Historical records matching Captain John Thomas, Free Settler "Gilmore" 1829
Immediate Family
About Captain John Thomas, Free Settler "Gilmore" 1829
National Library of Australia: https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/6387881
The colonial story of the Thomas family, from early disasters to great wealth and social prominence. Thomas became a ship owner, with an importing business, owned a Fremantle hotel and the property at Pinjarra now known as Ravenswood. Captain John Thomas arrived in Western Australia as a child when his parents came from Wales as part of Thomas Peel’s entourage.
John Thomas’ father and brother, James, were convicted of plundering cargo from the wreck of the Cumberland in 1834. As a result all the Thomas possessions including their boats were confiscated. John successfully petitioned the Colonial Secretary for the return of the small fishing boat Jane in order that the family would not be left destitute. By 1841 John had built the Venus (21 tons) with which, despite its small size, he began trading to the eastern colonies, Mauritius and Asia.
Five years later he had the Empress (50 tons) built by David Jones. This vessel was used on the Asia run until 1858 when Thomas sold it at Singapore and purchased the barque Rory O’More (296 tons). Captain John Thomas is an example of the rise of a successful fisherman/ boat builder/ shipowner of the mid-19th century. He served five terms as chairman of the Fremantle Town Trust. He also owned and ran hotels in Fremantle and Ravenswood. --Publishers website and internet.
Death 1907/2700154 Fremantle; Thomas, John, son of John THOMAS and Jenipher COOKE.
NOTE: The above are the same parents as for Jane GRAY, the DAUGHTER of John Thomas.
Jane GRAY died 1896 in Geraldton, daughter of John THOMAS and Jenypher COOK.
The Evening Mail Fremantle Tue 4 June 1907; Funeral:
THOMAS—The friends of the late Captain John Thomas are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Church of England portion of the Fremantle Cemetery.
The funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, Queen-street, Fremantle, on Wednesday afternoon, the 5th inst., at 3 o'clock. ARTHUR E. DAVIES and Co., Undertakers, Market-street, Fremantle.
Fremantle Cemetery:
First Name JOHN ; Last Name THOMAS ; Burial
Aged Years 92 ; Date of Death 03/06/1907 ; Suburb FREMANTLE
Grant Number F0000604
Marriage c1842;
Children born to John Thomas THOMAS and Elizabeth COOPER at Fremantle;
1842 (1843/159); John Frederick Thomas; died 1904.
1844/366; Joseph William Thomas; died 1923.
1846/735; Charles Joshua Thomas; died 1847/309; Thomas, Charles, aged 1, whooping cough.
1848/1133; James Thomas; died 1918.
1850/1441; George Thomas; died 1919?
1853/2100; Jane Elizabeth Thomas; m Goves 1886 Pinjarrah?
1856/3327; Charles Edward; died 1856 Fremantle.
1858/4260; Mary Ann Thomas; m C W Gray 1880 Pinjarrah.
1862/6444; Victoria Rebecca Thomas; died 1863/2310.
1864/7646; Alfred Edward; died 1911. (m 1890 to Amy Augusta Amelia Armstrong, gd of Adam Armstrong)
Adam Armstrong came to Western Australia in 1829 per Gilmore with his children to work for Peel as per his agreement. Thomas Peel sent Adam (in charge) and others to Mandurah to begin a settlement. By the middle of 1831 he left Peel’s service and took up a grant of land of 1,200 acres of land adjoining the Murray River on Cockburn Sound Location 16. He named the farm Ravenswood. Armstrong named his property Ravenswood after a bend in the Tweed River, at “Scott’s View”, Melrose, Scotland where there also is a property called Ravenswood. Raids on his stock and produce by the aboriginals forced him to abandon this property.
Armstrong was granted Swan Location 85, 320 acres on the Swan River in September 1831 and he called this farm Dalkeith, after where he was born in Scotland. The City of Nedlands claim Adam Armstrong and his children as their “first European residents”. He established a very successful farm at Dalkeith which he sold to John Lewis in Feb 1839 for £250.
