Berthold IV von Andechs-Meranien, Graf von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien, Herzog von Meranien

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Berthold IV von Andechs-Meranien, Graf von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien, Herzog von Meranien's Geni Profile

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Berthold IV von Andechs-Meranien, Graf von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien, Herzog von Meranien

Birthplace: Andech, Oberbayern, Bayern, Germany
Death: August 12, 1204 (40-49)
Andech, Oberbayern, Bayern, Germany
Place of Burial: Diessen, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Berthold III., Markgraf, Herzog von Andechs von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien-Krain and Hedwig von Wittelsbach
Husband of Agnes von Rochlitz
Father of Otto I. Herzog von Andechs-Meranien; St. Hedwig von Andechs, Patron Saint of Silesia; Constancia von Andechs; Mathilda Princess Of Andechs Meran; Berthold von Andechs, V and 5 others
Brother of Sophie von Istrien; Mathilde von Andechs; Kunigunde Istria von Andechs-Meranien and Heinrich von Andechs Istrien
Half brother of Poppo, Bishop of Bamburg and Berta, Abbess in Gerbstadt

Occupation: Markgraf, Herzog von Andechs von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien-Krain, duc de Mâeranie, Greve i Andechs, markgreve i Istrien, hertig i Meranien, DUKE OF MERAN, Herzog von Meranien, Crusader, Graf von Andechs Markgraf von Istrien Herzog von Meranien
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Berthold IV von Andechs-Meranien, Graf von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien, Herzog von Meranien

Berthold IV, Duke of Merania
vidi str.15 ; Bertold Meranski ban hrvatski i nadbiskup kaločki. (krivo piše treba umjesto VI staviti V)
BERTOLD IV, istarski markgrof i hrvatsko-dalmatinski vojvoda (prva pol. XII st. — 12. VIII 1204). Sin je Bertolda III. Andechs-Meranskoga (umro 1188) čiji je otac, Bertold II. (umro 1151), preko supruge Sofije, istarske markgrofice iz roda Weimar-Orlamünde, baštinio naslov istarskog markgrofa. B. se kao vojvoda Hrvatske i Dalmacije (dux Dalmatiae, Dalmatiae Croatiaegue dux) spominje 1180–1182 (prema F. Šišiću, do 1195). Nije utvrđeno da li je taj naslov dobio od kralja Bele III ili od cara Fridrika I Barbarosse nakon smrti cara Manojla (Emanuela) Komnena 1180. God. 1183–1185. nosi naslov hercega Meranije. Od tada se Andechsi nazivaju i Meranski. Svi ti naslovi bili su samo znak pretenzija na vladanje u tim krajevima, ali stvarnu vlast nije nikada imao, iako je u njima ratovao i stjecao posjede (Mehovo). Od 1188. je istarski markgrof (prema Šišiću od 1180).

LIT.: Edmund Oefele: Geschichte der Grafen von Andechs. Innsbruck 1877. — Franz Schumi: Urkunden- und Regestenbuch des Herzogtums Krain, 1. Ljubljana 1882/3; 2, 1884 i 1887. — Bernardo Benussi: Nel medio evo. Pagine di storia Istriana. Poreč 1897. — Dane Gruber: Bertold Meranski ban hrvatski i nadbiskup kaločki. Vjestnik Kr. hrvatsko-slavonsko-dalmatinskog zemaljskog arkiva, 5(1903) str. 18–19. — Ferdo Šišić: Pregled povijesti hrvatskoga naroda. Zagreb 1962. — Franz Tyroller: Andechs. Neue Deutsche Biographie. Berlin 1971², 226.

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Berthold IV (died 12 August 1204) was the Count of Andechs (from 1172) and first Duke of Merania, that is, the seacoast of Dalmatia and Istria, of the House of Andechs. He was the son of Berthold I of Istria and Hedwig of Wittelsbach.

In 1175, he was raised to the margraviate of Istria and then years later (1185) made the duke of the region called "Merania" after the Adriatic Sea (mare is Latin for "sea"). Merania encompassed the same area as the old margraviate, but its ruler now gained much prestige from his new title.

In 1186, he accompanied the Emperor Henry VI to the Kingdom of Sicily. In 1189, he led the third division of the imperial army and was its standard-bearer on the Third Crusade. In 1195, he appeared as the advocate of Tegernsee Abbey. After Henry's death in 1197, he sided with the claimant Philip of Swabia. At this juncture, the duke of Merania was at the height of his power and influence. He possessed lands from Franconia to the Adriatic.

Berthold died in 1204 and was buried in Diessen.

