Arrived in MD in 1661; received land from his uncle Cecil, Lord Baltimore, and inherited property from his father. His home was"Calvert's Rest'" on Calvert Bay.
From Who was the First George Calvert of Stafford County, Virginia? by the Calvert Genealogy Group (Ann Mitchell, David Bell, Mary Shafer, Richard Colbert, Ric Tobin and Laree McDaniel Lee), published in the Prince William Reliquary Vol. 9, No. 2, (December 2011):
The family ties of Sir George Calvert First Lord Baltimore, Leonard, and William are well established in historical documents. [4],[5] However, the accounting of William and Elizabeth’s children varies, with no primary source documents found naming all of them. Common secondary sources state they had a daughter, Elizabeth, and four sons: Charles the eldest, followed in order by William, George and Richard. [6] Some include a fifth son, Joshua, who is unproven [7] and presumably born last. William and George are unconfirmed as well, but are named in more credible historical documents, whereas Joshua is not.
...On May 26th, just a few weeks later, William Calvert, Esq. drowned in a boat that capsized in the swollen floodwaters of the Wicomico River. [10] He left no will. Per British law at the time, if there was no will, the eldest son inherited the entire landed estate of his father. [11] As noted in the previous record, Charles was William’s heir. We have found no other probate records citing allotment of any of William’s personal property to any other children.
From Melissa Thompson Alexander's page on William Calvert:
•ID: I12078
Notes for William Calvert:
According to Descendants of Virginia Calverts
William Calvert. b. abt. 1643/4, prob. in England; d. May , 1682, drowned in Wicomico River, Charles county, MD,; m. before Sept. 1663, Elizabeth Stone, daughter of Captain William Stone. ...
William Calvert, son of Gov. Leonard Calvert, came to Maryland about 1662. In 1661, the Attorney General brought a suit to recover to yourn William land that had belonged to his father, Leonard Calvert, which was then in the hands of the heirs of William Stone. This suit proved the paternity of William Calvert, and awarded him the lands and costs. He was married before Sept. 9, 1663.(Md. Arch. Vol. 49, p.59: Proceedings of the provincial Court 1666-1669. "I doe hereby nominate and appoint my loving brother Mr. William Calvert my attorney to prepare a Pet for extending Westbery mannor as witness my hand this 9th Setp. 1663, Signed Tho: Stone.")
In 1662, William Calvert, living in St. Mary's County, had been granted a license to trade with the Indians, a profitable source of revenue in those days.
He held many positions of distinction. From 1663 to 1666 he represented St. Mary's County in the House of Burgesses, was appointed "Judge in Testamentary Business."
In Lord Baltimore's instructions to his son, Governor Charles Calvert, dated 28th July, 1669 is found the following: "His Lordship's dear nephew, William Calvert, to be of the Council and to take rank in the Council and Provincial Court directly after the Chancellor." These instructions were read and he was admitted to a seat in the Council, October 20, 1669.
He was sworn Principal Secretary of Maryland, March 23, 1673, and continued to hold his office until 1682, the year of his death. It may also be mentioned that there is of record a letter from William Calvert to Philip Calvert, Chancellor of the Province, signed "your humble servand and affectionate nephew." (Council Proceedings, 1669-73, fol. 21-22) and a writ addressed by Charles, Lord Baltimore, to "William Calvert, our dear cousin, Principal Secretary of our said Province." 13 May 1676.
Tuesday, Apr 27, 1667 was the first date on which the name of William Calvert was found as a member of the Assembly. Those present were Charles Calvert, Esq. Philip Calvert, Esq., Jerome White, Baker Brooke and William Calvert, Esq.
He was called "Col. Wm. Calvert" when named as overseer in the will of Bryan O'Daley, 1675.
His last attendance at a Council meeting was May 9, 1682, thus placing his death as shortly after that date. On June 9, "Came Elizabeth Calvert widow of ye Hon'ble William Calvert, late Principal Secretary of the Province, and showed that her said husband did die intestate, and prayed letters of Adm'n, and James Patterson of ye Cross Manor, and Thomas Pinke of ye county of St. Mary's may be appraisers," etc., and bond was taken. Sureties were John Stone, Robery Doyne, both of Charles County. Bond dated 9 June, 1682. The widow, Elizabeth Calvert, filed her accound as administratrix of her husband's estate, 1686. She was in Virginia in 1698, as the following, dated 1710, shows: "About twelve years ago was the full time of this deponent's acquaintance with Mr. Richard Calvert, he then being in Virginia along with his mother." (Md. Chancery Book 2, p. 706.) At this time her two sons Charles and George were living in Stafford County, VA. Madam Calvert is also said to have been living in 1707.