In 1839 Adam Armstrong returned to the Murray District and Ravenswood, with his younger children Adam Jnr, Laura and Christopher where he built a mud brick cottage for his family. In the first year his family had 32 acres of wheat planted.
1858 Adam Armstrong Jnr sold the Ravenswood farm to Elizabeth Thomas on behalf of her husband Captain John Thomas. After the original Armstrong cottage was damaged in the 1862 floods, Captain Thomas constructed a large two-storey house at Ravenswood which he called Ravenswood Hall. This building was later to become the Ravenswood Hotel. He also built a new red brick coach house barn.
In 1890 Alfred Thomas, son of John and Elizabeth Thomas married Amy Augusta Amelia Armstrong, Adam Armstrong's granddaughter.
Death 1888/445 Pinjarrah; Thomas, Elizabeth, 66.
The Daily News Sat 14 Jul 1888; Death:
THOMAS.—At Ravenswood, near Pinjarrah, July 11, 1888, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of John Thomas ; aged 66 years and 2 months. Arrived in this colony by the ship "Warrior," in March, 1830. Deeply regretted.
WA Dictionary suggests he married again, in 1899 aged 85:
m. 2nd 25.1.1899 Elizabeth TRACEY (widow) b.1842, dtr of Isaac Perry & Maria Ann (nee Evans).
Marriage 1899/532 Fremantle; Thomas, John, to Tracey, Elizabeth.
Note: Did she die in 1917 aged 73, Mrs Eliza Tracey, a great character of Perth? (No mention of Mr Thomas)
Grantee to his grave in Fremantle when he died 3/6/1907 was 'Elizabeth Thomas' (previously, now no name!)
Her likely previous marriage 1860/1478 Guildford; Tracey, James, to Kearns, Eliza.
James Tracey died 6/3/1898, aged 43, born USA, buried East Perth Cemeteries C of E 8/3/1898
Birth c1815 of John Thomas, parents John Thomas and Jenifer/Jenipher.
Arrival of the Gilmore 1829; Mr and Mrs Thomas, and 5 children.
The West Australian Perth WA Tue 4 Jun 1907; Death of an Old Colonist:
Captain John Thomas, one of the pioneer residents of Western Australia, died at his residence, in Queen street, Fremantle, at an early hour this morning, in his 93rd year.
The deceased was born in Carnarvonshire, and came to Rockingham in the ship Gilmore in 1829, when he was 14 years of age. For a while he settled on the land at Kelmscott, but subsequently he foresook agricultural pursuits, and entered upon a seafaring life.
He was engaged mostly in the trade to China and Singapore, and for a period of 22 years he sailed his own vessel, the schooner Empress, which was built at Fremantle.
He afterwards owned and sailed the schooner Rory O'More. During recent years the late Captain Thomas had been living a retired life at Fremantle, where he had acquired a considerable amount of property. The funeral will take place to-morrow.
Newspaper history of boats of John (and sometimes James) Thomas:
Inquirer Perth WA;
Wed 2 Dec 1840;
November 25th, Launched at Fremantle the Venus, Cutter belonging to Mr. John Thomas, to trade to the outports.
Sat 12 Dec 1840;
TO SAIL, for Port Leschenault and the Vasse, the cutter VENUS. For freight or passage apply to JOHN or JAMES THOMAS, Fremantle.
(Note: Subsequent ad's only mentioned Mr J. Thomas, or Mr John Thomas, Master on board, Fremantle.
There is a death of a James Frederick Thomas, 1856, whose estate was to be left to John Thomas, merchant, his brother, of Fremantle. No parents on BDM WA).
