Immediate Family
About Christina Birgersdotter Folkunga
Kristina Birgersdotter, Folkungaätten
- Födelse: cirka 1248 Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sverige
- Död: 05 februari 1285 (32-41) Östergötland, Sverige
- Begravningsplats: Alvastra kloster, Alvastra, Östergötland, Sweden (Sverige)
- Yrke: Grevinna av Anhalt
- Dotter till Birger Jarl och Ingeborg Eriksdotter, Prinsessa av Sverige
- Maka till Sigge Guttormsson, till Ljuna
- Mor till Birger Siggesson Gumsehuvud; Helena Siggesdotter och Margareta Siggesdotter
- Syster till Drottning Rikissa Birgersdotter Bjälboätten, av Norge; Valdemar I, kung av Sverige; Magnus Ladulås, Kung av Sverige; Katharina von Schweden; Hertig Erik Birgersson, Folkunga; Ingeborg Birgersdotter och Bengt Birgersson, Folkunga
- Halvsyster till Gregers Birgersson, Bjälboätten oä Folkunge
Kristina BIRGERSDOTTER (Folkungaätten)
- Daughter of Birger Birger Jarl MAGNUSSON FOLKUNGE (~1200 - 1266) & Ingeborg ERIKSDOTTER (1214 - 1254)
- KRISTINA Birgersdotter (-after 1285). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. married SIGGE Guttormsson, from Ljuna (-bur Alvastra Abbey).
- Death Record: 1273-02-05 Östergötland, Näsby i Åkerbo hd
- Kristina Birgersdotter is mentioned several times as married to the knight Sigge Guttormsson (two lilies with stems, rising from an open rose).
- Married: Sigge Guttormsson of Ljuna, GUTTORMSSON (TVÅ LILJESTAVAR SNETT NEDSKJUTANDE FRÅN SÄNKT ROS). and mother-in-law to the lords Lidinvard Ödesson (Örnfot) and to the national council Ulf Holmgersson (Ama).
- Birger Siggesson (gumsehuvud), Oh my dear, my dear, I give my furded coat with a capuchon - for my son Birger, this armor as a whole, as I have had." The young son Birger gets his father's armor, because he seems to be dedicated to a worldly career as a knight.
- Helena Siggedotter; Their daughter Helena's daughter has to have been married first to the Danish knight Ingemar Nielsen, and Then to Ulf Holmgersson (Ama). A son is also known by Siggy Guttormssons Testament, written 11 June 1283
- Margaret Siggesdotter
Source Adelsvapen - https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Folkunga%C3%A4tten#TAB_13
The Swedish Diplomatarium's National Archives of Medieval Letters
SDHK No: 1238
- Dating: 1283 June 11
Sigge Guttormsson to Ljuna prepares his will as follows: to the monks in Alvastra, where he chooses his grave, he donates his farm in Västra Ljuna (Hogstads parish) with movable property in accordance with a previous letter (12760000 b, DS 608), to the church of Näsby's estate, comprising a tooth of any new cultivation, to Salmundus, the parish priest in the church, 1 land of money, to the church in Hogstad (Hogstad parish) 1/4 eighth in "Colsthorp" to cover the expenses of someone Sister Priest there, to Mr. Runstanus, Sister Priest there, 2 Mark Pence, to the Lesser Brothers in Söderköping 1 Mark Silver, to the Preacher Brothers in Skänninge 1 Mark Silver, to the Preacher Brothers in Skara 1 Mark Silver, to the Brothers in Skara 1 Mark Silver, to the hospital in Skara 1/2 mark silver, to the brothers in Lödöse 1 mark silver, to two hospitals in Östergötland 1 mark silver, to the monastery in Askeby 1 mark silver, to the monastery of Vreta 1 mark silver, t ill brothers in Nyköping 1 mark of silver, further 1 mark of silver as a kind of replacement, which he mentioned to his father in law, and finally to the hospital at Öland 1/2 mark silver. In order to pay the above, he pledges his red clothes and 1 eighth in West Ljuna between the two farms and forbids anyone besides the monks in Alvastra or his wife to redeem this eighth. Furthermore he donates to the church in Linköping's farm in Hogstad with all belongings and buildings1 and releases all his troops. To the prostitute Nils in Högby, he donates his black tunic with surkot and hood, to his nephew N, his lined hoodie, to his son Birger as the "schooling" the value of his own armor, since it was sold by the testament dean Dean Jng (e / mouth /?). His other weapons are to be distributed to his wife, between his friends, Beno Byllasson, Hakvin Rød, Nils Krok, Yandus, Torkil, Peter Långe and Toke, in addition to a horse, his sword and helmet, which he gives to Yandus. In order to get rid of his crusade promise he dedicates two silver beads and a silver cannon, which is found at the goldsmith Tideman in Söderköping. In addition, he pays a lot of goods to solve a number of money requirements for individuals and institutions. Witnesses are his wife Kristina, the linking schnapps Svennung and Birger, magician Otto, brother Knut from Söderköping and his priest Nils, who also sealed together with the issuer and the linköping chapter. - https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=photos_of_me&id=6000000025565454677&photo_id=6000000138090200144&position=0
