Historical records matching Charles Horne Wittenoom, Free Settler “Wanstead” 1830
Immediate Family
half sister
About Charles Horne Wittenoom, Free Settler “Wanstead” 1830
Charles Wittenoom farmed at Gwambygine, on the Avon River near York, from at least 1844.
He must have moved there with his grandmother Elizabeth Wittenoom;
Death 1845/179 Gwambygine (York); Wittenoom, Elizabeth, aged 74 (born c1771)
The Enquirer Perth WA Wed 2 July 1845; Death:
At Gwambygine, near York, on the 27th instant (sic), in her 74th year, Elizabeth, relict of the late THOMAS WITTENOOM, Esq , Senior Proctor of the Vice-Admiralty Court at the Cape of Good Hope and Malta.
1st Marriage 1853/484 Perth; Wittenoom, Charles, to Harding, Sarah Elizabeth
Registered births to Charles/Chas Wittenoom and Sarah Elizabeth Harding at Fremantle and Gwambygyne:
1854 Edward Charles; 21/12/1855 Frederick Francis Burdett; 1857 Rose Agnes; 1860 James Cornelius.
Death 16 Mar 1861/1716 Gwambygine; Wittenoom, James Cornelius, 11 months
Death 3 Mar 1861/1717 Gwambygyne (sic); Wittenoom, Sarah Elizabeth, 25. buried York Cemetery.
Charles sold up furniture and possessions at Gwamygine in December 186, and with his 3 children, sailed to England on the 'Tartar' in January 1862.
He returned by October 1863, and took over his deceased brother F D Wittenoom's business affairs Perth.
2nd Marriage 1865/2246 Perth; Wittenoom, Charles, to Moore, Anne Fletcher
Registered birth 28/1/1866/9019 WA; Florence Mary Teasdale Wittenoom.
Death 10 July 1866/3265 Perth; Wittenoom, Charles, 42.
East Perth Cemeteries: Buried 12 July 1866 in the family grave, named on his father's headstone.
Parents Reverand John Burdett Wittenoom and Mary Teasdale (sic).
Pastoralist and farmer Gwambygine Beverley; 1861 Member York Board of Education; 1857 Honorary Secretary of York Agricultural Society
Memorialised Karrakatta Cemetery, Anglican, EA 0009H
The property Gwambygine was still in the family when Charles died
His eldest son Edward Wittenoom married in England in 1878
The Inquirer and Commercial News Perth WA Wed 24 Apr 1878;
Marriage. — Yesterday representatives of two among the oldest and most respected colonists were united. We allude to the marriage of Mr. Edward Wittenoom, eldest son of the late Mr. Charles Wittenoom, to the third daughter of the late Mr. Robert M. Habgood, of Billiter Street, London.
The wedding took place in St. George's Cathedral, the Rev. F. Coghlan officiating.
His eldest daughter Rose Agnes Wittenoom;
Marriage 1880/4859 Perth; Wittenoom, Rose Agnes to Lefroy, Henry Bruce
We learn from the Victoria Plain that Mr. H. B, Lefroy has recently returned from the metropolis to his station at Walebing, accompanied by hie newly married, bride, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Charles Wittenoom, of York. The bride and bridegroom received a hearty welcome from the settlers in their neighbourhood. A very comfortable and commodious house has been rectify erected at Walebing.
Charles Horne Wittenoom, Free Settler “Wanstead” 1830's Timeline
1824 |
England, United Kingdom
1854 |
February 12, 1854
Fremantle, City of Fremantle, WA, Australia
1855 |
December 17, 1855
'Gwambygine', York, Western Australia, Australia
1857 |
June 25, 1857
1866 |
Age 42
Perth, Western Australia
???? |
East Perth Cemeteries, Western Australia