Matching family tree profiles for Captain Ebenezer Byram
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About Captain Ebenezer Byram
They moved to Morris Co., NJ and built the famous Black Horse Inn in 1745. It is still being used, Mendham, NJ. From "Through the Years in Mendham Borough" by Catherine M. Emmons, Page 69 - "The Black Horse Inn was originally used as a farm house in the very early years and according to a builder's opinion, the foundation suggests that it wasn't intended to be used as a public building. In 1740, the building was purchased by Ebenezer Byram, who was one of the very early settlers in Mendham, NJ. Mr. Byram opened this building as a guest house for some of the early travelers and it later became a tavern. Through the years, this building has kept on with the same type of business, that being the selling of "Spirits." In the early years, the Black Horse Inn was used as a polling place for the elections. Records show that in the year of the great blizzard of 1888, the polling place was located in this building.
@R150039519@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=100765667&pi...
Capt. Ebenezer, son of, Nicholas Byram and Mary Edson.
He was originally from East Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Massachusetts.
Ebenezer Byram married Hannah Hayward on December 9, 1714 in Morris Co., New Jersey.
Ebenezer Byram and Hannah Hayward children are:
Ebenezer Byram b. 1716
Eliab Byram b. 1718
Japhet Byram b. 1721
Naphtali Byram b. 1723
Hannah Byram b. 1725
Mary Byram b. 1728
Abigail Byram b. 1730
Jepthah Byram b. 1732
Ebenezer Byram and wife Hannah were married by the Reverend in Ebenezer's barn, when denied the use of the Bridgewater Church. This may have influenced Ebenezer in removing his family on June 18, 1744 to Rocksiticus, Morris County, New Jersey, where he became Major of the Militia and Judge of County, Court, Rocksiticus was later changed to Mendham. Ebenezer was a Presbyterian. He died in Mendham, New Jersey in 1753.
Ebenezer Byram Sr. and his father, Nicholas Byram were founding members of the East or Third Church of Christ in Bridgewater, MA. Ebenezer first resided in E. B. MA where he owned two plantations of considerable value and extent.
Ebener Byram and his wife Hannah Hayward were buried in the Hill Top Presbyterian Church, Mendham, NJ. The Church was built by money supplied by Ebenezer Byram. Also in Mendham is the "Black Horse Tavern" which was owned and operated by Ebenezer.
In Mendham there are two buildings associated with Ebenezer Byram. First is the present standing Black Horse Inn and the second is the First Presbyterian Church. In the book "THROUGH YEARS IN MENDHAM BOROUGH" BY Catherine M. Emmons, 1973, these buildings are described.
The Black Horse Tavern was originally used as a farmhouse. The building was purchased by Ebenezer in 1740. The building was opened as a guest house for early travelers. It later became a tavern. With the Hilltop Church is located not that far from the Inn. Ebenzer had a church constructed at this site. It was square in shape and faced south with an aisle ten feet wide from the door to the pulpit. During the winters of 1778-1780 when General George Washington and his troops were encamped in and around Morristown, the church was stripped of the pews and it was used as a hospital. Many of the patients are buried near this church site.
In 1816 the old church was torn down and a new one was erected. The second church burned in 1859. In 1860 the present Church was erected and remains much the same today.
The Rev. Whitfield held religious services in Byram's barn, being denied the use of the Bridgewater Church. Much interest resulted, but not without opposition. Whitfield's adherents were denounced as "NewLights". This problem probably had something to do with the Byram migration, most of the descendants, to Medham, NJ in 1744.
Family Information contributed by family members:
Yvette E. (Byrum) Aune and Don Porter
Here lyes ye Body of Ebenezer Byram Esqr Decd August ye 9th 1753 In ye 61st years of his Age
Captain Ebenezer Byram's Timeline
1692 |
October 1, 1692
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1716 |
September 17, 1716
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Province of Massachusetts, Colonial America
1718 |
December 4, 1718
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Province of Massachusetts, Colonial America
1721 |
May 21, 1721
Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Colonial America
May 21, 1721
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Province of Massachusetts, Colonial America
1723 |
July 9, 1723
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1724 |
Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1726 |
May 1, 1726
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1728 |
April 14, 1728
Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Province of Massachusetts, Colonial America