Charles Prevot SV/PROG

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Charles Prevot, SV/PROG (1650 - 1688)

Afrikaans: Charles Prévost, aka Prevot, SV/PROG
Also Known As: "Prévost /Prevos / Prevo"
Birthplace: Dombriex, Lille, Flandre, France
Death: July 16, 1688 (33-42)
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Place of Burial: Drakenstein, Kaap de Goede Hoop
Immediate Family:

Son of Henri Prévot and Jeanne de Viffe/de Fief Prevot
Husband of Marie le Fébre SM/PROG
Father of David Prévost, b1; Marie Prévot, b2; Abraham Prévot b3; Anne Prévost; Isabeau Prevot and 1 other
Brother of Jeanne Bonduel, Janse

Occupation: Meester wamaker en wielmaker, maître charron or master wheelwright in Dunkirk, Master Wagon Builder
Info:: He was the first French Huguenot to die on South African soil
Managed by: Dennis Anthony Burger
Last Updated:

About Charles Prevot SV/PROG

Prevost in Boucher

Charles Prevost was born about the year 1650 to Henri Prevost and Jeanne de Fief. He came from a village described in the Guines registers as Dombroy, probably Dombrie, near Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, south-east of Lille towards Valenciennes. In 1673 he was working in Dunkirk as a master wheelwright and on October 8 of that year married Marie le Fevre, a year his junior and the daughter of David le Fevre and Elisabeth le Bleu of Marck. As all their children from France were born near Calais, it seems likely that their father left Dunkirk soon after his marriage.

The Prevosts were accompanied on the voyage to the Cape by a son Abraham, who celebrated his ninth birthday at sea, and by two younger daughters, Anne and Elisabeth. A second son Jacob was born on shipboard on May 29, 1688. Abraham was born at Marck on May 24, 1679, Anne in the same village on February 18, 1681 and Elisabeth. in the hamlet of Les Attaques, south of Marck, on October 31, 1683. Two other children died before the departure for the Cape: David, born at Marck on March 10, 1675, and Marie, born at lower Marck on February 10, 1678 and baptized in Calais a week later. Marie’s death is not recorded in the Guines registers, but David died at Marck on February 9, 1685, shortly before his tenth birthday.

Although Charles Prevost came from the Lille region, it would seem that the family was originally from the Calaisis, perhaps from Hames- Boucres, north-west of Guines. There were certainly branches there and in Calais itself. ..

Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA. CHAPTER NINE Cape settlers V: from Flanders to Alsace on the turbulent frontier pp253-4

When the inventory of Anne Prevot [Van der Merwe]'s estate was drawn up in 1740 it was stated that her son Roelof van der Merwe ran the two farms Wittenberg and De Hoop, both in Drakenstein. As the inventory was drawn up and signed on Wittenberg, presumably she lived with him there.

Her children are given as listed in the above inventory.

Charles PRVOT-14909

1 NAME Charles /Prévot/

2 GIVN Charles

2 SURN Prévot

2 SOUR S33

3 PAGE p1066

3 QUAY 3

Under van der Merwe, Pama spells his surname Provo from Prvot, under Vivier he spells it Prvot.

Johan Niemandt: Arrived 1688 from Amsterdam on the ship "De Schelde" with his wife and children.


Marie LE FÈBRE-14920

Under van der Merwe, Pama Vol 2 spells her surname "Lefre", under Vivier, Vol 3 he spells it "le Fre".


