Matching family tree profiles for Catherine Tunnell
Immediate Family
About Catherine Tunnell
Catherine was of Indian heritage, granddaughter of John Gunter founder of Gunterville, Alabama. Had eleven children born in Alabama all except the oldest moved to Texas in the 1850's.
ID: I01995 •Name: Catherine Self •Sex: F •Birth: 1790 •Death: 1859 in Smith Co., TX •Burial: Galena Cemetery, Smith Co., TX •Note: From http://www.angelfire.com/folk/morgan2/descendants_of_guillaume_tonn...
This information came from: Dave Tunnell dtunnell@citlink.net:
""Sep 1998, Mable Leta Waddill Cook writes:
"Catherine Self was born in 1790 in the Cherokee Nation. In the book "Notable Southern Families", it states that Catherine is the grand-daughter of John Gunter, founder of Gunder's Landing which later became Guntersville, AL John Guinter was born about 1750 and was of Welsh descent. Legend has it that he was kidnapped as a child by the Chickasaws. When he got older, he escaped and lived with the Cherokees. He became a trader, traveling among the Cherokees. It is thought that John Gunter's liason with an Indian woman resulted in the birth of Amelia (Amy) Gunter. John Gunter married Ghe-go-ne-li, daughter of Chief Bushyhead. Their children were well documented. Presley Self born 4 April 1763 married Amelia Gunter and Catherine was their second child. Catherine Self married Perry Tunnell about 1807 but no marriage record has been found. Perry Tunnell was a circut Methodist minister and the family moved to various places. Their first two children, Jesse and Muhulda, were born in Kentucky. The family then moved to Tennessee where James was born in Blount Co. Elisha was born in Georga and then the family moved back to Tennessee wheere Enoch was born. After Enoch was born in 1816, the family moved to what later became Alabama. Perry bought property in Mississippi District in 1816. This later became part of Jefferson Co., AL In 1816, Rev Perry Tunnell and his wife were memebers of the Cedar Mountain Methodist Church, northeast of Birmingham. There, Josiah, Stephen, Nancy, Johnb Wesley, and Mary were born. In the summer of 1826, the Rev. Perry Tunnell had attended a Camp Meeting where he preached the morning service. He started home and died of an apparent heart attack before reaching home, only a few miles away. Catherine was pregnant at the time, and Elizabeth was born 29 November 1926. At the time of Perry's death, Catherine had many relatives nearby. Her father, Presley Self, and an uncle, Isaac Self, along with many cousins were all living in Jefferson Co.
After Perry Tunnell died, Catherine applied for a land patent to the Tuscaloosa Land Office on 17 December 1827. There was a payment of some kind paid because in 1828, Catherine received her land. The land patent reads:
Certificat #6167
Whereas, Catherine Tunnell of Jefferson Co., has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Tuskaloosa whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Catherine Tunnell according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April 1820, entitled "an Act making further provisions for the sale of the Public Lands", for the West half of the Nort East Quarter of Section Twenty-four, in Township Fifteen of Range one West, in the district lands office for sale at Tuskaloosa, Alabama, containing Seventy-nine acres and Seventy hundreths of acre according to the official plat of the survey of the said lands, returned to the general Land Office by the Surveyor General which said tract has been purchased by the said Catherine Tunnell.
NOW KNOW YE, That the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in such case made and provided, have Given and Granted, and by these presents, do give and grant, unto the said Catherine Tunnell and to her heirs, the said tract above described. To have and to hold the same, together with all rights, privileges, immunities and appartenances, of whatsoever nature thereto belonging to the said Catherine Tunnell and to her heirs and assigns forever.
In Testomony whereof I, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have caused these letters to be made patent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be herewith affixed.
Given under my hand at the city of Washington, the twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight...and of the Independence of the United States, the fifty second.
by the President, JQA
G.G. Commissioner of the General Land Office
In Volume 1, page 342 in Jefferson Co., AL, on 23 June 1829, is shown a marriage license was issued to Robert H. Little and Catherine Tunnell. Robert Little was a widower from South Carolina with fourteen children. The marriage was solomnized on 7 July 1829. This made a family of twenty five children, with Robert's fourteen and Catherine's elven.
