Matching family tree profiles for Christian Waddington
Immediate Family
About Christian Waddington
Christian was born about 1637 and died by 1701; of Stafford County, Virginia.
- not the wife of Capt. Thomas Flood, Sr.
- not a known daughter of Col. Thomas Pettus
- seen as daughter of Ka Okee "Jane"
Aunt (sister’s daughter) to Frances Lampton
Married 1st to John Martin d c 1668
Their children:
- 1. Anne Martin (4 Jan 1667/68 - 9 Mar 1741/42) m 1) Jacob Hubbard 2) Edward Watts 3) Daniel McPherson
- 2. Christian Martin d 1721 m 1) Evan Williams 2) John Waugh 3) John Hawkins
- 3. John Martin (Bef 1675 - Aft 1715) m Mary
Perhaps Francis Martin belongs in this generation.
Married 2nd to Francis Waddington d c 1701
Their child
- Francis Waddington b c 1675 m Joanna, widow of James Monk
Family Relationships
Mother of Francis Waddington, John Martin
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-332659
John Martin Jr was named in the will of cousin Frances Golber/White/Lampton 24 Apr 1716 “cousin John Martin Jr. the tract of land where Richard Craford is now living.” Wits: Mary Martin, Thomas MacDunin, Elizabeth Spears. The will also made a bequest to "cousin Francis Martin the tract of land where James Clark is now living." it is unclear whether this Francis was a full sibling of John Martin, Jr., or perhaps was Francis Waddington, Jr. [3]
Mother of Anne McPherson, Francis Waddington, John Martin
In a court record from 1727 Anne acknowledged the right of John Martin, Jr. to land in King George county that her husband, Daniel McPherson, had purchased from Francis Waddington [unclear whether Sr or Jr, both were dead at this point] even though Francis on his deathbed said the land should belong to John Martin, Jr.
Sister of the wife of unknown “Golber”, mother of Frances (Golber) White
1721-1735 King George County Deed Book 1-A, (Antient Press); pp. 120 February the 5th 1730/1. The Deposition of ANN MACKFERSON of Stafford County aged about 63 years the Deponent .. being duly sworn sayeth that FRANCES GOLBER came to her & asked her whether or not she was the Daughter of FRANCIS WADDINGTON'S wife which the aforesaid ANN said she was then replyed ffRANCES GOLBER you are my own Cousin for your mother & my mother is two sisters Deponent further sayeth that her mother which was then WADDINGTONS wife but sometime before had been the wife of JOHN MARTIN deceased informed her at several times that ffRANCES GOLBER was her own Sisters child & the Deponent further Declareth that the aforesaid ffRANCES (GOLBER) which was after was the wife of THOMAS WHITE Deceased always acknowledged WADDINGTON'S wife to be her Aunt & further the Deponent sayeth not .. Ann x Mackfereson 5th February 1730 .. ANN MACKFERESON came .. made oath which on motion of JAMES JONES admitted to record.
Wife of John Martin
From https://www.geni.com/discussions/187091?msg=1248852
This John Martin was probably born 10-15 years earlier since we know his daughter Anne was born about 1655. He was married to a woman named Christian, maiden name unknown, born abt.1639. They had three or four children, Anne, Christian, and John Jr, and possibly Francis (Francis might be a grandson). John died by 1674 and his widow, Christian married a man named Francis Waddington. They had one child, Francis Waddington, Jr. This is most of what's known about the first John Martin. A man named John Martin appears in early court records in the Stafford area, but there are no documents that clearly identify him as the man married to Christian.
Thomas Fowke received a land grant in Westmoreland County in 1654 for the transport of 10 persons, including a John Martin
John Martin was appointed appraiser of the estate of Edward Cary in Westmoreland County, Feb. 1663/64 John Martin appears in other court records of early Stafford County as a juror or appraiser.