Geslagsregisters van ou Kaapse Families

PREVOT Charles Prévot

v. Dombroy by Calais. Aank.1688 v. Amsterdam op die skip "De Schelde" met sy vrou en 3 kinders, † Julie 1688, x 9.10.1673 Marie le Fëbre, v. Marcq, by Calais, d.v. David le Fèvre en Elisabeth le Bleu. Die weduwes hertrou 1688 met Hendrik Eekhoff, v. Essen.

b1 David

  • Marcq Mrt. 1675, † 1685

b2 Abraham

  • Marcq Mei 1679, x 12.5.1709 Anna van Maarseveen

c1 Elisabeth » 6.2.1711, x Johan Oberholster

c2 Marie » 28.1.1713, x Gerrit van Wyk; xx Gerrit van Schalkwyk

b3 Anna

  • Marcq Februarie 1681, x Willem Schalk van der Merwe

b4 Elisabeth

  • Marcq November 1683, † Waveren (Tulbagh) 18.1.1750; x Philippe du Pré; xx Christian Gobrecht, v. Maagdeburg

b5 Jacob


The Huguenot Heritage. The story of the Huguenots at the Cape by Lynne BRYER and Francois THERON. Chameleon Press. 1987. ISBN 0 620 11390 1

Page 36

Ship no. 4 the Schelde

140 feet

Dates of sailing and arrival unknown

PREVOST, Charles (38) (Flanders)

Marie LE FÈVRE (37), his wife

Their children:

Abraham (9)

Anne (7)

Elisabeth (5)

Jacob (born at sea)

Added by Y. DROST, 6 NOV 2015


Prevost in Boucher

Charles Prevost was born about the year 1650 to Henri Prevost and Jeanne de Fief. He came from a village described in the Guines registers as Dombroy, probably Dombrie, near Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, south-east of Lille towards Valenciennes. In 1673 he was working in Dunkirk as a master wheelwright and on October 8 of that year married Marie le Fevre, a year his junior and the daughter of David le Fevre and Elisabeth le Bleu of Marck. As all their children from France were born near Calais, it seems likely that their father left Dunkirk soon after his marriage.

The Prevosts were accompanied on the voyage to the Cape by a son Abraham, who celebrated his ninth birthday at sea, and by two younger daughters, Anne and Elisabeth. A second son Jacob was born on shipboard on May 29, 1688. Abraham was born at Marck on May 24, 1679, Anne in the same village on February 18, 1681 and Elisabeth. in the hamlet of Les Attaques, south of Marck, on October 31, 1683. Two other children died before the departure for the Cape: David, born at Marck on March 10, 1675, and Marie, born at lower Marck on February 10, 1678 and baptized in Calais a week later. Marie’s death is not recorded in the Guines registers, but David died at Marck on February 9, 1685, shortly before his tenth birthday.

Although Charles Prevost came from the Lille region, it would seem that the family was originally from the Calaisis, perhaps from Hames- Boucres, north-west of Guines. There were certainly branches there and in Calais itself. ..

  • Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA. CHAPTER NINE Cape settlers V: from Flanders to Alsace on the turbulent frontier pp253-4


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Bio notes: Died a month after arriving in Cape Town - June 1688


Category:Cape of Good Hope Stamouer-Progenitor Dutch_Cape_ColonyNeeds=Validation Category:Huguenot_Migration Huguenot


French Roots:: Charles of Calais, his wife Marie le Fevre, born 1651, with their three children Abraham, Anne and Elizabeth Prevot, arrived from Amsterdam in 1688 in the Schelde. On the arrival of the latter in Table Bay ason (baptised on board Charles) was born, one of his sponsors being Elizabeth des Pres. <ref name="text-1"/>
:: Charles Prevot was deceased by July,1688, as there is an entry thenof the widow of " Carel Provo." (Charles moes waarskynlik gedurende die vaart van Nederland na die Kaap of baie kort na sy aankoms gesterf het. Volges die DAS besonderhede vir die Schelde in 1688 het die skip Wielingen op 19 Februarie 1688 verlaat en eers byna 4 maande later op 5 Junie 1688 in die Kaap arriveer) In 1690 his widow, remarried Hendrik Eekhoff of Essen ( August 29, 1688), received assistance for herselfand four children. She married for the third time Louis de Perrone,q.v., by whom she had two children. <ref name="text-1"/> :: From the register of the Protestant church at Guisnes the followingparticulars of this family are drawn: On the 8th October, 1673, Charles Prevost," maitre charon," aged 23, son of Henry Prevost and Jeanne de Viffe (de Vief ?)," natif de Dombroypre de I'llle etdemte. a Dunquerque," was married to Marie le Fevre, aged 22, daughter of the late David le Fevre and Elizabeth le Bleu, " natife de Marcq,et demte. aussi Dunquerque." <ref name="text-1"/>

