The following is excerpted from a post to SGM, 8 Jul 1998, by Paul Reed:
From: Reedpcgen (reedpcgen@aol.com) Subject: FitzNeel and St. Sauveur Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval Date: 1998/07/08
I finally got my paws on Rev. Statham's "The Descent of the family of Statham" (London, 1925). I will be studying it in detail over then next few days to see what exactly is documented and what is assumption. He weaves an awfully lot together, which makes me suspicious. This is why I haven't published the stuff on the FitzNeels yet.
Statham provides an account of the family of Saint-Sauveur, in the Cotentin. He shows that a daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, married Roger I de St. Sauveur ("ob. c. 1014). They were parents of Nigel II (ob. s. 1041) who married Gohilda "f. Raymond Bore." Their son Nigel III ("banished 1047, ob. a monk 1092") is stated to have married a sister of William the Conqueror, being daughter of Robert I by "Arlotta." They are given two children, a daughter who married William de Vernon, and a son, Nigel IV ("Ob. c. 1072-3") who is given as marrying Adela, daughter of Wililam de Vernon. Statham gives them a large family:
i. Nigel V ("v. 1073 o. s. p.") ii. Eudo (v. 1100) who married Rohais and was father of Nigel VI and Roger II iii. William (a) iv. William (b) v. Girard vi. Roger vii. Richard viii. Emma ix. Bilelde x. Maheldis
Statham states in his text: "(8) Bilelde appears to have married Baldric de Lindsey, a tenant of the Chester fee in Lincoln. He also held under Earl Hugh at Cocle in Cheshire (D. B.). He is probably the Baudri de Lindessi who gave the tithe of his Lincolnshire estates to S. Evroul (C. F. D. 636) [William Farrer also concludes this in his Honours and Knights' Fees] and none other than the Baldric de Bauquency mentioned by Orderic Vitalis. He must also have been one Robert fitz Hugh's knights, for his wife Bilelde granted Peckforton to S. Werburgh in 1093 (D[ugdale's] M[on.] 1. 201). (7) (9) Emma, Mahildis. Nothing has been discovered in connection with either of these daughters."
middle portion of Paul Reed's posting omitted------
Dr. Katherine S. B. Keats-Rohan, in her "Poppa of Bayeux and her family," TAG july/October 1997, 72:187-204, verifies that Nigel [whom she numbers Nigel II] married Adela ("sister of Richard, William and Baldwin I of Reviers and a relative of William of Vernon") and had two sons named William and three daughters, Emma, Bilelda (Bilihildis) and Matilda. She suggests that Nigel's father, Nigel I de St. Sauveur, married a daughter of Robert, count of Avranches, and his wife Bilihild of Maine.
It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
P. S. For those interested, Dr. Keats-Rohan told me she hopes the COEL data base will be available in November, but is under contractual obligation not to release any information until then.
Sources: 1.Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com Page: Paul Reed (Reedpcgen), 8 Jul 1998 Text: Bilelde 2.Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com Page: Chris Phillips, 16 Dec 2003 Text: Billhild or Bilelde 3.Title: jweber.ged Repository: Media: Other Text: Date of Import: 11 Jan 2005 4.Title: jweber.ged Repository: Media: Other Text: Date of Import: 12 Jan 2005 5.Title: jweber.ged Repository: Media: Other Text: Date of Import: 13 Jan 2005 6.Title: jweber.ged Repository: Media: Other Text: Date of Import: 18 Jan 2005 7.Title: jweber.ged Repository: Media: Other Text: Date of Import: 19 Jan 2005
1070 |
St Sauveur, Manche, Normandy, France
1094 |
Age 24