Historical records matching Blanche Capet de France
Immediate Family
third cousin
About Blanche Capet de France
Blanche of France (1253-1323) was a daughter of Louis IX of France and Marguerite of Provence. Her paternal grandparents were Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile, her maternal grandparents were Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence and Beatrice of Savoy. Among her siblings were Philip III of France and Isabella, Queen of Navarre.
In November 1268 Blanche married Ferdinand de la Cerda, Infante of Castile, eldest son of Alfonso X of Castile and Violant of Aragon, they had two sons
* Alfonso (1270-1324), who married Mahaut, daughter of John I of Brienne, Count of Eu. They had four sons and three daughters.
* Fernando (1275-1322), who married Juana Núñez de Lara, called "la Palomilla", Lady of Lara & Herrera, daughter of Juan Núñez de Lara “el Mayor” and Teresa Álvarez de Azagra. They had one son and three daughters. One daughter, Blanca Núñez de Lara, was the mother-in-law to King Henry II of Castile.
Ferdinand predeceased his father in 1275 at Ciudad Real. Blanche and Ferdinand's sons did not inherit the throne of their grandfather, since their uncle, the second son, Sancho, enforced his claim, even by rebelling. Blanche's brother Philip warned Sancho that he would invade Castile on behalf of his two nephews.
Blanche left Castile never to return, her sons were sent to live with their grandmother Violant of Aragon who had them sent to the fortress of Játiva so they would be safe from Sancho. Blanche died at the court in Paris in 1323.
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Blanche of France (1253-1323) was a daughter of Louis IX of France and Marguerite of Provence. Her paternal grandparents were Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile, her maternal grandparents were Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence and Beatrice of Savoy. Among her siblings were Philip III of France and Isabella, Queen of Navarre.
In November 1268 Blanche married Ferdinand de la Cerda, Infante of Castile, eldest son of Alfonso X of Castile and Violant of Aragon, they had two sons
- Alfonso (1270-1324), who married Mahaut, daughter of John I of Brienne, Count of Eu. They had four sons and three daughters.
- Fernando (1275-1322), who married Juana Núñez de Lara, called "la Palomilla", Lady of Lara & Herrera, daughter of Juan Núñez de Lara “el Mayor” and Teresa Álvarez de Azagra. They had one son and three daughters. One daughter, Blanca Núñez de Lara, was the mother-in-law to King Henry II of Castile. Ferdinand predeceased his father in 1275 at Ciudad Real. Blanche and Ferdinand's sons did not inherit the throne of their grandfather, since their uncle, the second son, Sancho, enforced his claim, even by rebelling. Blanche's brother Philip warned Sancho that he would invade Castile on behalf of his two nephews.
Blanche left Castile never to return, her sons were sent to live with their grandmother Violant of Aragon who had them sent to the fortress of Játiva so they would be safe from Sancho. Blanche died at the court in Paris in 1323.
Blanca de Francia (en francés: Blanche de France), (1253 - París; 1320), princesa francesa, hija de Luis IX de Francia e infanta de Castilla por su matrimonio con Fernando de la Cerda, primogénito y heredero de Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla.
Filha de Luis IX, rey de Francia, y de su esposa, la reina Margarita de Provenza, nació en Jaffa,Egipto en 1253, en el curso de la primera de las Cruzadas organizadas por San Luis.1
Seis años después de su matrimonio con Fernando de la Cerda en 1269, falleció su esposo en Ciudad Real.
Su suegro Alfonso X el Sabio, presionado por su segundo hijo, tuvo que ceder los derechos de los hijos de Blanca de Francia, Alfonso y Fernando, conocidos como los Infantes de la Cerda, entonces se proclamó con hechos fácticos, por parte de cierto grupo de nobles, heredero y sucesor suyo a su hijo menor, el infante Sancho, debido a la necesidad de contar con un hombre adulto que le ayudase en las labores de gobierno, y en la lucha contra los benimerines, que habían invadido el reino, a pesar de sus múltiples intenciones de que la sucesión quedara en manos del Infante Alfonso de la Cerda.
En vista de la situación en que habían quedado sus hijos, desposeídos de sus derechos por su tío Sancho, apoyado en un primer momento por su padre Alfonso X, Blanca de Francia solicitó la ayuda de su hermano el rey de Francia, Felipe III de Francia, quien se dispuso a invadir el reino de Castilla.
Poco después, Blanca de Francia y su suegra Violante de Aragón, esposa de Alfonso X el Sabio, abandonaron Castilla y solicitaron la protección de Pedro III el Grande, rey de Aragón, hermano de la reina Violante, quien defendería de ahora en adelante los derechos de los Infantes de la Cerda, a pesar de mantenerlos en un estado cercano a la cautividad, en el castillo de Játiva, situado en el reino de Aragón. Poco después, Blanca de Francia se trasladó a Francia, donde reinaba Felipe III, su hermano, quien la alojó en la corte francesa. Murió en París en el año 1320.
Matrimonio y descendencia:
Contrajo matrimonio en Burgos en 1269, con Fernando de la Cerda, hijo primogénito y heredero de Alfonso X. Fruto de su matrimonio nacieron dos hijos varones:
Alfonso de la Cerda el Desheredado (1270-1333). Pretendiente al trono castellano-leonés durante los reinados de Sancho IV, Fernando IV, y Alfonso XI de Castilla, hasta su renuncia definitiva, ocurrida en el año 1331.
Fernando de la Cerda (1275-1322). Señor de Lara por su matrimonio con Juana Núñez de Lara, señora de Lara.
Blanche Capet de France's Timeline
1253 |
Jaffa, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
1270 |
Valladolid, Valladolid, Castile and León, España (Spain)
1275 |
July 25, 1275
1322 |
June 7, 1322
Age 69
Couvent des Cordeliers, Forcalquier, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Age 69
Couvent des Cordeliers de Paris, Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
1933 |
June 24, 1933
Age 69
October 27, 1933
Age 69
1988 |
March 8, 1988
Age 69
1992 |
October 8, 1992
Age 69