++ Will of 16th September 1549. "My body to be buried at the end of the high altar in the chancel of the parish church of LIttle Horkesey, where I will that a vault of brick be made so large that one body may be conveniently laid therein: and I will that over it be set a tomb more than half the length of the tomb wherein Dame Katherine Finderne lither buried and upon the same that there be put 3 pictures of brass , one of myself, without any coat armour, and upon my right side the picture of the Lord Marney my last husband in his coat armour; and upon my left side the picture of my husband Finderne in his coat armour; and at the head or feet a a scripture of brass to show the time of my decease, what stock I was of, and to what men of worship I was married. Also I will that there shall be sung by note such service as is set out and appointed by the Kings book to be used at burials, with so many priests and clerks as my executors shall think convenient, every priest to have xlld and every clerk being a man helping to sing, lvd" Her mother had left her samplers, damask and Venetian gold cloth, unwrought silk, and weaving goods to her daughters "that their young folks may therewith be well occupied." Bridget copied this leaving samplers, unworked silk and gold, weaving stools, and all belonging to her "silk works" to 2 nieces / goddaughters (one was Bridget Spring, daughter of Sir John Spring), to "well occupy themselves."
1493 |
Smallbridge, Essex, England
1549 |
September 1549
Age 56
???? |
Little Horkesley, Essex, England, United Kingdom