Bethóc ingen Domnall mac Donnchada
Parents: Domnhaill "Bane" of Scotland & his wife
1. Uhtred of Tynedale
Child: Hextilda
2. Radulf
DONALD (- died in prison Rescobie, Forfarshire 1099, buried Dunkeld Abbey, later transferred to Isle of Iona). Matthew Paris names him as brother of King Malcolm, and records that he was elected by the Scots to succeed his brother in 1093 as DONALD III "Bane", King of Scotland 1093-1097 [278].
m ---. The name of Donald's wife is not known. Cawley’s Medlands
King Donald III & his wife had one child:
BETHOC (-[1150/70][288]).
The sources are contradictory regarding the supposed child of King Donald. The proofs relating to the claim to the Scottish throne in 1291 made by "dñi Johannis Comyn" name "Gothrik" as the son of "Dovenald filius Duncani filii Erici", and trace John Comyn´s descent from him[289]. However, in the Great Roll, John Comyn traced his descent from Bethoc, daughter and heiress of Donald[290].
Bethoc´s first marriage is confirmed by a charter of King Henry III dated 1261 which confirmed to John Comyn the land inherited from Hextildis, wife of Richard Comyn and daughter of Uhtred son of Waltheof[291].
Her second marriage is referred to by Young but he does not cite the corresponding primary source, which has not yet been identified[292].
Altogether the chronology for Bethoc is stretched almost to beyond credibility. Her supposed father King Donald Bane must have been born before 1040, and yet his daughter is supposed to have been living more than 100 years later, and her supposed second husband living in the last quarter of the 12th century. It is suggested that this supposed descent of Hextilda, wife of Richard Comyn, from King Donald Bane should be treated with caution.
m firstly ([1085]%29 UHTRED Lord of Tynedale, son of [293]WALTHEOF ---. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Uctred fil Walleof" in Northumberland[294].
m secondly RADULF, son of DUNEGALL Lord of Nithsdale (-[1185]).] Cawley’s Medlands
Bethoc & her first husband had one child:HEXTILDA of Tynedale.
The proofs relating to the claim to the Scottish throne in 1291 made by "dñi Johannis Comyn" name "Hextilde" as daughter and heiress of "Gothrik", son of "Dovenald filius Duncani filii Erici", and "Willelmo" as her son and heir[295]. “R. Cumin” donated property to Hexham Priory, with the consent of “uxoris meæ Hextildis”, by undated charter which names “fratrem meum Walterum”[296]. "Ric Cymyn" donated "ecclesiam de Lyntunruderie" to Kelso monastery, for the souls of "Henrici comitis dni mei et…Johis filii mei quorum corpa apud eos tumulant", by charter dated to [1160], witnessed by "Hextild sponsa mea, Od filio meo…"[297]. "Ricardus Cumin" donated [Slapfeld] to Holyrood Abbey, with the consent of "Hestild uxoris mee et heredum meorum", by charter dated to [1166] witnessed by "…Odinello et Simone filiis meis…"[298]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the undated charter under which “Hextildis comitissa de Eththetela” donated property to Rievall Abbey, for the soul of “domini mei Richardi Cumin”[299]. "Malcolmus comes de Athoil" donated "ecclesiam de Dul" to St Andrew´s priory by undated charter witnessed by "Dunecano comite de Fif, Hextilda comitissa sponsa mea…Henrico et Dunecano filiis meis…"[300]. The Liber Vitæ of Durham lists (in order) "Hextild, Willelmus, Odenellus, Simon, Ricardus Cumin…", and in a later passage "Malcolmus filius Mal. et comes Athodlie, Hextilda filia Ucthredi uxor eius…"[301].
m firstly ([1144/50]%29 RICHARD Comyn, son of --- Cumin [Comyn] & his wife --- (-[1179]).
m secondly (after 1179) as his second wife, her second cousin, MALCOLM Earl of Atholl, son of MADDAD Earl of Atholl & his first wife --- (-[1186/Aug 1198]).]Cawley’s Medlands
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p64.htm#i8199 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
1080 |
Tynedale, Scotland
1110 |
Tyndale, Eastlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1122 |
Tynedale, East Lothian, Scotland
1125 |
1160 |
Age 80
Tyndale, Eastlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
???? |