About two years later, on 2 Sep 1831, Catherine and Robert Little filed for divorce in Jefferson Co. AL In Book 4, page 165 of the Preobate Judge's records can be found:
Robert Little (X) and wife Kathryn (X) bonds of matrimony are about to disolve or so far as for them to separate themselves from each other and to make a division of property; viz, said Kathryn to have all cattle she had at their marriage, also two colts he gave to his (her?) sons, James and Elisha Tunnell, also 1 wagon and two yoke of oxen he received from William Taylor in part payment for land where she now lives. 2 September 1831 Witness: Jacob Wenr, Charles C. Clayton Sr
I understand the State Legislature had to grant divorces at that time. Whether it proved too expensive or too long, Robert and Catherine evidently settled their differences because a divorce decree does not seem to have been granted. Some researchers believe the dispute was about Catherine's property. She evidently wanted to keep the property for her children. Anyway, on 26 Nov 1831, Catherine, and not Robert, sold her property to William Taylor. Robert and Catherine then moved to Coosa Co. AL, where two daughters, Martha in 1833 and Celia in 1835 were born to them.
In the meantime, Presley and Amy Gunter Self moved to Benton Co. AL Also moving with them were several of Catherine's children. On the 1840 census for Benton Co, AL were James Tunnell, Elisha Tunnell, Enoch Tunnell and Mahulda Tunnell Berry and her husband Robert. We know that Enoch and Louisiana Jane Clark were married in Benton Co. AL
It seems that Elisha Tunnell and his family came to Texas first. His daughter, Martha, was born in TX in 1843. Then Elisha returned to Alabama. A cousin of the Tunnell children had married William Regan and was in Texas in the 1830s. We don't know if these relatives were the reason for Elisha and his family coming to TX or if he came to look the situation over after the Cherokees were removed in 1839. [That cousin was Matilda Tunnell b 21 Dec 1805, daughter of Robert Tunnell b 14 Dec 1782, and granddaughter of William Tunnell b 1751.]
During the 1840s, Robert and Catherine Tunnell Little, with many of their children, moved to Texas. The Little children settled in Rusk Co. and the Tunnell children settled in Smith Co.. Robert and Catherine were living in Rusk Co.. By 1850, Mahulda, James, Nancy, Enoch, Elisha and John Wesley were all listed on the 1850 Smith Co. Census. Catherine was listed on the 1850 Rusk Co. Census as 60 years old and born in Texas, which can not be true, as she had only been here[TX] a few years. This census was taken 9 Sep 1850. She was also listed on the Smith Co. 1850 Census on the 7th Nov 1850 with the James Tunnell family. James and Elizabeth had a son, Gideon Asbury Tunnell, born 26 Nov 1860 so perhaps Catherine was helping out there.
Taylor Brown had married one of Robert Little's daughters, Annie. Annie died 29 May 1850, leaving Taylor with several small children. he then married 17 year old Martha Little, daughter of Robert and Catherine Little. They were married 15 Nov 1850. Taylor Brown was 43 years old. A daughter Texana, was born in 1852. Martha died, either in childbirth or shortly thereafter. She is probably buried in the Brown Cemetery but there is no marker. I don't understand this as Taylor Brown was a wealthy man. Taylor Brown wasn't through though. he married 17 year of Elizabeth Bagley on 13 Apr 1856.
An application to administer the estate of Robert Little was filed by Taylor Brown and Richard Howell, Celia's husband on 25 July 1853. Evidently, Robert Little had become incapcitated for some reason. The petition was withdrawn on 28 August 1853. Robert H. Little had died 8 August 1853. Where he is buried is unknown. On page 85 of the Probate Records of Rusk Co. TX, there is an order to grant letters on the estate of Robert Little, filed 28 Nov 1853. It was dismissed for want of a bond on 28 Dec 1853
In the probate records of Rusk Co. for the July term of 1856, we have the last record of Catherine Self Tunnell Little, a remarkable woman. It reads:
The State of Texas} Probate Court
Count of Rusk} July Term 1856
To the Honorabel J. C. Miller, Judge of the Probate Court of Rusk Co.
The petition of Ben Smithere would represent to your honor that Robert Little died on day of 1854 and he died without making any lawful will and left some debts unpaid and some property in the hands of David B. Brown (now dead) and some other persons. The petition states that he is a creditor of said Little and for a small amount, say $30, $40 and that no administrator has been granted on said estate, and states further that dead Little left a wife, Catherine Little, who relinquishes her right of administrating on said estate and consents that Ben Smithers may be appointed administrator of her dead husband's estate he therefore prays that administration be granted to petition at the next term of this court according to law.