SDHK No: 1286
- Dating: 1285 without day
Kristina, Birger Earl's daughter (and widow of Mr. Sigge Guttormsson to Ljuna), establishes his testament as follows: To the monks of Alvastra, with whom she chose her graveyard with her husband, she donates the farm Ljuna (Hogstads socken, Göstrings (1 in its entirety with the exception of an oath and a plot, which with all its belongings is inevitably linked to its farm "walled"; this is, however, subject to all returns of the farm (Ljuna?) annually on 29/8 shall be paid in return for the whole convention, if possible in the form of a joint extradition, and celebrating her anniversary. Furthermore, she donates to Linköping's cathedral, the Normlösa farm, where on the bishop's behalf an altar will be established Week two fairs will be held for the dead, one for the Virgin Mary and a death fair for her deceased husband (2. Finally, she also donates 1 mark of silver to each monastery In Sweden, with the exception of those in Gotland and Finland, for night quarters and 1/2 mark silver for each hospital in the Kingdom. Sigillants are the issuer, King M (agnus), his brother Duke B (eng) of Finland, Bishop B. (wrong for H.?) In Linköping and the daughters of the issue Margaret and Helena. Witnesses were Abbot Nils in Alvastra and Kristina's confessor brother Knut from Söderköping. - https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=photos_of_me&id=6000000009365755840&photo_id=6000000143167703111&position=0
Project MedLands, Sweden Kings
Chapter 3. KINGS of SWEDEN 1250-1412 (FOLKINGAÄTTEN)
BIRGER Magnusson, son of MAGNUS "Minnesköld" [Folkunga%C3%A4tten] & his second wife Ingrid [Ylva] ([1200]-20/21 Oct 1266, bur Varnhem Abbey). The Icelandic Annals record that "dominus Birgerus Magni filius" was made "comes in Svecia" in 1248[173]. Jarl at Bjälbo. Regent of Sweden. Founder of Stockholm. “B…Dux Sueorum” donated property to Eskilstuna Kloster by charter dated 16 Jul 1266 which names “filiorum nostrorum…W…Regis Sueorum, Magni Ducis…Ericj ac Benedictj Scolaris”[174]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1265 of "Birgerus dux Sveciæ"[175].
married firstly ([1235]%29 INGEBORG of Sweden, daughter of ERIK Knutsson King of Sweden & his second wife Richeza of Denmark ([1212]-17 Jun 1254). Her marriage is confirmed by a charter dated 4 Nov 1246 in which “Ericus…rex Swethie” names “domino Birgero genero nostro”[176]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
married secondly (1261) as her second husband, MECHTILD von Holstein, widow of ABEL King of Denmark, daughter of ADOLF IV Graf von Holstein und Stormarn & his wife Hedwig zur Lippe (1225-1288, bur Varnhem Abbey). The Annales Stadenses record the marriage "1237 VII Kal Mai" of "dux Abel" and "filiam comitis Adolfi de Scowenborch", naming her "Mechtildem" and recording her second marriage to "ducem Sueciæ" in a later passage[177]. The Icelandic Annals record the marriage in 1261 of "Bergerus Sveciæ dux" and "Mathildam reginam Daniæ"[178].
Mistress (1): ---. The name of Birger's mistress is not known.
Birger Magnusson & his first wife INGEBORG of Sweden had eight children:
- 1. RIKISSA Birgersdotter (-before 13 Dec 1288). The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Rixam filiam regis Suecie" as wife of "Henricum seniorem [filium Nycolai domini de Werle]"[179]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not yet been identified. m firstly (Oslo 1251) HAAKON Haakonsson "den Unge/the Young" under King of Norway, son of HAAKON IV "den Gamle/the Old" King of Norway & his wife Margareta Skulesdotter (Bergen 10 Nov 1232-Tønsberg 30 Apr or 5 May1257, bur Oslo, St Hallvards Church). m secondly (1262) as his first wife, HEINRICH von Werle, son of NIKOLAUS I Herr von Werle zu Rostock [Mecklenburg] & his wife Jutta von Anhalt (-murdered near Saal, Rügen 8 Oct 1291). Herr zu Werle zu Güstrow 1281.
