Blanchard Colding, Jr.

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Blanchard Colding, Jr. (1755 - 1801)

Birthplace: Barnwell, Barnwell, SC, United States
Death: circa 1801 (37-54)
Barnwell, Barnwell, SC, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Blanchard Colding, Sr. and Temperance Ann Colding
Husband of Ann Colding
Father of James Colding; Henry Colding; Thomas Colding; Elizabeth Badger; Lovice Colding and 3 others
Brother of John Colding; Thomas Colding; Henry Colding; Michael Colding and Rachel Cone

Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha
Last Updated:

About Blanchard Colding, Jr.

Estate of Blanchard Colding Bundle 1 - Barnwell Co, SC Dist Office of Probate

Admin. ann Colding paid to each heir of the est. who are entitled to a distribution which is 6 - $403 each. $2418

June 13, 1801, Thomas Colding rec $200, his full share of the est. of Blanchard Colding -- also the following: Jacob C Kittles, James Colding, Elizabeth Colding, Zilphia Colding, Martha Ward. Adm Bond of Ann Colding -- signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Susannah Yonge (Young).

Listed as deserter in Roster of SC PAtriots in the Revolutionary War by Bobby Gilmer Moss

The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research

Pp. 256-258: Blanchard Colding of Winton County, give to my son Henry Colding, the plantation where he now dwells, 100 acres which I purchased from William Wise, 1789, 300 acres granted 19 Sept 1784 adj. Joseph Bryan… it is my desire that Mr. Thos Wiggins & my mother shall enjoy ye privilege of tending where they now live… 30 Oct 1790. Blanchard Colding (B), Wit: Thomas Colding, James Overstreet. Proved by James Overstreet before W. Buford, J. P., 4 Nov 1790.


Fact 1: Abt. 1785, 3 indents issued - Camden Dist,Beaufort Dist & below Old Boundary Line

Fact 2: November 15, 1784, Plat for 100a in Orangeburg Dist on back waters of Savannah River Swamp (Source: Miriam Brown of Gordon GA, from SC Archives - I have printouts of info from indents, etc.)

Fact 3: September 18, 1784, 300a of land Orangebg Dist on back waters of Sav.Swamps by lands of Joseph Bryan (Source: Miriam Brown of Gordon GA, from SC Archives - I have printouts of info from indents, etc.)

Service in Rev War: 1786, Received pay for his service as Pvt in SC Militia (Source: NSDAR Records of Miss Carrie Colding #60827, Savannah, GA.)

Notes for ANN GIBBON:

Received of Ann Colding, administratrix on the Estate of Blanchard Colding deceased Two Hundred Dollars as my full share of the estate of aforesaid. I say received by me this 13th day of June 1801

Thomas Colding

Another Estate Reciept was signed June 15, 1801 by Jacob C Kittles, James Colding, Elizabeth Colding, Zelpha Colding, Martha Ward

Revolutionary war deserter. Rachel Colding's brother and her husband deserted together. The Roster of SC Patriots in the Revolutionary War, by Bobby Gilmer Moss states both John CONE Sr and Blanchard COLDING, Jr, RS, were reported as deserters from their company at some point in the Rev War.

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Blanchard Colding, Jr.'s Timeline

Barnwell, Barnwell, SC, United States
South Carolina, United States
SC, United States
Age 46
Barnwell, Barnwell, SC, United States