Ben Smithers, petitioner
Elisha Tunnell was the first of Catherine's children to buy land in Smith Co. TX In Book E page 347 in Smith Co. courthouse, we find that Elisha bought 250 acres of land for $500. None of the others bought land until later after Robert Little died. This might have nothing to do with anything, but it makes one wonder if Catherine saved her money for her children. After Robert's death, Catherine's children began buying land and paying cash for it. They might have had their own money, but it does make one wonder. In Book F, page 642 in Smith Co. we find the following:
G. Biffle, W. Berry, Elisha Tunnell, Enoch Tunnell, Josiah Ogburn acting trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South & of the society of Chapel Hill-Mud Creek, 14 Nov 1854
On the 14 Mar 1859, James Tunnell bought 640 acres fro Geo. B. Adkins for $1200, Book K page 110. James evidenty made his home here on the land in the Marshall University School Tract. It is believed that Cathereine Self Tunnell Little then made her home with James and family. When James bought the land nothing is said about a church or grave yard. When Elizabeth sold the land on 14 Dec 1868 to C.M. Bevins, she sold all the land except for two acres where the church and grave yard were. So the James Tunnell family evidently started the cemetery and probably the church. Catherine's grandsons, Thomas Jackson Howell and Lee Swain, said their grandmother is buried there in what was known as Galena Graveyard. It fits nicely that she is buried there. Catherine must have died between 14 Mar 1859 and 1 Jun 1860 as she is not listed on the 1860 census. Others of the family that are known to be or probably are buried there are Miles Columbus Tunnell, Son of James and Elizabeth, born 25 Apr 1858 and died April 1859. James Tunnell died 10 May 1861 and is probably buried there. We know definately that Elizabeth Tunnell Swain, Catherine and Perry's youngest daughter is buried there. There is little evidence of the graveyard or church left at Galena. Vandals burned the church and a previous owner fenced in the cemetery and put in 100 hogs there. You can imagine what that did to any markers. There are a few pieces of markers that have been found but nothing to identify the Tunnell family. It is such a shame that such a remarkable woman had to end up like this.
The Enoch Tunnell family moved to Henderson Co. in the 1860s. I do no know where the young son, Benson (born 1848, died between 1860 and 18700 died. Either Van Zandt Co or Henderson Co.
John Tunnell (born 1844) was killed in the Civil War.
Enoch Tunnell died 9 Dec 1879 and is buried in New York Cemetery near his daughter Mary, who married C.E. Neill. This is in Henderson Co.
Louisiana Jane Tunnell (Enoch's wife) and youngest son, Arthur, are buried at Union Chape Cemetery in Smith Co."
Burial: Bet. 1859 - 1860, Galena Cemetery, Smith Co. TX - no longer in existance203
Census: 1850, Smith Co. TX - #389 home of James Tunnell
Fact 10: She was of Indian linage and graddaughter of John Gunter of Gunter's Landing AL204
v. JOHN TUNNELL205, b. Bet. 1788 - 1789, Greene Co. TN206,207; d. Bet. 19 Sep - 02 Dec 1833, Athens TN208; m. ESTHER ESSMAN209, 08 Sep 1807, Greenville TN210,211,212; b. 1794, TN213; d. 30 Nov 1857, McMinn Co. TN213.
From Earl Massey and probably Notable Southern Families:
"John Tunnell, son of Stephen and Kezia Money Tunnell was born in Greene Co. Tennessee, ca. 1788 and died near Athens, Tennessee ca. 1843. Court records at Greenville, Tennessee show a marriage license was issued to John Tunnell and Esther Essman on September 8, 1807. They moved to Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1808. About 1821 they moved to McMinn Co., Tennessee and entered land which a granddaughter, Mrs. Hamilton, was living on in 1913. Esther Essman Tunnell lived to be 72 and died at Athens, Tennessee."""
Father: Presley Self b: 4 APR 1763 Mother: Amy Gunter b: 1760 in Said to have been born in "the OLD NATION IN TN"
Marriage 1 Perry Tunnell Marriage 2 Robert Little
Catherine Tunnell's Timeline
1790 |
South Carolina, United States
1808 |
AL, United States
1812 |
June 12, 1812
Blount, AL, United States
1814 |
April 13, 1814
Alabama, United States
1816 |
January 20, 1816
Tennessee, United States
AL, United States
1818 |
February 3, 1818
AL, United States
1819 |
AL, United States
1821 |
September 27, 1821
Alabama, United States
1823 |
September 8, 1823
Jefferson County, Alabama, United States