Berthold, Duke of Bavaria

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Berthold, Duke of Bavaria (b. - 947)

Also Known As: "Duke of Carinthia", "Duke of Bavaria"
Birthplace: Nördgau, Bavaria, Schwaben, Germany
Death: November 23, 947
Place of Burial: Niederbayern, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria and Cunigonde of Swabia
Husband of Biletrud
Father of Kunigunde von Bayern and Heinrich "der jünge", Duke of Carinthia, Duke of Bavaria
Brother of Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria

Occupation: Duc, de Bavière, Hertig av Kärnten 927, hertig i Bayern 938-945,
Managed by: Douglas John Nimmo
Last Updated:

About Berthold, Duke of Bavaria

LUITPOLD, son of --- ([850/60]-killed in battle near Pressburg 4 Jul 907).

[m firstly ([875/85] or before) ---.

m [secondly] as her first husband, KUNIGUNDE, sister of Graf ERCHANGER [Ahalolfinger], daughter of --- (-after 7 Jun 914, bur Kloster Lorsch). Her two marriages are confirmed by the Annales Alamannicorum which record the marriage in 913 of "sororem [Erchangeri] Liupoldi relictam" with the king[134]. Her second husband arranged their marriage in an unsuccessful attempt to ally himself with her brother and with Arnulf Duke of Bavaria[135]. "Chuonradus…rex" granted rights to Kloster Lorsch by charter dated 7 Jun 914 which names "coniugis nostre Chunigunde regine"[136]. She married secondly (913) Konrad I King of Germany [Konradiner].

Luitpold & his [first] wife had one child:

1. ARNULF ([875/85]-14 Jul 937, bur Regensburg St Emmeram).

Luitpold & his [second] wife had one child:

2. BERTHOLD (-23 Nov 947, bur Kloster Niederaltaich). Liutprand names "Bertaldus Bagoariorum dux" as brother of "Arnulfi ducis"[140]. It seems more likely that Berthold was the son of Duke Luitpold by his wife Kunigunde, bearing in mind that the latter's brother was also named Berthold. Judging from the known dates of Berthold's career, it would not be surprising if he was born several years after his [half-]brother Arnulf, whose birth date is estimated in [875/85] as shown above. He was installed as BERTHOLD Duke of Bavaria in 938 by Otto I King of Germany after the rebellion and expulsion of his nephew Eberhard, marking a decline in Bavarian autonomy which was symbolised by King Otto appointing Herolt as the new archbishop of Salzburg in 939[141]. "Otto…rex" gave Abtei Moosburg to the bishopric of Freising at the request of "ducis…Perchtoldi…Bavariensis regionis principum" by charter dated 29 May 940[142]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Ufgovve in comitatu Marchvvardi iuxta rivum Fuchtebah" to "comiti Marchvvardo [vassallo ducis Perchtoldi]" by charter dated 13 Jul 940 at the request of "ducis nostri Perchtoldi, simul et Kerungi ac Hiltiboldi comitum"[143]. "Otto…rex" granted property to "nostri servum Reginpreht" at the request of "ducis…Perehtoldi et Hiltibaldi comitis cuidam…comiti…Cadelahc" by charter dated 22 Sep 942[144]. The Annalium Ratisponensium Supplementum records the death in 949 of "Perchtoldus dux Noricorum"[145]. The necrology of Regensburg St Emmeram records the death "IX Kal Nov" of "Perchtoldus dux"[146]. m BIELETRUD, daughter of --- (-after 29 Sep 976). "Otto…imperator augustus" returned property "in pagis Swanifelden, Norekawe, Solezgawe" to "nobili matrone Biledrut" which had been confiscated from "maritus eius Berchtoldus dux" owned by him "tempore Arnolfi ducis", by charter dated 29 Sep 976[147]. She founded the convent of Bergen.
Berthold & his wife had [two] children:

