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Crampton, Hazel (2014) The Side Of The Sun At Noon. South Africa: Jacana p191
Getrouwd 29 JULIJ 1759"
Baptism entries of Frans Lotriet/Lottering's children @ NGK Swartland:
Franciena Baptised: 1759, 11 Maart 1759 Father: Frans LOTTERING Mother: Catharina VAN DE WESTHUIJSEN Witnesses: Des kinds ouwders
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Swartland (Malmesbury), Baptism register, 1745-1782, page 31. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Note: Folios 13 and 14, two sides of one page, are almost certainly missing between the current pages numbered 12 and 13 - dates covered would be late August 1751 to early June 1752.. Transcribed by Lizette Svoboda, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 666
Christina Baptised: 1759, 29 Julij 1759 Father: Frans LUTRIET Mother: Catharina VAN DE WESTHUIJSEN Witnesses: Des kinds ouwders
Note by transcriber: Date of baptism written as: 29 Dito
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Swartland (Malmesbury), Baptism register, 1745-1782, page 33. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Note: Folios 13 and 14, two sides of one page, are almost certainly missing between the current pages numbered 12 and 13 - dates covered would be late August 1751 to early June 1752.. Transcribed by Lizette Svoboda, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 666
Barend Baptised: 1759, 29 Julij 1759 Father: Frans LUTRIET Mother: Catharina VAN DE WESTHUIJSEN Witnesses: Des kinds ouwders
Note by transcriber: Date of baptism written as: 29 Dito
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Swartland (Malmesbury), Baptism register, 1745-1782, page 33. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Note: Folios 13 and 14, two sides of one page, are almost certainly missing between the current pages numbered 12 and 13 - dates covered would be late August 1751 to early June 1752.. Transcribed by Lizette Svoboda, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 666
Gerrit Frans Baptised: 1762, 7 Maart 1762 Father: Frans LOTRIET Mother: Catharina VAN DER WESTHUIJSEN Witnesses: Gerrit Lotriet
Additional notes: Den 26 October a. praec: nat[us]. Onder't Land van Waveren sorteer:
Note by transcriber: . Date of baptism written as: 7 Dito
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Swartland (Malmesbury), Baptism register, 1745-1782, page 43. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Note: Folios 13 and 14, two sides of one page, are almost certainly missing between the current pages numbered 12 and 13 - dates covered would be late August 1751 to early June 1752.. Transcribed by Lizette Svoboda, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 666
Frans coijs Baptised: 1764, 1 April 1764 Father: Frans LOTTERIET Mother: Catharina VAN DER WESTHUIJSEN Witnesses: Christiaan van Dijk en Huijbregje Slabber
Additional notes: Den 16 Augustus [] natus
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Swartland (Malmesbury), Baptism register, 1745-1782, page 53. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Note: Folios 13 and 14, two sides of one page, are almost certainly missing between the current pages numbered 12 and 13 - dates covered would be late August 1751 to early June 1752.. Transcribed by Lizette Svoboda, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 666
Kornelis Johannis Baptised: 1769, 19 Maart 1769 Father: Franscoijs LOTRIET Mother: Catharina VAN DE WESTHUIJSEN Witnesses: Des kinds ouwders
Additional notes: Den 2 Junij anno passato natus
Note by transcriber: Date of baptism written as: 19 Dito
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Swartland (Malmesbury), Baptism register, 1745-1782, page 78. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, G5 3/2. Note: Folios 13 and 14, two sides of one page, are almost certainly missing between the current pages numbered 12 and 13 - dates covered would be late August 1751 to early June 1752.. Transcribed by Lizette Svoboda, from photographs of Cape Archives VC 666
- http://www.eggsa.org/cgi-bin/searchBaptisms.pl
SAF2018.26. bladsy 687
Frans LOTRIET VAN DIE KAAP x Swartland 29 JUL 1759 Catharina VAN DIE KAAP. o.b.a. Catharina VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, haar vader was 'n VAN DER WESTHUIZEN van Namakwaland.
1742 |
Malmesbury, Swartland, Kaap die Goeie Hoop
1758 |
1759 |
March 11, 1759
Age 17
Malmesbury, Swartland, Kaap die Goeie Hoop
July 29, 1759
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
1761 |
October 26, 1761
1763 |
August 16, 1763
1766 |
April 6, 1766
Graaff-Reinet, Western District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
1768 |
June 2, 1768