- 2. VALDEMAR Birgersson ([1237]-Nyköping Castle 26 Dec 1302). The Icelandic Annals record that "Valdemarus Birgiri filius" succeeded as king of Sweden in 1249[180]. He succeeded in 1250 as VALDEMAR King of Sweden. “Waldemarus…rex Swechie” confirmed the donation of property to Gudhems Kloster by “reginam dominam Katerinam” by charter dated 17 Jan 1251 which names “patris nostri domini Byrgerj ducis”[181]. The Annales Lubicenses records that "Waldemarus rex Sweorum" was deposed in 1275 by "Magno duce fratre suo"[182]. The Icelandic Annals record the reconcilation between "reges Valdemarus et Magnus" and the departure of Valdemar for Denmark soon after[183]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1302 of "Valdemarus Birgeri filius Rex Sveonum"[184]. m firstly (1260, divorced after 1276) SOPHIE of Denmark, daughter of ERIK IV "Plovpenning" King of Denmark & his wife Jutta of Saxony (-1286). The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[185]. The Icelandic Annals note the presence of "Sophia regina Valdimari regis, eorumque filio Erico domicello et filiabus Ingeburga quæ nupsit Gerhardo filio Gerhardi comitis Holsatiæ et Catharina virgine" at the reconcilation between "reges Valdemarus et Magnus"[186]. m secondly LUCARDIS, daughter of ---. 1296. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Mistress (1): JUTTA of Denmark, daughter of ERIK IV "Plovpenning" King of Denmark & his wife Jutta of Saxony ([1246]-[1286/95]). Abbess of St Agneta in Roskilde 1266. She left the convent in 1271[187].
King Valdemar had & his first wife had seven children:
- a) ERIK Valdemarsson (-1261, bur Sigruna Abbey). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
- b) INGEBORG Valdemarsdotter (-[1290]). The Annales Lubicenses refer to the first wife of "Gherardi comitis Holtzatiæ" as "filia Woldemari Regis Sweciæ"[188]. “Waldemarus…Rex Sveorum” confirmed a grant to Hamburg by “pater noster Dominus Byrgerus felicis memoriæ Dux Sveorum” by charter dated 12 Dec 1275 “in nuptiis filiæ nostræ…et comitis Gerardi…de Holsatia”[189]. The Icelandic Annals note the presence of "Sophia regina Valdimari regis, eorumque filio Erico domicello et filiabus Ingeburga quæ nupsit Gerhardo filio Gerhardi comitis Holsatiæ et Catharina virgine" at the reconcilation between "reges Valdemarus et Magnus"[190]. m (12 Dec 1275) as his first wife, GERHARD II Graf von Holstein in Plön, son of GERHARD I Graf von Holstein in Itzehoe & his first wife Elisabeth von Mecklenburg (1254-Plön 28 Oct 1312, bur Hamburg Cathedral).
- c) KATARINA Valdemarsdotter (-1283). The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[191].
- d) ERIK Valdemarsson [Folkunga%C3%A4ttens Valdemarsgren] ([1271/72]-1330). The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[192]. The Icelandic Annals record a visit to "Konúngahellam…festo martyris Albani" by "rex Valdemarus Sophiaque regina cum filio domicello Erico annos quinque nato" in 1276[193]. The Icelandic Annals record that "domicellus Ericus filius Valdemari" was released from prison in 1302[194]. Norwegian High Councillor 1308. Swedish High Councillor 1322. m INGEBORG Knutsdotter, daughter of KNUT Jonsson [Aspen%C3%A4s%C3%A4tten] & his wife Katharina Bengtsdotter [Folkunga%C3%A4ttens lagmansgren]. 1333.
Erik & his wife had one child:
- i) VALDEMAR Eriksson 1345/69. m firstly (before 1347) INGEGÄRD Karlsdotter [F%C3%A4rla], daughter of [KARL Orestason [Färla] & his wife Helena Magnusdotter [Folkunga%C3%A4ttens oäkta gren]]. m secondly as her first husband, HELGA Anundsdotter [Balk av Strand], daughter of ANUND Röriksson [Balk av Strand] & his wife Cecilia Magnusdotter. She married secondly (before 1379) Ya Königsmarck, Vogt of Stockholm Castle.