[edit] Marriage and issue

Berthold married Agnes of Rochlitz, and they had the following:

-1. Otto I, who succeeded his father

-2. Ekbert, bishop of Bamberg

-3. Henry, margrave of Istria

-4. Hedwig, married Henry I the Bearded, duke of Silesia

-5. Gertrude, married Andrew II of Hungary

-6. Agnes, married Philip II of France

-7. Berthold, patriarch of Aquileia

-8. Mathilde, abbess of Klitzingen

-9. An unnamed daughter married into the Nemanjic family of Serbia,_Duke_of_Merania


Berthold IV. (Andechs)

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Berthold IV. von Andechs († 12. August 1204) war Graf von Andechs und Herzog von Meranien. Er war der älteste Sohn des Grafen Berthold III. von Andechs und der Hedwig von Wittelsbach.

Um 1170 erstmals belegt, tritt er 1172 als Graf von Andechs auf und um 1175 als Markgraf von Istrien, zehn Jahre später (1185) für das Gebiet bei Rijeka als Herzog von Meranien. Wiederum zehn Jahre später, um 1195, ist er als Vogt von Tegernsee bezeugt.

Er nahm 1186 an König Heinrichs VI. Italienzug teil, später dann in Kaiser Barbarossas Heer am Dritten Kreuzzug. Nach dem Tod Heinrichs VI. stand er im Thronstreit auf der Seite Philipps von Schwaben.

In seiner Zeit erreichte die Familie Andechs-Meranien den Zenit ihres Ansehens. Ihr Besitz reichte von Franken bis an die Adria, und Berthold gelang es, seinen Töchtern sowohl die Krone Ungarns als auch die Frankreichs zu verschaffen, auch wenn die französische Ehe wegen einer nicht anerkannten Scheidung später annulliert wurde.

Berthold starb 1204 und wurde in Dießen bestattet.

Ehe und Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

1180 war er mit Agnes von Rochlitz aus der Familie der Wettiner verheiratet, der Tochter Dedos des Feisten, Graf von Groitzsch und Herr von Rochlitz. Sie starb am 25. März 1195 und wurde in Dießen beerdigt.

Berthold und Agnes hatten neun Kinder, vier Söhne und fünf Töchter:

   * Otto I., † 7. Mai 1234 in Besançon, 1205 Herzog von Meranien, 1211 Pfalzgraf von Burgund, 1228-1230 Markgraf von Istrien, begraben im Kloster Langheim; ∞ I 21. Juni 1208 in Bamberg Beatrix von Staufen, Pfalzgräfin von Burgund, † 7. Mai 1231, Tochter des Otto I. Pfalzgraf von Burgund (Staufer); ∞ II Sophie von Anhalt, † zwischen 23. November 1273 und 5. Januar 1274, Tochter des Fürsten Heinrich I. (Askanier)

* Heinrich, † 18. Juli 1228 in Windischgraz, 1205 Markgraf von Istrien, 1209-1211 geächtet aufgrund seiner angeblichen Teilnahme an der Ermordung des Königs Philipp von Schwaben; ∞ vor 1207 Sophie von Weichselburg, † 28. Februar 1256, Tochter des Grafen Albert
* Ekbert, † 6. Juni 1237 in Wien, 1234 Vormund des Herzogs Otto II., 1192 Propst von St. Gangolf in Bamberg, 1196 Propst in Theuerstadt, 1202 Dompropst in Bamberg, 1203-1237 Bischof von Bamberg, 1209-1212 geächtet
* Berthold, † 23. Mai 1251, 1205/06 Elekt und 1212 Erzbischof von Kalocsa, 1218 Patriarch von Aquileia
* Tochter, ∞ 24. April 1190 Toljen aus dem Haus der Nemanjiden
* Agnes, * wohl 1180, † 29. Juli 1201 im Château Poissy, dort auch begraben; ∞ 1. Juni 1196, geschieden 1200, Philipp August, 1180 König von Frankreich, † 14. Juli 1223 in Mantes-la-Jolie, begraben in der Basilika Saint-Denis (Kapetinger)
* Gertrud, † ermordet 8. September 1213; ∞ vor 1203 Andreas II. König von Ungarn, † 21. September 1235 (Arpaden) (die Eltern der heiligen Elisabeth von Thüringen)
* Hedwig die Heilige, * 1176/80, † 14. Mai 1243 als Äbtissin der Zisterzienser in Trebnitz, heilig gesprochen am 26. März 1267, begraben in Trebnitz; ∞ 1188/92 Heinrich I. Herzog von Schlesien, Krakau und Großpolen, † 19. März 1238 (Piasten)
* Mechtild, † 1. Dezember 1254, vor 1214 als Nonne in Sankt Theodor in Bamberg, 1215 Äbtissin von Kitzingen
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   * Materialsammlung

Berthold IV (died 12 August 1204) was the Count of Andechs (from 1172) and first Duke of Merania, that is, the seacoast of Dalmatia and Istria, of the House of Andechs. He was the son of Berthold I of Istria and Hedwig of Wittelsbach.