a) HEINRICH (-5 Oct 989, bur [Niederaltaich]). "Henricus Minor, filius Bertoldi" is named in the Annalista Saxo, when recording his installation as Duke of Bavaria in 983[148]. Still a minor on his father's death, he was passed over in the succession to Bavaria when Otto I King of Germany established his own brother Heinrich as Duke[149]. He was appointed HEINRICH I Duke of Carinthia in 976 by Otto II King of Germany who had abstracted both Carinthia and the Italian marches from the duchy of Bavaria to create this new duchy. "Otto…imperator augustus" freed "clericum nomine Reginbato" at the request of "Heinricus Karentanorum dux" by charter dated 6 Apr 977[150]. He supported Heinrich II "der Zänker" Duke of Bavaria in his rebellion against his cousin Emperor Otto II. Together, they expelled Bishop Pilgrim from Passau, but were besieged there, put on trial at Magdeburg in 978, and imprisoned[151]. After his release, he was installed as HEINRICH III Duke of Bavaria at Verona in 983[152], but deprived of Bavaria in [early 985] when the duchy was returned to Heinrich I "der Zänker" as part of the terms of settlement of the latter's rebellion against King Otto III[153]. Heinrich was restored as Duke of Carinthia as part of this settlement[154]. "Heinricus dux Karintanorum…uxoris sue Hiltigardæ" donated property "in villa Vfhouun…aliam in villa sancti Georgii" [Aufhofen, St Georg] to Brixen cathedral by charter dated to [985][155]. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 989 of "Heinrichus dux"[156]. The Altahense Annales record the death in 989 of "Heinricus dux Karintanorum"[157]. m HILDEGARD, daughter of --- (-6 Aug after 989). "Heinricus dux Karintanorum…uxoris sue Hiltigardæ" donated property "in villa Vfhouun…aliam in villa sancti Georgii" [Aufhofen, St Georg] to Brixen cathedral by charter dated to [985][158]. The death of Hiltigard, widow of Heinrich III Duke of Bavaria, is recorded at Bamberg Cathedral on 6 Aug[159].
b) [KUNIGUNDE . Wegener refers to the donation by Babo Burggraf von Regensburg and his wife Mechtild to St Emmeram dated [1000/05] for their souls and that of his wife's brother "Perahtold", which also names her mother Kunigunde[160], speculating that Kunigunde was the daughter of Berthold Duke of Bavaria. m ULRICH Graf von Schweinachgau, son of ---.]

The Luitpoldings

One Luitpold, +846, had issue:

  • A1. a son; m.N, a dau.of Rudolf Welf
    • B1. Luitpold/Leopold Markgraf von der Ostmark, Mkgf der Kärntner Mark, von Pannonien und der bayerischen Ostmark 895, +Pressburg 4.7.907; m.895/900 Kunigunde von Schwaben (*ca 879 +915), dau.of Berthold, Pfgf of Swabia
      • C1. Arnulf I, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (907-937), *ca 898, +Regensburg 14.7.937; m.910/915 Judith of Friaul/von Sülichgau
        • ...
      • C2. a daughter; m.Gf Rudolf von Saalegau
      • C3. Berthold, Herzog von Kärnten (Duke in Carinthia) 927, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (938-945/947), *900, +23.11.947; m.Biltrude N
        • D1. Heinrich III "der Jüngere", Herzog von Bayern (983-985), Herzog von Kärnten, +989; m.Hildegard N
        • D2. Kunigunda; m.Gf Ulrich I Schweinachgau
    • B2. Emma; m.Gf Robert von Karintia
    • B3. Hérold

Berthold I van Beieren (ca. 890 - 23 november 947) was een jongere zoon van markgraaf Luitpold van Karinthië en van Cunigonde van Zwaben. In 926 was hij graaf van de Vinschgau en Engadin, en in 927 werd hij hertog van Karinthië. Nadat Otto I de Grote in 938 de opstandige hertog Everhard van Beieren, neef van Berthold, had verdreven, werd Berthold tot hertog van Beieren benoemd. Berthold moest daarvoor wel de bijzondere rechten van het hertogdom Beieren opgeven: het recht van bisschopsbenoeming en de beschikking over koningsgoederen. Otto wilde Berthold laten trouwen met zijn zuster Gerberga van Saksen, die net weduwe was geworden, maar Gerberga trouwde snel met Lodewijk IV van Frankrijk. Berthold verenigde Karinthië met Beieren maar bij zijn dood werden beide hertogdommen opnieuw gesplitst. Hij was van grote betekenis voor de verbreiding van het christendom in Karinthië. Hij versloeg in 943 de Hongaren bij Wels (stad). Berthold werd begraven in het klooster van Niederalteich. Hij was gehuwd met de H. Wiltrudis van Bergen. Ze kregen twee kinderen: Hendrik III van Beieren Kunigunde, getrouwd met Udalrich van de Schweinachgau.

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Berthold, Duke of Bavaria's Timeline

Engadin, Grisons Canton, Switzerland
November 23, 947
Nördgau, Bavaria, Schwaben, Germany
Engadin, Grisons Canton, Switzerland
Niederaltaich Abbey, Niederbayern, Germany