ID: I5410Ve69a
Name: Verica -
Given Name: Verica
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Merira [Gardner1996]
- Verica [wYoung]
- Gardner1996
- wYoung
PKD RUO-5410Ve69a 2002Se27
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [paulkdavis@earthlink.net] Fremont CA
Marriage 1 Merovech Franks,king-of-the
-1. Childeric Merovingian , I b: 0437A
Forrás / Source:
Chlodeswinthe of the Franks der Franken (Verica) (418 - 449)
Chlodeswinthe (Verica) of the Franks
Persoonlijke gegevens Chlodeswinthe der Franken ♀
Geboren in 418.
Overleden in 449.
Gezin Chlodeswinthe der Franken
Getrouwd met Merovech der Merovingen.
Childerik I der Merovingen
Notities bij Chlodeswinthe der Franken
onbekende echtgenote van Merovech, zou gevangen genomen zijn door Attila de Hun.
Name: Verica -
Given Name: Verica
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Merira [Gardner1996]
- Verica [wYoung]
- Gardner1996
- wYoung
PKD RUO-5410Ve69a 2002Se27
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [paulkdavis@earthlink.net] Fremont CA
Marriage 1 Merovech Franks,king-of-the
-1. Childeric Merovingian , I b: 0437A Forrás / Source:
Chlodeswinthe of the Franks der Franken (Verica) (418 - 449)
Chlodeswinthe (Verica) of the Franks
Persoonlijke gegevens Chlodeswinthe der Franken ♀
Geboren in 418.
Overleden in 449.
Gezin Chlodeswinthe der Franken
Getrouwd met Merovech der Merovingen.
Childerik I der Merovingen
Notities bij Chlodeswinthe der Franken
onbekende echtgenote van Merovech, zou gevangen genomen zijn door Attila de Hun.
Name: Verica -
Given Name: Verica
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Merira [Gardner1996]
- Verica [wYoung]
- Gardner1996
- wYoung
PKD RUO-5410Ve69a 2002Se27
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [paulkdavis@earthlink.net] Fremont CA
Marriage 1 Merovech Franks,king-of-the
-1. Childeric Merovingian , I b: 0437A Forrás / Source:
Chlodeswinthe of the Franks der Franken (Verica) (418 - 449)
Chlodeswinthe (Verica) of the Franks
Persoonlijke gegevens Chlodeswinthe der Franken ♀
Geboren in 418.
Overleden in 449.
Gezin Chlodeswinthe der Franken
Getrouwd met Merovech der Merovingen.
Childerik I der Merovingen
Notities bij Chlodeswinthe der Franken
onbekende echtgenote van Merovech, zou gevangen genomen zijn door Attila de Hun.
Meroveus (Latin: Merovech or Merovius; French: Mérovée; German: Merowig) is the founder of the Merovingian dynasty that later became the dominant Frankish tribe. He apparently lived in the first half of the fifth century. His name is a Latinization of a form close to the Old High German given name of Marwig, which might be literally translated as "famed fight". The first Frankish royal dynasty called themselves Merovingians ("descendants of Meroveus") after him.
married Meira
Children: Childeric I (King Childeric I, of the Franks)
According to Templar-Rosemont, here are three legends concerning the ancient Merovingian dynasty:
1.) Their Sicambrian roots stretch back to the lost Hebrew tribe of Benjamin, which fled Israel following a civil war and voyaged to Greece where they become intermarried with the princes of Arcadia and supposedly helped found ancient Troy. [*] At about the time of the Roman conquest of Greece, these "Benjamites" journeyed north to the mouth of the Danube River on the Black Sea and eventually followed the route west to ancient Gaul, while along the way absorbing into their ranks smaller Germanic groups.
[*] This might suggest that Dardanus was either a member of that tribe, or that as an Arcadian prince, he married a member of the Tribe of Benjamin. Such speculation might relate to some very interesting aspects of the Benjamin tribe, namely those depicted in The Twelfth Tribe of Israel. The major implication is that the Sicambrians, among other things, may have been goddess worshipers... Belial (Inanna), Astarte, Demeter, Artemis, and Ursa... the latter the female form of the Latin for “bear”. If one is going to worship a deity, a mother bear would seem sufficiently protective.
2.) Through marriages with Visigoth nobility from southern France and Spain, they descend from the Desposyni (descendants of the relatives the Christ family) that fled the Holy Lands following the crucifixion and who initially settled in southern France.
3.) The royal line possessed magical powers and were more priest-kings than political rulers. These magical powers were centered in their long hair like Samson of the Bible, which they never cut leading to the name "the long haired kings." When Pepin "the Short" [see below] deposed the last of the Merovingian kings with the help of the Pope, he refused to have "holy blood" on his hands and instead had the king's head shaven and then had him locked away in a monastery for the rest of his life. It is an interesting fact to note that Pepin tried to lend legitimacy to his usurping of the Frankish throne by marrying a Merovingian descendant, Countess Bertha "Big Foot." [One might also assume that “Pepin the Short” was height challenged... but may in fact have simply been wearing his hair short... in contradistinction to the Merovingian kings.]
It is particularly noteworthy that all three legends may be true.
Accordingly to Wikipedia, one particular story suggested Meroveus as the son of Queen Basina I of Thuringia, Clodion's wife... but that Meroveus’ father was not Clodion, but a sea-god, bistea Neptuni. Furthermore, as the Frankish chieftain, he may have been the namesake of a certain god or demigod honored by the Franks prior to their conversion to Christianity. If such stories did exist, them it is likely that the Christian hierarchy would seek to discredit any historical basis for Meroveus... calling any connections to a god or demi-god the stuff of myths and fantasies. The idea of Meroveus being conceived by the Queen encountering a Quinotaur, a sea monster which could change shapes while swimming... would likely serve the Christian hierarchy’s interests than the possibility of any divine intervention in the begatting process. At the same time, the sea monster bit could also be interpreted as a foreign conqueror, coming from the sea, and taking a dead king’s wife in order to legitimize his rule. In this interpretation, both the history of Meroveus... and possibly his name... could co-exist.
This story about Meroveus' conception was adapted in 1982 by authors Henry Lincoln and Richard Leigh in their book Holy Blood Holy Grail, as the seed of a new but related idea. They hypothesized that the "descended from a fish" legend was actually referring to the Merovingian line having married into the bloodline of Jesus Christ, inasmuch as the early Christian symbol had also been a fish. This theory was further popularized in 2003 via Dan Brown's best selling novel, The Da Vinci Code. Laurence Gardner, et al, have provided additional evidence and rationale for the Meroveus lineage. According to these less regulated and more secular sources:
Meroveus was simply the son of Clodion of Tourani and Queen Basina I... one of three sons as it turns out.
There is also a fictional character called The Merovingian in the movies The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions (portrayed by Lambert Wilson). The character is modeled as an ancient and powerful leader of exiles. He also has extensive knowledge of the inner workings of the universe and uses this knowledge to support his decadent lifestyle. [Of course, if you lose the "ad" (attention deficit), you would have a "decent" lifestyle. Wordsmithing can be so much fun.]
418 |
Saxon Tribal Lands, [Westphalia, Germany]
449 |
Age 31
near Paris, near Paris, North Rhine-Westphalia
Age 31
Amiens, Frankish Territory [Amiens, Somme, Picardy, France]
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