:: The children born were <ref name="text-1"/>: :::David Pruvost, born at Marcq, March, 1675, died 1685 :::Abraham Pruvost, born at Marcq, May, 1679 :::Anne Pruvost, born at Marcq, February, 1681 :::Elizabeth Pruvost, born at Marcq, November, 1683 :: Abraham, son of above, married at Stellenbosch on I2th May, 1709, to Anna van Marseveen (Marcevene), widow of Esaias Costeux. They left two daughters. <ref name="text-1"/> :: Anne, married Schalk Willem van der Merwe.They lived on their farm Wittenberg at Paarl, and left a very large family, from which a great number of the van der Merwe family is descended. She died about 1740. <ref name="text-1"/> :: Elizabeth, married Philippe des Pres of Courtrai,q.v., and by him had a large family. <ref name="text-1">"The French refugees at the Cape": Graham Botha 1921 eddition: Provided by Jan Van Jaarsveld. Canberra: Seen and entered by Van_Heerden-335|Ronel Olivier May 07, 2015.</ref>

Name ===:: Prévost <ref name=DINA>May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak.</ref>

:: Charles Prevot (Provo) <ref name=ANDREW/> :: Given Name: Charles <ref name=ANDREW/> :: Surname: Prevot (Provo) <ref name=ANDREW/>:: Charles Prevot <ref name=CRIS>23 Feb 2016 by Waller-1418|Cris Waller.</ref>

Birth ===:: Date: Charles Prévost was born in 1650 <ref name=PIETR>Entered byMeyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer, Mar 20, 2013.</ref> / in Jul 1650 <ref name=DINA/><ref name=ARRIE>Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref><ref name=ANDREW>Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref>:: Place: Originated from Dombroy near Calais in France. <ref name=DINA/><ref name="text-1"/>


:: Wagon builder, Dunkirk, France <ref name=DINA/>

Emigration ===:: Date: 19 FEB 1688 (the ship arrived at Table Bay on 5 June 1688). Arrived in the Cape aboard the ship 'De Schelde' with his wife and three children. :: Hy was van Dombroy naby Calais in Frankryk afkomstig. Arriveer saammet sy vrou en drie kinders aan die Kaap in 1688 op die "Schelde". Syjongste seun Jacques is op 29.5.1688 op die Schelde gebore en jonk oorlede. <ref name=DINA/>

:: Place: Lille, France <ref name=DINA/>

Migration ===:: Date: 1688: vanaf Amsterdam op die skip De Schelde. <ref name=ARRIE/> Date: 29 MAY 1688 <ref name=ANDREW/>:: "De Schelde left for Cape February 19, 1688, 140 feet long, arrivedTable Bay June 5, 1688, no deaths nor any sickness on board, put in at St. Jago for repairs June 22-30, 1688":

: :* Charles Prevost :* Abraham Prevost - 17 :* Anne Prevost - 6 :* Elisabeth Prevost - 5 :* Jacob Prevost (born at Table Bay) ::: Source: Coertzen, Pieter - "The Huguenots of South Africa 1688-1988", Tafelberg Publishers Limited, Cape Town, 1988 (Contributor June 19,1999 Sonia Tkachuk van Heerden) <ref name=OLIVE>Source: Olivetreegenealogy Ships Carrying Huguenots to South Africa, seen July 19, 2014 by Van der Walt-440 | Philip van der Walt.</ref> :: ::: Elsewhere in the same source: ::* Charles Prevost (1650-1688) and Marie le Fèvre (1651-1701) :* Abraham Prevost (1679-1767) :* Anne Prevost (1681-aft.1725) :* Isabeau Prevost (1683-1750) ::: Sources: mostly Appendix 2 of "Hugenotebloed in ons are" by J.G. leRoux (1992; ISBN 0-7969-0566-5) and "French speakers at the Cape" by M. Boucher (1981, ISBN 0-86981-222-X) (Contributor Lesley Robertson) <ref name=OLIVE/>


