There was a lot of tragedy surrounding the life of Sydney's son, Charles. His wife Jennie Petticrew had just died the previous year in childbirth of what was called "childbirth fever." She was only 25 years old. The baby, also called Charles, survived for six months, died of marasmus. Charles lasted ten years in the steam machinery business. (Comment: not sure what this means! HRB)
Quoting from a Kansas City Newspaper in 1897, "Charles B. Petticrew committed suicide last night by jumping off the Belt Railway bridge into the Kaw river ... Several fishermen ... made desperate efforts to save him but ... Petticrew had been mildly insane about five years. His affliction was caused from sickness and financial failures. His relatives had, during that period, paid his board at Mrs. Reardon's (boarding) house and brought him clothes. He had not worked during the entire time ... He talked to himself almost constantly ... "
Mrs. Belle Robert came and took his body back to St. Louis where he was buried in the Petticrew family plot beside his wife, Jennie, and the infant Charles.
1855 |
Ohio, United States of America
1870 |
Age 15
Missouri, United States
1880 |
March 1, 1880
St Louis, MO, United States
1882 |
August 1882
St Louis, MO, United States
1897 |
June 9, 1897
Age 42
Kansas City, MO, United States
June 12, 1897
Age 42
Petticrew Plot, Bellefontaine Cemetary, Block 16, Lot 1975, St. Louis, Missouri, United States