? [and the "c." of MedLands are very elastic]
Oberto [II] & his wife had six children:
3) BERTA . "Ardoinus…rex" confirmed the rights of the church of Como in the bridges and county of Chiavenna "quæ Hicila filia comitis Ottonis in villa Slopence in pago Ratenzgowe et in comitatu Adalberti comitis habuit" by charter dated 25 Mar 1002 which names "Berta regina nostra coniunx nostrique regni consors"[341]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. m ARDOINO Marchese d'Ivrea, son of DADO Marchese d'Ivrea & his wife [Bertrada ---] (-Fruttuaria Abbey 15 Dec 1015). He was crowned ARDOINO King of Italy at Pavia 15 Feb 1002.
6) BERTA ([997]-[29 Dec 1037/1040]). "Heinricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Manfredus marchio et Berta uxor eius et fratres eiusdem Manfredi, id est Alricus episcopus et Oddo comes, et Ardoinus consobrinus eorum", by charter dated 1014[367]. "Oldericus Maginfredus marchio f. quondam…Maginfredi marchionis et Berta comitissa jugales filia q. Obberti marchionis" sold property "in comitatu Parmensi, Placensiensi, Ticinensi, Tortonensi, Vercellensi, Aquensi, Astensi, Eporediensi, Torinensi, Oradiensi, Albensi, Avigenensi, Aberganensi, Vigintimiliensi" to "Sigifredo presbitero filio q. Adelgisi", with "notitia propinquorum parentum suorum, id est Adalberti marchionis germani sui et Alberti infantis nepotis sui", by charter dated 6 Jun 1021[368]. Her parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 1029 under which "Alricus…Astensis Ecclesiæ Episcopus et Odelricus qui et Magenfridus…Marchio germanus et filii bone memorie itemque Magnifredi…Marchionis, et Berta…Comitissa, jugales, filia quondam Autberti…Marchionis" founded the monastery of Segusini Sancti Justi[369]. She inherited land in the counties of Tortone, Parma and Piacenza[370]. "Odelricus qui et Manfredus marchio f. quondam Manfredi marchionis et Berta comitissa jugales f. quondam Autberti marchionis" granted privileges "in comitatibus Taurinensi, Vercellensi, Iporiensi, Astensi, Albensi, Albiganensi, Vigintimiliensi, Parmensi, Placentinensi, Ticinensi, Aquensi" to the monastery of "S. Mariæ et Ss. Solutoris, Adventoris et Octavii braidam juxta Palatium" by charter dated 1031, signed by "Maginfredi march., Adalberti et Opizzoni utriusque marchionis qui Bertæ germane…Cuniberti et Wilelmi seu marchionis…"[371]. "Chuonradus Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed donations to the monastery of San Giusto at Susa made by "Mainfredus marchio nec non Berta comitissa", by charter dated 29 Dec 1037[372]. "Adaleida f. quondam Maginfredi marchionis et coniux Ermanni ducis et marchionis" donated property "in loco Porciana" to the monastery of San Stefano at Genoa by charter dated 4 Jul [1038], signed by "Bertæ comitissæ…"[373]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the possessions of the church at Asti by undated charter placed in the compilation with other charters dated 1091, which notes among others the donations by "marchio Manfredus et Berta comitissa et Alricus episcopus"[374]. m ( [1014] ) MANFREDO UDALRICO Marchese di Susa and Turin, son of MANFREDO [I] Marchese of Turin & his wife Prangarda di Canossa (992-Turin 29 Oct 1034, bur Turin, cathedral of San Giovanni).
same Berta on: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obertenghi#Genealogia_essenziale
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Other than his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters:
* Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
* Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
The Obertenghi were a family of Italian nobility descended from Count Obert I of Luni, the first margrave of Milan and Eastern Liguria, a march called the marca Januensis, marca Obertenga or march of Genoa.
Early in 951, Berengar II of Italy finished the reorganisation of the Italian feudal structure begun by his predecessor Hugh. He named three new margraves to three new territories:
* Aleram, Count of Vercelli, he named margrave of Western Liguria: (Vercelli, Monferrato, Ceva, Acqui Terme, Oneglia, Albenga) (marca Aleramica);
* Arduin Glaber was elevated from count to margrave of Turin: (Torino, Ivrea, Maritime Alps, Nizza, Ventimiglia, Sanremo) (the marca Arduinica);
* Obert I margrave of Milan and count of Luni, was given the new marca Obertenga, Milan and Eastern Liguria. Eastern Liguria at this time contained the counties of Genoa, Luni, Tortona, Bobbio, Parma and Piacenza,Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara, Ascoli Piceno.
The Obertenghi margraviate was the source of the fiefs of the Este, Pallavicini, Malaspina, Fieschi, Della Torre, Visconti of Gallura, Parodi, Pinelli, Lupi, Massa, Della Berardenga, Cavalcabò, Adalbertina, etc.
* Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Northern Italy, 900–1100.
* Trillmich, Werner. Kaiser Konrad II und seine Zeit.
The family of Udalrich Manfred MARKGRAFIN and Berta degli OBERTENGHI
[134961] MARKGRAFIN, Udalrich Manfred (..)
- married
OBERTENGHI (degli), Berta (..)
1) Adelheid, married about 1046 Odo de SAVOIE
Bibliographie : Europaische Stammtafeln
Ulric Manfred II of Turin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ulric Manfred married Bertha (born 997) of the Obertenghi, daughter of Oberto II, in 1014. That year, the Emperor Henry confirmed their joint donation to the abbey of Fruttuaria. On 29 December 1037, the Emperor Conrad confirmed a donation to San Giusto expressly without her. She must therefore have died in the meanwhile. Other than his aforementioned heir, Adelaide, Ulric Manfred had two other daughters:
Irmgard (also Emilia or Immula; died 28 January 1078), married Otto III, Duke of Swabia
Bertha (died after 1050), inherited Vasto and Busco, married Otto, Marquis of Liguria (a great-grandson of Aleram) and was the mother of Boniface del Vasto
She died after 4 Nov 1037.
They had the following children:
- Adelaide von SUSA was born 1018 and died 19 Dec 1091.
- Ermengarde von SUSA was born 1020 and died 3 Dec 1077.
- Berta von SUSA was born 1022.
Epistolae: Medieval Women’s Latin Letters: Bertha of the Obertenghi (brief biography of Bertha and translations of some legal documents issued by her) < link >
Bertha of the Obertenghi, of Milan of Luni's Timeline
997 |
Milan, Lombardy, Italy
1016 |
Susa, Torino, Piemonte, Italy
1017 |
Susa, Turin, Torino, Piemonte, Italy
1020 |
Turin, Piedmont, Italy
1037 |
December 29, 1037
Age 41
???? |