In 1175, he was raised to the margraviate of Istria and then years later (1185) made the duke of the region called "Merania" after the Adriatic Sea (mare is Latin for "sea"). Merania encompassed the same area as the old margraviate, but its ruler now gained much prestige from his new title.

In 1186, he accompanied the Emperor Henry VI to the Kingdom of Sicily. In 1189, he led the third division of the imperial army and was its standard-bearer on the Third Crusade. In 1195, he appeared as the advocate of Tegernsee Abbey. After Henry's death in 1197, he sided with the claimant Philip of Swabia. At this juncture, the duke of Merania was at the height of his power and influence. He possessed lands from Franconia to the Adriatic.

Berthold died in 1204 and was buried in Diessen.

Marriage and issue

Berthold married Agnes of Rochlitz, and they had the following:

   * Otto I, who succeeded his father

* Ekbert, bishop of Bamberg
* Henry, margrave of Istria
* Hedwig, married Henry I the Bearded, duke of Silesia
* Gertrude, married Andrew II of Hungary
* Agnes, married Philip II of France
* Berthold, patriarch of Aquileia
* Mathilde, abbess of Klitzingen
An unnamed daughter married into the Nemanjic family of Serbia

Berthold IV (died 12 August 1204) was the Count of Andechs (from 1172) and first Duke of Merania, that is, the seacoast of Dalmatia and Istria, of the House of Andechs. He was the son of Berthold I of Istria and Hedwig of Wittelsbach.

In 1175, he was raised to the margraviate of Istria and then years later (1185) made the duke of the region called "Merania" after the Adriatic Sea (mare is Latin for "sea"). Merania encompassed the same area as the old margraviate, but its ruler now gained much prestige from his new title.

In 1186, he accompanied the Emperor Henry VI to the Kingdom of Sicily. In 1189, he led the third division of the imperial army and was its standard-bearer on the Third Crusade. In 1195, he appeared as the advocate of Tegernsee Abbey. After Henry's death in 1197, he sided with the claimant Philip of Swabia. At this juncture, the duke of Merania was at the height of his power and influence. He possessed lands from Franconia to the Adriatic.

Berthold died in 1204 and was buried in Diessen.

Marriage and issue

Berthold married Agnes of Rochlitz, and they had the following:

   * Otto I, who succeeded his father

* Ekbert, bishop of Bamberg
* Henry, margrave of Istria
* Hedwig, married Henry I the Bearded, duke of Silesia
* Gertrude, married Andrew II of Hungary
* Agnes, married Philip II of France
* Berthold, patriarch of Aquileia
* Mathilde, abbess of Klitzingen
An unnamed daughter married into the Nemanjic family of Serbia

Berthold IV (died 12 August 1204) was the Count of Andechs (from 1172) and first Duke of Merania, that is, the seacoast of Dalmatia and Istria.

In 1175, he was raised to the margraviate of Istria and then years later (1185) made the duke of the region called "Merania" after the Adriatic Sea (mare is Latin for "sea"). Merania encompassed the same area as the old margraviate, but its ruler now gained much prestige from his new title.

In 1186, he accompanied the Emperor Henry VI to the Kingdom of Sicily. In 1189, he led the third division of the imperial army and was its standard-bearer on the Third Crusade. In 1195, he appeared as the advocate of Tegernsee Abbey. After Henry's death in 1197, he sided with the claimant Philip of Swabia. At this juncture, the duke of Merania was at the height of his power and influence. He possessed lands from Franconia to the Adriatic.

Berthold died in 1204 and was buried in Diessen.

Berthold married Agnes of Rochlitz, and they had the following:

Hedwig, married Henry I the Bearded, duke of Silesia

Gertrude, married Andrew II of Hungary

Agnes, married Philip II of France

Otto I, who succeeded his father

An unnamed daughter married into the Nemanjic family of Serbia

Berthold IV (died 12 August 1204) was the Count of Andechs (from 1172) and first Duke of Merania, that is, the seacoast of Dalmatia and Istria.

In 1175, he was raised to the margraviate of Istria and then years later (1185) made the duke of the region called "Merania" after the Adriatic Sea (mare is Latin for "sea"). Merania encompassed the same area as the old margraviate, but its ruler now gained much prestige from his new title.

In 1186, he accompanied the Emperor Henry VI to the Kingdom of Sicily. In 1189, he led the third division of the imperial army and was its standard-bearer on the Third Crusade. In 1195, he appeared as the advocate of Tegernsee Abbey. After Henry's death in 1197, he sided with the claimant Philip of Swabia. At this juncture, the duke of Merania was at the height of his power and influence. He possessed lands from Franconia to the Adriatic.

Berthold died in 1204 and was buried in Diessen.