No record of marriage, no record of death, no will
Wife of Francis Waddington
Christian Martin was married to Francis Waddington by 1675 (son Francis Waddington born in 1675) so John Martin must have died by 1674. Deposition of daughter, Ann is the only record I could find that names John Martin and any family: February the 5th 1730/1 The Deposition of Ann Mackferson of Stafford County aged about 63 years the Deponent… being duly sworn sayeth that Frances Golber came to her and asked her whether or no she was the Daughter of Francis Warrington’s wife which the aforesaid Ann said she was then replyed Frances Golber you are my own Cousin for your mother & my mother is two sisters. Deponent further sayeth that her mother which was then Warrington’s wife but sometime before had been the wife of John Martin deceased informed her at several times that Francis Golber was her own Sisters child & the Deponent further declareth that the aforesaid Francis (Golber) which was after the wife of Thomas White deceased always acknowledged Warrington’s wife to be her Aunt & futher the deponent sayeth not…. Ann x Mackferson 5th February 1730 Ann Mackferson came ….made oath which on motion of John Jones admitted to record.
There was a lengthy court case regarding land that had belonged to John Martin. It was apparently sold twice (at the same time) to two different parties. John’s widow, Christian Waddington, made a deposition in the case in 1689:
Christn. Waddington aged Fifty yeares or thereabouts Depons. that John Smith for and on behalfe of Ann his Wife an Infant undr ye age of twenty & one yeares Daughter to John Axton late of Stafford County deced agt John Gowry & Rachell his Wife Deft (entry very faded) That Mr. Wm. Horton being imployed as Agent for John Axton...share of six hundred acres of land within County of Stafford...Potomack Creeke...& Edward Cary...for one HENRY BLAGRAVE & MARY his Wife one of ye Daughters of Capt. DAVID MANSFIELD...at the Plantation of my husband where the sd Cary & Axton made their cropps for that yeare the tobo the sd BLAGRAVE there Recd upon the West of the sd Parcel & being Fifteene hundred pounds nett at least... Signed: Christian (X) Waddington. Sworne & recorded in the County Court of Stafford the 9 day of June 1689 (Deed and Will Abstracts of Stafford County 1686-1689, Eds. Ruth and Sam Sparacio, McLean VA 1989 pp.
The court case involved men who worked on her unnamed husbands land in Stafford County. Because she is the one testifying, unusual that a woman would testify about business arrangements, it would appear that the husband she is speaking about is dead.
Mother of Christian Hawkins
From https://www.geni.com/discussions/196814?msg=1298575
Christian Martin (Jr) birthdate bet. 1655-1665 death 12 Nov 1721
- 1) Evan Williams (died 1692, will presented 1694, index-only record) Daughter Mary
- 2) Rev. John Waugh m. 13 May 1702 no children (Waugh died in 1706)
- 3) John Hawkins m. bef. 11 Dec 1707 no children
Stafford County, Virginia Marriage References and Family Relationships 1664-1800, F. Edward Wright, Colonial Roots, Lewes, Delaware 2011 p. 74
Hawkins, John (d. 1717) m. bef 11 Dec 1707 Chrisian (N) (d. 1721) widow of John Waugh. {D&W 1699-1709:392; SP} p. 265 Evan Williams
To his house accomadations Six barrels of Corne by agreement & 200 Lbs Tobac see that two bush three peck vantinge mades at 150 pr barrel 83 wch added to 200To Strippinge & packing his Tobacco; To rowlinge to hhds at 15 pr hhd; To husking his Corne: To his levy for year 1690 , in 1691; To a Leather jackett; to a pr buckskin stockings Contra By his crop of Tobacco; By Five barrels two bush & peck of corne; pr Jr Adderton Bill ; he owes to ball 162 – Total 1395. Pr John Hawkins Bill; yr man run away & the Bill not worth a farthing thought bee for 600 .Henry Nellson made oath in Court that the above is a truc and perfect accompt of said Evan Williams deced Estate on the 12th day of November 1692 Court held 11 May 1692 5. Judgment is granted to Christopher Richardson for sum of four hundred pounds of Tobacco against the Estate of Evan Williams late of this County deced in the hands of Henry Nelson Provided that the said Christopher Richardson doe dliver up to the said Henry Nelson a Sute of Leather Clothese belonging to the said Evan William deced
Will Book 2 p. 47 by deed of gift, 12 Jan. 1694/95, is willed by Mrs. Xpian Williams of St. Marys Parish in Richmond Co., 5 cows, a good feather bed and furniture and tow brass kittles, one to hold about 13 gallons, 2 iron pots, 1 bell mettle spice mortar and pestle, 5 pewter, dishes, 2 horses and 2000 pounds of tobacco in cask" to be paid for the aforesaid grandchild, (James Elkins) schooling when he comes to age of 23yrs. Mrs. Williams names James Elkins as her grandson and states he is the son of Richard Elkins and Mary. Mrs. Williams signed the Deed of Gift with her mark.