Inquirer Perth WA;
Wed 26 Aug 1846; (part article);
No less than three ships are at present in progress of building in or near Fremantle. (snip)
But the finest vessel of the lot is that of Messrs. Thomas, modelled also by Mr. Jones, at Fremantle. She was pronounced by Mr. Moore, carpenter of H.M.S. Fly, an eminent person in his vocation, to be 'a perfect model,' he ' never saw a finer model.' He remarked in her some ' scamping' work, all which has since been taken out and replaced by perfect work; and she may how be considered a faultless model of our native timber done justice to. She is to be a brigantine, and will carry 140 tons. Her masts, sails, &c, are all nearly ready, and we understand she is likely to be floating in her future element in two months from the present date. It is, we believe, intended to send her to England to be coppered. She is built by those very enterprising colonists the Messrs. Thomas, of Fremantle. It is a remarkable fact that we have, even without these fine vessels, more coasters of our own than any other British colony, in proportion to the population.
7 Oct 1846; Launch:
To be launched, on Saturday, the 10th October, from the building-yard at North Fremantle, by Messrs. John Thomas & Brother, the fine fast-sailing schooner.
14 Oct 1846; Launch of the 'Privado' (note; becomes Empress): parts of article:
This very interesting event took place on Saturday last. The obliging notice given by the Messrs. Thomas attracted a great concourse of spectators from Perth as well as Fremantle. (snip)
She was named by Mrs. Thomas, in the orthodox manner, " The Privado" ; which we are told means ' a bosom friend' : in Spanish it signifies " a favourite." (snip)
The Messrs. Thomas say they wish no more than that she may be as lucky a ship as the Venus has been, and in this wish every man in the colony will join ; and we feel, somehow or other, convinced, from the whole way everything went off, that a long career of prosperity is before her.
Wed 29 Dec 1847;
At the present time, at Fremantle, the majority of the children and several of the adults residing in that town are suffering from this (whooping) cough, which prevailed on board the Empress, Thomas, master, (and his family) on her return from Adelaide.
On Saturday last, one of Mr. Thomas' children died from the effects of the disorder.
WA BDM Death 1847/309 Fremantle; Thomas, Charles, aged 1.
Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News WA Fri 25 May 1849; part article;
Preparations were being made for carrying on the whale fishery during the ensuing season, with great vigor. Mr. Thomas will have a three-boat fishery (at King George's Sound, Albany).
Wed 1 May 1850;
The fact of the Empress having struck a rock on her outward passage, causing a leak to a trifling extent, has already been reported. It however appears that the damage she sustained is of more consequence than at first anticipated. When at sea, the pumps could not keep her clear of one foot per hour. The captain considered it his duty to return to this port, and such decision appears to have met with the approval of the owners. A survey was held on the morning succeeding her arrival, and the surveyors declared that she must be hove down, in order to ascertain what was requisite to be done. In pursuance of this necessary preliminary, she commenced discharging early on the 24th, and continued until late in the evening ; every facility being offered to effect dispatch.
The above vessel was brought to moorings, on Friday, alongside the Venus, also belonging to Messrs. Thomas. The shingle ballast of the Empress is discharged into the Venus, and the necessary operations going on preparatory to her being hove down. From all that can be gleaned from a boat going round her, it is evident that much more damage is sustained than was at first believed : her false keel was only considered partially injured, but it now appears the main keel, from the forefoot, is so much injured as to leave little prospect of effecting repairs without proceeding to Careening Bay. A survey, however, to be held on Monday, would determine this matter. About fifty packages of tea have been declared by survey damaged, and should be sold by auction. Since the ballast has been removed, the water appears to have much freer access. Some trenails are forced about two inches through her timbers. It is supposed that the Empress will not be ready for sea for six weeks or two months.
Short-lived Mention of Henry Gray (brother-in-law) working with John Thomas and Co. Henry had married John's sister Jane Thomas in 1843:
Inquirer Perth WA Wed 13 June 1849 and 20 June 1849 (only)
SHIPPING For Batavia and back to Swan River.
The fine fast-sailing first class Brigantine 'Empress,' Swan River built, coppered and copper- fastened, and nearly new, has the greater part of her cargo engaged for the above ports, and will meet with quick despatch.
This favourite vessel is noted for turning out her cargo in first-rate order.
Early applications (if by letter, prepaid) are requested for the remaining tonnage, to the owners,
JOHN THOMAS & CO., Fremantle. Or to HENRY GRAY, Perth. June 9, 1849.
Inquirer Perth WA;
Wed 15 May 1850;
To the Editor of the ' Inquirer.'
Sir, — In answer to Captain Scott's statement, that it was my wish the Empress should be taken through the Carnac Channel, I beg to state that I never expressed a wish or even thought of the vessel going out that way. I certainly did, on leaving the vessel, say to Captain Scott, ' Put her to sea that way to-night, if you can' (meaning Garden Island Passage), but without mentioning any passage whatever. I myself have taken the vessel both in and out Garden Island Passage without beacons or buoys, and certainly should (the way the wind was) have taken the same passage this last time, had I not been compelled to pay pilotage.
I remain yours respectfully,
John Thomas.
Fremantle, May 13, 1850.
Wed 14 May 1851;
..The boat Napoleon, belonging to the Messrs. Thomas, was capsized, with a cargo of spices, &c. The crew were saved, but the cargo lost.
Wed 27 Apr 1853
The schooner Empress, belonging to Mr. John Thomas, that has for so long a time been lying high and dry off the South Beach, has at last, I am happy to say, been got off, and is now safely anchored in deep water under Garden Island. There is great praise due to Mr William Thomas, brother to the owner, and others engaged for their perseverance and tact in this arduous undertaking. The vessel makes a little water, but nothing to speak of; and I have no doubt but that in a few weeks we shall again see her ready for sea; her destination we hear
will be Singapore.
Wed 4 May 1853
Sale at Fremantle, On 3rd June, 1853. Mr George Skinner Is instructed by MR. JOHN THOMAS, to Sell by Public Auction, (if not previously disposed of), at his Rooms, Henry Street:—
The fast-sailing Brigantine ' Empress', 115 tons register, as she now lies at anchor at Garden Island, with spars, sails, anchors, &c. This vessel is well known as having been faithfully built, and a fast sailer, and, in fact, requires no comment from the Auctioneer.
Wed 19 Jul 1854
For Freight or Charter. The fine fast-sailing Brigantine "Empress" having undergone a thorough repair at Garden Island, is now open for freight or charter. Applications to John Thomas, Southern Cross, High st Fremantle.
Wed 5 Nov 1856 (James Frederick Thomas, brother of John Thomas)
(snip)...shew cause to the said Court why administration of the goods, chattels, credits and effects of the said James Frederick Thomas, deceased, intestate, as hath been represented to us, should not be granted to John Thomas, of Fremantle, aforesaid, merchant, the brother of the deceased (snip).
Wed 29 Apr 1857; 25th Inst., the schooner Empress, Thomas master from Singapore (snip).
The Herald (Fremantle WA); (article re Harbour Master etc. showing support for John Thomas);
(snip) Admitting that he was once the Master of a ship, would not Mr. John Thomas do as well as the Harbor Master; and is he not always at hand ? Is it not equally true that there are often other qualified Masters of ships resident at Fremantle, each of them as competent to Survey as the Harbor Master (snip).
The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News WA Fri 15 Apr 1859
NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING._On Monday last, as a boat was proceeding from the barque Rory O'More to the shore, in charge of three boys, two being sons of Mr J. Thomas, it was accidently capsized, and immediately sank, the boys clinging to the mast. The Harbor Master's boat went to the rescue, and saved the lives of the boys, and also the boat from being carried into deep water ; on reaching shore the boats crew were handsomely rewarded by Mr J. Thomas with one bottle of Rum.
Check: 1841 King William, Thomas, master, from Adelaide.
1841 Venus, J Thomas, Master. For Leschenault and Geographe Bay.
1842 Venus, J Thomas, Master. Apply John Thomas, Master. Also; Singapore, apply Messrs Thomas.
1843 Venus; J Thomas, Master. Apply Messrs Thomas, Fremantle. August; ('England via') Batavia.
1843 November; Venus for sale, by J and J Thomas. Also; sailing for Leschenault. J. Thomas & Co.
1844 Venus; Thomas, Master. For Bunbury and the Vasse. Messrs Thomas (again). John Thomas & Co, Fremantle, selling Java sugar etc. Sailed for Singapore. Sailed for Jurien Bay.
1845 Venus; Thomas, Master, from wreck of Cervantes. Messrs J Thomas & Co.
1846 Venus; Thomas, Master. Mar; Adelaide. Oct; Messrs Thomas launching new boat Privado (Empress)
1847 Empress; For the Maurtitus, John Thomas & Co. (cancelled).Thomas, Master. March; Adelaide.
1848 Empress; For Mauritius. For Singapore.. J Thomas & Co, or Henry Gray. Venus and River Chief for sale. Messrs Thomas purchased the Vixen for £360,chartered S Moore for sandal-wood, J Thomas passenger. Vixen sunk near Stragglers, loss of goods, crew including 'J Thomas'. Empress South Australia
1849 Empress; any port. John Thomas, Publican Fremantle, Southern Cross. Selling goods, horses.
(Arpenteur bought at King George's Sound by Mr Thomas, whaler
1850 Empress; John Thomas & Co; Apr; Adelaide. Empress hit a Carnac reef, Thomas not Captain. Sailing Jun; for Adelaide. Oct; for Batavia, Thomas master (sandalwood, salted fish).
1851 Empress; Thomas, Master. Singapore. John Thomas, Publican, Southern Cross Hotel. On Town Trust. Boat Napoleon of Messrs Thomas capsized removing cargo from Empress, bad weather.
1852 Brigadine "Empress" for part sale Fremantle.
- 1853 Empress; beached, Mr William Thomas, BROTHER TO THE OWNER helped to move her.
Empress for sale by John Thomas.
1854 Empress; repaired and up for charter, John Thomas, Southern Cross Hotel Fremantle.
1855 Empress; for charter, apply John Thomas, Southern Cross, Fremantle.
1856 James Frederick Thomas, brother of John, died.
1857 Empress; Thomas, Master, April, sailed from Singapore, master Thomas. June, for Singapore with sandalwood, returned October. To Point Angier.
1858 Empress; Thomas, Master, January, from Batavia. February to Singapore with sandalwood.July; From Singapore we hear of the sale of the Empress, and the purchase, by Mr Thomas, of the barque Rory O'More, of 296 tons.
1859 Rory O'More; Thomas, Master, arrived February. Sailed April for Singapore, sandalwood. Arrived back September. December to Singapore, sandalwood.
1860 Rory O'More, Thomas, Master, arrived from Singapore, May. Storm damage to Main and Mizen masts. September, Harding, Master, for Singapore, agent John Thomas.
No more mention of Barque Rory O'More.
John Thomas does not appear to be sailing any more, and has a homestead at Ravenswood, although his son John Frederick Thomas was also living in the Ravenswood area;
The Herald (Fremantle WA) Sat 21 Mar 1868
WE are informed by. Mr. John Thomas that he has suffered a severe loss from a Bush fire. On Tuesday last, by which his homestead at Ravenswood on the. Murray was completely destroyed; it commenced from a spark which flew from the fire on to a goat pen, the Barn, sheds, hay, corn, a quantity of Harness; farming implements. and 6000 ft. of timber, were destroyed; with difficulty the horses were saved.
John F Thomas Ravenswood 1875
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Feb 15 2023, 1:27:51 UTC
Captain John Thomas, Free Settler "Gilmore" 1829's Timeline
1815 |
Carnarvonshire, Wales, United Kingdom
1843 |
Fremantle, Western Australia
1858 |
July 28, 1858
Fremantle, Western Australia
1907 |
June 4, 1907
Age 92
Fremantle, Western Australia
???? |
Fremantle Cemetery, Western Australia