Berthold married Agnes of Rochlitz, and they had the following:

Hedwig, married Henry I the Bearded, duke of Silesia

Gertrude, married Andrew II of Hungary

Agnes, married Philip II of France

Otto I, who succeeded his father

An unnamed daughter married into the Nemanjic family of Serbia

Berthold IV (died 12 August 1204) was the Count of Andechs (from 1172) and first Duke of Merania (from 1183), that is, the seacoast of Dalmatia and Istria of the House of Andechs. In 1188 he was appointed as margrave of Istria and from 1180 to 1182 he was duke of Croatia and Dalmatia. He was the son of Berthold I of Istria and Hedwig of Wittelsbach.

In 1175, he was raised to the margraviate of Istria and then years later (1185) made the duke of the region called "Merania" after the Adriatic Sea (mare is Latin for "sea"). Merania encompassed the same area as the old margraviate, but its ruler now gained much prestige from his new title.

In 1186, he accompanied the Emperor Henry VI to the Kingdom of Sicily. In 1189, he led the third division of the imperial army and was its standard-bearer on the Third Crusade. In 1195, he appeared as the advocate of Tegernsee Abbey. After Henry's death in 1197, he sided with the claimant Philip of Swabia. At this juncture, the duke of Merania was at the height of his power and influence. He possessed lands from Franconia to the Adriatic.

Berthold died in 1204 and was buried in Diessen.


Berthold IV. von Andechs († 12. August 1204) war Graf von Andechs und Herzog von Meranien. Er war der älteste Sohn des Grafen Berthold III. von Andechs und der Hedwig von Wittelsbach.

Ehe und Nachkommen

Berthold IV, duc de Méranie, und Agnès de Wettin 1180 war er mit Agnes von Rochlitz aus der Familie der Wettiner verheiratet, der Tochter Dedos des Feisten, Graf von Groitzsch und Herr von Rochlitz. Sie starb am 25. März 1195 und wurde in Dießen beerdigt.

Berthold und Agnes hatten neun Kinder, vier Söhne und fünf Töchter:

  1. Otto I., † 7. Mai 1234 in Besançon, 1205 Herzog von Meranien, 1211 Pfalzgraf von Burgund, 1228–1230 Markgraf von Istrien, begraben im Kloster Langheim; ∞ I 21. Juni 1208 in Bamberg Beatrix von Staufen, Pfalzgräfin von Burgund, † 7. Mai 1231, Tochter des Otto I. Pfalzgraf von Burgund (Staufer); ∞ II Sophie von Anhalt, † zwischen 23. November 1273 und 5. Januar 1274, Tochter des Fürsten Heinrich I. (Askanier)
  2. Heinrich, † 18. Juli 1228 in Windischgraz, 1205 Markgraf von Istrien, 1209–1211 geächtet aufgrund seiner angeblichen Teilnahme an der Ermordung des Königs Philipp von Schwaben; ∞ vor 1207 Sophie von Weichselburg, † 28. Februar 1256, Tochter des Grafen Albert
  3. Ekbert, † 6. Juni 1237 in Wien, 1234 Vormund des Herzogs Otto II., 1192 Propst von St. Gangolf in Bamberg, 1196 Propst in Theuerstadt, 1202 Dompropst in Bamberg, 1203–1237 Bischof von Bamberg, 1209–1212 geächtet
  4. Berthold, † 23. Mai 1251, 1205/06 Elekt und 1212 Erzbischof von Kalocsa, 1218 Patriarch von Aquileia
  5. Tochter, ∞ 24. April 1190 Toljen aus dem Haus der Nemanjiden
  6. Agnes, * wohl 1180, † 29. Juli 1201 im Château Poissy, dort auch begraben; ∞ 1. Juni 1196, geschieden 1200, Philipp August, 1180 König von Frankreich, † 14. Juli 1223 in Mantes-la-Jolie, begraben in der Basilika Saint-Denis (Kapetinger)
  7. Gertrud, † ermordet 8. September 1213; ∞ vor 1203 Andreas II. König von Ungarn, † 21. September 1235 (Arpaden) (die Eltern der heiligen Elisabeth von Thüringen)
  8. Hedwig die Heilige, * 1176/80, † 14. Mai 1243 als Äbtissin der Zisterzienser in Trebnitz, heiliggesprochen am 26. März 1267, begraben in Trebnitz; ∞ 1188/92 Heinrich I. Herzog von Schlesien, Krakau und Großpolen, † 19. März 1238 (Piasten)
  9. Mechtild, † 1. Dezember 1254, vor 1214 als Nonne in Sankt Theodor in Bamberg, 1215 Äbtissin von Kitzingen
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Berthold IV von Andechs-Meranien, Graf von Andechs, Markgraf von Istrien, Herzog von Meranien's Timeline

Andech, Oberbayern, Bayern, Germany
Castle Andechs, Andechs, Bavaria, Germany
Meran, France
Of Oberbayern, Andechs, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany
Meranie, Ville De Paris, France