There is documentary proof of but two sons and the daughter of William Calvert. Charles is called the eldest son and heir of William Calvert, and Richard is called the fourth son. Whether he was also the youngest, is not stated, so there may have been a fifth son as shown in the list given of his children. The son Charles left no male heirs. He lived for a number of years in Stafford County, Virginia, where also lived (and probably died before 1700) George Calvert. Both appearing about the same time causes it to appear that they were brothers, but documentary proof of that relationship has not been found by the compiler. James Walter Thomas in a note on page 53 of his Chronicles of Colonial Maryland, states: "William Calvert left sons Charles, George and Richard and a daughter, Elizabeth," but gives no authority for the statement. There is ample proof for Charles, Richard and Elizabeth. Personally, I would be delighted to learn of unmistakable proof for the son George. If he were the only George in Maryland or Virginia at that period, and if there were no other Calvert family on this side of the Atlantic, he might be accepted unquestionably as one of the sons of the Hon. William Calvert. He probably was such a son, but ardent belief is not proof, however much we may wish it were.
Notes for Elizabeth Stone:
M. before Sept. 1663, William Calvert. Daughter of Captain William Stone. A perusal of her father's will (See part I), gives the impression that Elizabeth, seemingly his eldest child, and the recipient of special bequests, was the issue of a first marriage. The will of Verlinda Graves, widow of William Stone, dated Charles county, MD., 3d day of March, 1674/5; proved 13th day of July, 1675 makes but three bequests; 1st, Benony Thomas heirs to whom she leaves 400 acres of land; 2nd, a daughter Doyen (Doyne), personalty; and 3d, son John whom she makes her Executor, and beneficiary of the residue of her estate both real and personal, at twenty-one years of age. Omitting mention of all but two of William Stone's children suggests that she may not have been the mother of the other children.
[Br%C3%B8derbund Family Archive #17, Ed. 1, Birth Records: United States/Europe, Birth Records AAI Birth Records Extraction, Date of Import: 31 May 1999, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Calvert, William
William Calvert, b. in England 1642/3; d. in Maryland Jan. 10, 1682. He came to the Province in 1661, received a large grant of land from his uncle (Cecil), Lord Baltimore, and inherited certain property of his father, including "Governor's Fields" and the mansion-house at St. Mary's City. He was Principal Secretary of Maryland and a man of high standing. His life was cut short by drowning when he was trying to ford the swollen Wicomico River in 1682. The grant of land from his uncle, the Lord Proprietory, was called "Pis- cataway Manor," 2400 acres of which he sold to Charles Egerton, Sr. His home was "Calvert's Rest," on Calvert's Bay, which is still standing. He was a member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council; he was also Deputy Governor of the Province. In 1661/2 he married Elizabeth Stone (who survived him), eldest daughter of Governor William Stone (1603-1660) and Verlinda Cotton (d. 1675), daughter of Andrew and Joane Cotton of Bunbury, Cheshire, England, and a sister of the Rev. Dr. William Cotton of Northampton County, Va.
1644 |
Probably Kiplin Hall, Kiplin, Richmondshire, England
Presuming a June 1643 marriage, and pregnancy immediately afterward, the likely birth of William Calvert would have been in March 1644. William Calvert was an infant at the time of his parents departure for America, likely around July 1644. |
1662 |
October 3, 1662
Bay City, St. Mary's County, Province of Maryland
This birth is verified by "The Ark and the Dove adventurers," written by the Society of the Ark and the Dove, George Ely Russell and Donna Valley Russell:
1664 |
January 5, 1664
Charles County, Province of Maryland
This birth is verified by "The Ark and the Dove adventurers," written by the Society of the Ark and the Dove, George Ely Russell and Donna Valley Russell:
1666 |
August 23, 1666
Charles County, Province of Maryland
This birth to William Calvert and Elizabeth (Stone) Calvert has yet to be proven, but it is referred to in "The Ark and the Dove adventurers," written by the Society of the Ark and the Dove, George Ely Russell and Donna Valley Russell, pg 43:
1668 |
Probably Charles County, Province of Maryland
This birth to William Calvert and Elizabeth (Stone) Calvert has yet to be proven, but it is referred to in "The Ark and the Dove adventurers," written by the Society of the Ark and the Dove, George Ely Russell and Donna Valley Russell, pg 43:
1670 |
November 11, 1670
Charles County, Province of Maryland
This birth to William Calvert and Elizabeth (Stone) Calvert has yet to be proven, but it is referred to in "The Ark and the Dove adventurers," written by the Society of the Ark and the Dove, George Ely Russell and Donna Valley Russell, pg 43:
1682 |
May 26, 1682
Age 38
Somerset County, Province of Maryland