Valdemar & his wife had one child:
(a) ERIK Valdemarsson (-[1388/96]). m ERMEGARD --- (-[1402/03].
- e) RIKISSA Valdemarsdotter (-[1 Sep 1288/19 Apr 1293]). The Annales Polonorum record the marriage "1285 in octavis sancti Francisci" of "filiam regis Swecie nomine Rithcam" and "dux Primislius maioris Polonie"[195]. m (1285) as his second wife, PRZEMYSŁ Prince of Greater Poland, son of PRZEMYSŁ I Prince of Poznan, Kalisch and Gniezien [Piast] & his wife Elisabeth von Schlesien [Piast] (14 Oct 1257-murdered Rogoźno 8 Feb 1296, bur Posen Cathedral). He succeeded in 1295 as PRZEMYSŁ II King of Poland.
- f) MARIANNA Valdemarsdotter The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. 1299. m (Nyköping 1285) as his second wife, RUDOLF von Diepholz, son of --- (-1303 or after).
- g) MARGARETA Valdemarsdotter The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Nun at Skänninge Convent 1288.
King Valdemar had one possible illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
- h) ERIK Valdemarsson ([1273]-). Brenner doubts his existence, saying he is likely confused with King Valdemar's legitimate son Erik[196].]
- 3. MAGNUS Ladulås Birgersson ([1240]-Visingsö 18 Dec 1290, bur Stockholm, Riddarholm Church). The Annales Lubicenses names "Magno duce fratre suo [=Waldemarus rex Sweorum]" when recording that he deposed his brother in 1275[197]. He succeeded in 1275 as MAGNUS I Ladulås King of Sweden.
- 4. KRISTINA Birgersdotter (-after 1285). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m SIGGE Guttormsson, from Ljuna (-bur Alvastra Abbey).
- 5. KATARINA The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Katerinam, filiam regis Suecie" as wife of "Sifridum comitem"[198]. m (before 17 Oct 1259) SIEGFRIED Graf von Anhalt in Köthen und Dessau, son of HEINRICH I "der Fette" Graf von Anhalt und Aschersleben & his wife Irmgard von Thüringen (-after 25 Mar 1298, bur Coswig).
- 6. ERIK Birgersson (-17 Dec 1275). “B…Dux Sueorum” donated property to Eskilstuna Kloster by charter dated 16 Jul 1266 which names “filiorum nostrorum…W…Regis Sueorum, Magni Ducis…Ericj ac Benedictj Scolaris”[199]. Duke in southern Sweden 1275.
- 7. INGEBORG (-30 Jun 1302, bur Mölln). The Cronica Principum Saxonie refers to the wife of "Iohannem [filium Alberti dux]" as "filiam regis Suecie"[200]. The Annales Lubicenses record the death in 1302 of "Ingeburgis, mater Alberti, Iohannis et Erici ducum Saxoniæ, filia Regis Sweonum"[201]. m ([1270]%29 JOHANN I Herzog von Sachsen, son of ALBRECHT I Herzog zu Sachsen, Engern und Westfalen [Askanier] & his third wife Helene von Braunschweig (-30 Jul 1286).
- 8. BENGT Birgersson ([1254]-25 May 1291). “B…Dux Sueorum” donated property to Eskilstuna Kloster by charter dated 16 Jul 1266 which names “filiorum nostrorum…W…Regis Sueorum, Magni Ducis…Ericj ac Benedictj Scolaris”[202]. Duke in Finland 1284. Bishop of Linköping 1286.
Birger Magnusson had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
- 9. GREGERS Birgersson or Frilloson [Folkinga%C3%A4ttens oäkta gren] (-1276, bur Uppsala). At Ängsjö. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1276 of "Gregorius filius notus Birgeri comitis"[203]. He was ancestor of the Folkingaättens Oäkta Gren family.