:: Five children with Maria. <ref name=CRIS/>

Death ===:: Date: Charles Prévost passed away in 1688 <ref name=PIETR/> / in Jul 1688 <ref name=ARRIE/><ref name=ANDREW/> / [on] 16 JUL 1688 (first Hugenot to die at the Cape) <ref name=DINA/>

:: Place: Cape Town [South Africa] <ref name=DINA/>


* WikiTree profile Prevot-8 created through the import of wikitree upload.ged on Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper. User ID: FE4C8E51DFBD40479A80EE072338359B8607 : Prior to import, this record waslast changed 8 Jan 2010.

* WikiTree profile Prevot-13 created through the import of Ancestors_DippenaarAndre_noinfo.GED on Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar. User ID: 8F5BF2FB-1509-4407-823A-F6192BE5592D : Record ID Number: MH:I486 : UPD 28 JAN 2012 23:09:06 GMT+2
* WikiTree profile Prévot-22 through the import of Vermaak Family Site - 05 May 2013.GED on May 5, 2013 by Vermaak-85 | Dina Vermaak. User ID: F937F770-EED3-4769-9E91-DADA37460828 : Record ID Number: MH:I1331 : UPD 28 JUL 2010 16:08:54 GMT+2* Source: Author: Carel H De Bruin Title: De Bruin Family Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot* Source: Author: Serge Meunier Title: Meunier Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot* Source: Author: Isabel du Plessis Title: RSA People Puzzle Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot* Source: Author: <unknown> flotter Title: flotter Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot * Source: Author: reg neville Title: reg Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot* Source: Author: Kenneth Olivier Title: Olivier & Davis Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot* Source: Author: George Pedersen Title: III Web Site Text: Page: Charles Prevot * Source: Author: Lionel Thomas Title: Lionel Thomas Family Text: Page: Charles Prevot* Source: Author: Paul Mare Title: Mare/Maree Family in South AfricaText: Page: Charles Prévot (Prévost)
* WikiTree profile Prevot-43 created through import of 20150722 11 Ancestors.ged on 23 Feb 2016 by Waller-1418|Cris Waller.* Source: Web Site Christo van Rensburg URL: April 2007

<references />

Charles (Prévost) Prevot has French origins. Charles of Calais, his wife Marie le Fevre, born 1651, with their three children Abraham, Anne and Elizabeth Prevot, arrived from Amsterdam in 1688 in the Schelde. On the arrival of the latter in Table Bay a son (baptised on board Charles) was born, one of his sponsors being Elizabeth des Pres. Charles Prevot was deceased by July,1688, as there is an entry then of the widow of " Carel Provo." (Charles moes waarskynlik gedurende die vaart van Nederland na die Kaap of baie kort na sy aankoms gesterf het. Volges die DAS besonderhede vir die Schelde in 1688 het die skip Wielingen op 19 Februarie 1688 verlaat en eers byna 4 maande later op 5 Junie 1688 in die Kaap arriveer) In 1690 his widow, remarried Hendrik Eekhoff of Essen ( August 29, 1688), received assistance for herself and four children. She married for the third time Louis de Perrone,q.v., by whom she had two children. From the register of the Protestant church at Guisnes the following particulars of this family are drawn:

view all 14

Charles Prevot SV/PROG's Timeline

July 1650
Dombriex, Lille, Flandre, France
March 10, 1675
Marck, Picardie, France
February 10, 1678
Marck, Picardie, France
May 24, 1679
Marck, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
February 18, 1681
Marcq En Barœul, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie, France
October 31, 1683
Les Attaques, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
February 19, 1688
- June 5, 1688
Age 37
Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope
May 29, 1688
''De Schelde'', en route to the Caep de Goede Hoop, Dutch Cape Colony [South Africa]
July 16, 1688
Age 38
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa