Immediate Family
About Catalina De La Cadena
Gonzalo, his wife Catalina, and her brother Antonio De La Cadena Maluenda (treasurer of New Spain), left Spain in 1524, and arrived in Mexico City in 1525....
...Catarina (aka Catalina) de la Cadena Maluenda, was descended from Mossen Truchas de Calatayud* (*Reference: "El Libro Verde de Aragon"). They assumed the name Maluenda after the town where they lived. They were money lenders to kings, and prominent spice and silk merchants in Europe for hundreds of years. Pedro de Maluenda was commissary for Hernan Cortez; witnessed the destruction of the Aztec nation, but died of a fever 6 months after the conquest.
Juan Perez de Narriahondo was born in the Basque country and moved to the city of Victoria in Alava where he was called Juan de Oñate. In the Basque language Oñate means at the foot of the mountain pass. One of his sons Cristobal de Oñate came to New Spain probably in 1524. Cristobal participated in the conquest of Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Culiacan. In New Spain, he married Catalina de Salazar, a daughter of the royal treasury officer for New Spain, Gonzalo de Salazar and Catalina de la Cadena. Cristobal's father-in-law was a son of El Doctor Fernandez de Guadalupe, a famous royal physician, who was a converso. Catalina de la Cadena was a descendant of the wealthy converos house of Maluenda.
A son of Cristobal and Catalina de Salazar, Juan de Oñate, the conqueror of New Mexico, was born in Zacatecas. He in turn married a daughter of Hernan Cortés and a grandaughter of emperor Moctezuma. Juan de Oñate's genealogy shows how a descendant of Basques and Conversos through his marriage formed a new bond between the old and the new world. Many of Juan de Oñate's descendants are scattered through México and USA.
Gonzalo, his wife Catalina, and her brother Antonio De La Cadena Maluenda (treasurer of New Spain), left Spain in 1524, and arrived in Mexico City in 1525....
....Gonzalo Salazar's wife, Catarina (aka Catalina) de la Cadena Maluenda, was descended from Mossen Truchas de Calatayud* (*Reference: "El Libro Verde de Aragon"). The assumed the name Maluenda after the town where they lived. They were money lenders to kings, and prominent spice, and silk merchants in Europe for hundreds of years
Catalina De La Cadena's Timeline
1490 |
Granada, Granada, Andalusia, Spain
1508 |
Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
1510 |
January 1, 1510
San Miguel, Valladolid, País Vasco, España
1511 |
Granada, Spain
1513 |
Granada, Granada, Andalusia, Spain
1518 |
Granada, Granada, Spain
1520 |
Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain
1522 |