Source' Project MedLands, Sweden Kings
Kristina Birgersdotter (Lion)
Näsby in Åkerbo hd, Östergötland
Letter number: 1286 Issue date: 12850000 b Issue place: Date comment: Language: Latin DS number: DS 800 SD number: Issuer: Kristina, Birger earl's daughter. Contents: Kristina, Birger Earl's daughter (and widow after Mr Sigge Guttormsson to Ljuna), makes her will as follows: To the monks in Alvastra, with whom she has chosen her burial place with her husband, she donates the farm Ljuna (Hogstads parish, Göstrings hered) (1 in its entirety with the exception of an eighth and a plot, which she in all instances inextricably attaches to her farm "wallær"; however, this is done on condition that all returns of said farm (Ljuna?) annually on 29/8 shall be paid in return for the entire Convention, if possible in the form of a joint extra pledge, and to celebrate her birthday. Sigillants are the issuer, King M (agnus), his brother Duke B (engt) of Finland, Bishop B. (fault for H.?) In Linköping and the daughters of the issuer Margareta and Helena. The witnesses were abbot Nils in Alvastra and Kristina's confessor brother Knut from Söderköping. Sigillants are the issuer, King M (agnus), his brother Duke B (engt) of Finland, Bishop B. (fault for H.?) In Linköping and the daughters of the issuer Margareta and Helena. The witnesses were abbot Nils in Alvastra and Kristina's confessor brother Knut from Söderköping.
Letter number: 928 Issue date: 12730205 Issue place: Bjälbo Date comment: Language: Latin DS number: DS 566 SD number: Issuer: Hertig Erik, son of deceased earl / Duke B. Contents: (Duke) Erik, son of deceased earl / Duke B., announces that in the presence of prudent and credible men, he assigned his sister Kristina two eights in Näsby and a half eighth in "Vengj". Married: Sigge Guttormsson (two lily rods obliquely descending from lowered rose)
Årtal Ålder Händelse
~1200 FadernBirger "Birger Jarl" MAGNUSSON FOLKUNGE föds omkring 1200 Bjälbo.
1214 Modern Ingeborg ERIKSDOTTER föds 1214.
1238 Systern Rikissa BIRGERSDOTTER föds 1238.
1240 Brodern Magnus (Ladulås) BIRGERSSON (FOLKUNGA) föds 1240.
1243 Brodern Valdemar BIRGERSON föds 1243.
~1245 Systern Ingeborg BIRGERSDOTTER föds omkring 1245.
1250 Brodern Erik BIRGERSON föds 1250.
1254 Modern Ingeborg ERIKSDOTTER dör 1254.
1266 Fadern Birger "Birger Jarl" MAGNUSSON FOLKUNGE dör 1266-10-21 Jäbolung.
1273 Död 1273-02-05 Östergötland, Näsby i Åkerbo hd.
Kristina Birgersdotter,
vars dotter Elena var gift med Ulf Holmgersson (Ama).
Katarina Birgersdotter, född troligen före 1245, död omkring 1289, grevinna av Anhalt. Dotter till svenske riksföreståndaren jarl Birger Magnusson (död 1266) och prinsessan Ingeborg Eriksdotter av Sverige (död 1254). Katarina gifte sig före 17 oktober 1259 med greve Siegfried I av Anhalt (omkring 1230-1298) och fick flera barn.
- http://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Folkunga%C3%A4tten#TAB_13
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00636665&tree=LEO
- https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigge_Guttormsson
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birger_Jarl
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingeborg_Eriksdotter_of_Sweden
- http://www.dickwahlin.se/dickbok/0001/5658.htm
- http://runeberg.org/kyrkohist/1939/0136.html
- Svenska autograf sällskapets tidskrift - https://books.google.com/books?id=VnFBAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA2-PA7&lpg=RA2-P...
- Svenska adelns Ättar-taflor utgifna af Gabriel Anrep, Volume 1, By Gabriel Anrep - https://books.google.com/books?id=hY5AAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA285&lpg=PA285&d...
- Folkunga family, Band 16 (1964-1966), page 260 - https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=14301&forceOrdi...
- Rötters Anbytarforum Patrik Ringborg Member no. 18849
- Nordisk familjebok: konversations-lexikon och realencyklopedi ny, Volume 8, page 794 - https://books.google.com/books?id=yjsiAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA793&lpg=PA793&d...
- Vreta kloster, by Frithiof Hall, page 7 - https://books.google.com/books?id=8q1AAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&dq=Si...
Christina Birgersdotter Folkunga's Timeline
1248 |
Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sverige (Sweden)
1263 |
1270 |
Som medbeseglare av ett testamente 1285, ser det idiotiskt ut med ett blankt fält som Geni genererar till en uppskattning av att ha kunnat varit född efter 1285.
1274 |
Sundby, Södermanland, Sverige (Sweden)
1285 |
February 5, 1285
Age 37
Östergötland, Sverige (Sweden)
???? |
Alvastra kloster, Alvastra, Östergötland, Sweden