1707/8, 11 Feb: At Stafford Co., VA Court, the within power of attorney upon motion of Major William ROBINSON was ordered to be recorded. Whereas we William FITZHUGH, Thomas GREGG, Henry CONNYER & Leonard TARENT were this day appointed and elected auditors of the matter in difference between Joseph WAUGH, John WAUGH and Alexr. WAUGH, Admrs. of John WAUGH Clk deced & John HAWKINS & Christian his wife late Widow of the said deced relating to her thirds of the personal of said John WAUGH Clk & thereupon having fully audited adjusted stated & settled all accounts concerning the same do award, John HAWKINS & Christian his wife for a full ballance of their share and part of the estate of John WAUGH deced that is at present come to the hands of Admrs. shall be one feather bed & furniture according to the appraismt. 1600; one trunk 80; one looking glass 36 & that they have third part of the estate of the deced as shall hereafter come into hands of Joseph WAUGH 11 Dec 1707.
Christian Hawkins will was filed in Stafford County, VA in 1722. The will book itself is missing but the index remains.
Disputed Origins
Evidence needed to support as child of Col. Thomas Pettus and Ka Okee "Jane"
according to the following: http://www.patawomeckindians.org/PatawomeckTides2012.pdf
The Newtons of White Oak have long claimed a descent from Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, and it was through Maj. William Newton’s wife, Elizabeth Kenyon, that this lineage flowed. Her mother, Elizabeth Waddington, was the daughter of Francis Waddington, Jr., and Margaret Thomasin. Francis bWaddington, Jr., was the son of Francis Waddington, Sr., and his wife, Christian (Pettus) Martin, the widow of John Martin. Christian’s mother was traditionally the Patawomeck Indian, Ka-Okee, daughter of Pocahontas by her first husband, Kocoum, the younger brother of Chief Japasaw.
Disputed biography
CHRISTIAN PETTUS was born in 1636 in Stafford County, Virginia. She married John Martin I in 1653, in Virginia, British Colonial America. She died on May 2, 1701 in James City County, Virginia. She was the daughter of KA-OKEE "JANE" and granddaughter of daughter of "POCAHONTAS" and her first husband KOCOUM. Her father is believed to be Col. THOMAS PETTUS who first arrived in Virginia about the time of her birth.
CHRISTIAN PETTUS was married first to JOHN MARTIN and they had issue including two daughters: REBECCA MARTIN and CHRISTIAN MARTIN.
Her father, Colonel Thomas Pettus, was 38 and her mother, Ka-Okee, was 26. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 5 daughters. She died in 1701, in Stafford, Virginia, British Colonial America, at the age of 65, and was buried in James City, Virginia, British Colonial America.
After JOHN MARTIN died CHRISTIAN was married second to FRANCIS WADDINGTON Sr. and they had a son FRANCIS E. WADDINGTON who was born in 1675.
- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131605608/christian-waddington cites Shawnee Heritage: not a reliable source
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-332659 cites
- Deeds and Will Abstracts of Stafford County 1686-1689, eds. Ruth and Sam Sparacio, McLean, VA 1989.
- King George County, Virginia Deed Book No. 1, Part 1 30 June 1721 to 5 April 1726 p.120 abstracted by Lydia Sparacio Bontempo, Antient Press, 2002
- Abstracts of wills of Richmond County, VA
- Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Vol 1 Bk 5, p. 63
- Deed & Will Abstracts of Stafford County, Virginia 1686-1689, Deed Book D – Part 1 p. 27
- Records of Stafford County April 11 1705
- https://www.indianreservations.net/2016/08/christian-pettus-martin-... cites
- [1] Dr. Linwood Custalow, Angela L. Daniel. The True Story of Pocahontas, (Golden, Colorado : Fulcrum Publishing, 2007)51, 79, 82, 89-90.
