Immediate Family
half brother
half brother
About Bettering Mudge
Elizabeth Mudge, Strood Kent, died 1639. She has a will of 1639, it is a Canterbury will under Elizabeth Mudge. In this will she names Beatrice Faunce as her daughter, and Thomas Mudge as her son. She also names her two sons Henry and John Jelfe from her first marriage. Also names Thomas Faunce her grandchild and my descendant. In her 1639 will, she bequeaths to her grandchild John Jelfe £20 etc and one dozen napkins which were his grandfathers marked with the letters W.J. She married Thomas Mudge in 8 April 1597 at Strood, Kent. Beatrice Mudge has a baptism record of 1598. The Jelfe children were born before she married Thomas Mudge
There are a lot of folk out there who confuse this Mudge family with a Thomas Jarvis Mudge who had a Jarvis Mudge who went to America. In the Thomas Mudge will of 1621 there is no mention of a Jarvis Mudge or any other Mudge except Beatrice and Thomas. He does mention Henry Jelfe as his executor. In the will of Beatrice Faunce 1645 Strood a Kent will and purchased from Archives Kent she names her three children, wife of her half brother Jelfe, and her brother. In all three wills there is no mention of a Jarvis Mudge, or any other Mudge living in America. https://www.geni.com/discussions/186471?msg=1245528
Bettering Mudge's Timeline
1598 |
1624 |
1629 |
1645 |
Age 47
???? |