- [2] Patawomeck Tides, 2009 Article by Bill Deyo, https://home.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/upload/Patawomeck-Ti...
- [3]Walter Lee Hopkins, Hopkins of Virginia and related families, (Richmond, Virginia : J. W. Ferguson and Sons, 1931) 9, digital images, Hathi Trust (https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005760969/Home : accessed 8 August 2016). Pocahontas Hutchinson Stacey and Alice Bohmer Rudd, The Pettus Family, (Washington : self published, 1957) digital images, Hathi Trust (https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005732259 : accessed 8 August 2016).
- [4] Custalow and Daniel, True Story of Pocahontas.
- [5] York County Deed, Orders, and Wills (2) 63, dated 27 Feb 1645/6; Thomas Pettus paid 600lbs. in tobacco for one "Native American".
- [6] "Online Catalog: Images and Indexes," database with images, The Library of Virginia (javascript:open_window("http://lva1.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com:80/F/T4QNNU9RYJ25A24T8AJ334MQ7..."); : accessed 8 August 2016) Captain Thomas Pettus land grant, 7 April 1643, citing Virginia, Colonial Land Office Patents, 1623-1774.
- [7] Find A Grave, database with images (findagrave.com : accessed 8 August 2016) memorial page for Christian Pettus (1636-1701) Find A Grave Memorial #131605608, citing Ron Stephens.
- [8] Deed and Will Abstracts of Stafford County 1686-1689, Eds. Ruth and Sam Sparacio, McLean VA 1989 pp. 38-39) information supplied by Kathie Forbes, thank you Kathie!
- [9] http://www.multiwords.de/genealogy/Ja10KeziahArroyah.html not sure who owns this website.
- [10] Christian Waddington
- [11] Record Book Abstracts of Stafford County, Virginia, 1699-1709, pages 39 and 40.
- [12] Stafford County VA deed and will book 1699-1709; The Antient Press, page 67-68.
- Mary Williams, daughter of Evan Williams and Christian (Pettus) Martin, a granddaughter of Ka-Okee of the Pocahontas line. Source of information William Deyo, Patawomeck Tribal Historian
- http://www.mdhervey.com/photos/Wahanganoche%20Family%20Connection.htm
- https://www.pallasweb.com/blog/sullivan-family-ancestry-pocahontas.... “ To recap a bit - geneology can be confusing - Christian married John Martin, their [SIC - grand] daughter Mary married Josias Fugate and their daughter Ann Fugate married Darby Sullivan III (grandson of the gingerbread stealer) mentioned earlier.”
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Our_Patawomack_Ancestors
- https://www.pokereagles.com/query/who-was-ka-okee
- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131605608/christian-waddington cites Shawnee Heritage, a discredited source
- https://gw.geneanet.org/mbelliard?lang=en&iz=75446&p=christian&n=pe...
- https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/L2XG-QVP/christian-pettus-163... * Birth: Familysearch : https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/L2XG-QVP/christian-pettus-163... , et aussi findagrave.com :
- https://fr.findagrave.com/memorial/131605608/christian-waddington
- Baptism: https://fr.findagrave.com/memorial/131605608/christian-waddington Spouse 1: geni.com, merci Spouse 2: findagrave.com et FamilySearch. Death: findagrave, merci :
- https://fr.findagrave.com/memorial/131605608/christian-waddington
- http://www.rootedheritagegenealogy.com/2018/05/ka-okee-daughter-of-...
- https://www.indianreservations.net/2016/08/christian-pettus-martin-...
- http://www.southern-style.com/Pettus.htm
Christian Waddington's Timeline
1637 |
Probably, England
1657 |
1659 |
Stafford County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1667 |
Stafford County, Virginia
1675 |
Virginia, United States
Stafford County, Virginia Colony, Colonial America
1701 |
May 2, 1701
Age 64
Stafford County, Virginia, British Colonial America
???? |