Colin Campbell, 6th of Glenorchy and Arkinglass

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Colin Campbell of Glenorchy (1512 - 1583)

Also Known As: "Colin 'the Grey' Campbell", "Cailien", "6th Laird of Glenurchy", "Colin the Grey Campbell 6th of Glenorchy Argyllshire"
Birthplace: Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Death: April 11, 1583 (70)
Balloch, Perthshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Killin, Stirling, Scotland
Immediate Family:

Son of Colin Campbell, 3rd of Glenorchy and Mariote 'Marjory' Stewart
Husband of Katherine Ruthven
Father of Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy, 1st Baronet, 7th Laird of Glenorchy; Patrick Campbell; Margaret Ann Cunningham; Archibald Campbell; Elizabeth Campbell and 5 others
Brother of Sir John Campbell, 5th of Glenorchy; Sir Duncan Campbell, 4th of Glenorchy; Mariota Stewart and Helen Stewart

Occupation: Lord
sibling order: 3rd son
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Colin Campbell, 6th of Glenorchy and Arkinglass


Evidence from the National Records of Scotland

25 May 1574: Copy abbreviate of precept of a charter of confirmation by Colin Campbell of Glenurquhart to Jean Stewart, daughter of John, earl of Athol, (his future spouse) in liferent, of 10 merks of lands of 'Portus' of Lochtay with island, on east side of said loch with fishing, and 4 merkland of 8 merkland on west part of Eddergoill adjacent, to lands of Balloch, 4 merk 6s 8d land of Callelopane, in lordship of Discher and Toyer, 25 May 1574.
Attested by Henry Sinclair, notary and 'secreti sigilli scribam'. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/2/135


Colin Campbell, 6th of Glenorchy and Arkinglass

  • Birth: July 7 1512 - Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland
  • Death: Apr 11 1584 - Balloch, Perthshire, Scotland
  • Parents: Colin Campbell, Marjory Stewart
  • Siblings: Duncan Campbell, Janet Drummond (nacida Campbell), John Campbell
  • Wife: Katherine Ruthven
  • Wife: Margaret Stewart
  • Wife: Partner Campbell (nacida Unknown)

AKA: Colin 'the Grey' Campbell


  • Duncan (Black Duncan "of the Cowl"or "of the Seven Castles") Campbell, Colin Campbell, Archibald Campbell, Mary Campbell, dau. McGregor [MacGregor] (nacida Campbell), Annas (or Elizabeth) Campbell, Margaret (Mariot) Cunningham (nacida Campbell), Patrick Campbell, Katherine Campbell

Cailein (Colin) Campbell was the 6th Laird of Glenorchy (1550-1584). Sir Colin was amongst the first to embrace the Reformation. He sat in the Reformation Parliament of 1560 when Protestant doctrines received the sanction of law. He had the Castle of Balloch built in 1580 in Perthshire, and also built "Edinample".

Colin was fostered with John MacNiell Vrek and Gregory MacNiell, his brother, on 29 April, 1510, and is then styled as third son and to whom was disponed the lands of Crannycht and Acharn by his father. He succeeded to the lands of Glenorchy on the death of his elder brother Sir John Campbell in 1550, had a charter under the Great Seal for the lands and barony of Finlarig to be held jointly by himself and his second wife Katherine Ruthven and by their heirs on 15 June, 1551, and had a charter from his brother-in-law Finlay MacNab of Bovaine, for all and whole of the lands of Ewer, Lerakene, Bovaine, Ardkelle-Easter and Doinche in the barony of Glendochart on 24 November, 1552. He had a charter from Archibald Campbell, Master of Argyll, for the lands of Stronmelichan with the manor thereof with many other lands in Glenstrae which had previously been the possession of the Clan Gregor on 26 April, 1554.


@R1203558009@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.


Ancestry Family Tree


<p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr"> 6th Laird of Glenurchy</p>


Life Sketch

Colin Campbell, 6th of Glenorchy and Arkinglass

Birth: July 7 1512 - Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland Death: Apr 11 1584 - Balloch, Perthshire, Scotland Parents: Colin Campbell, Marjory Stewart Siblings: Duncan Campbell, Janet Drummond (nacida Campbell), John Campbell Wife: Katherine Ruthven Wife: Margaret Stewart Wife: Partner Campbell (nacida Unknown) AKA: Colin 'the Grey' Campbell


Duncan (Black Duncan "of the Cowl"or "of the Seven Castles") Campbell, Colin Campbell, Archibald Campbell, Mary Campbell, dau. McGregor [MacGregor] (nacida Campbell), Annas (or Elizabeth) Campbell, Margaret (Mariot) Cunningham (nacida Campbell), Patrick Campbell, Katherine Campbell Cailein (Colin) Campbell was the 6th Laird of Glenorchy (1550-1584). Sir Colin was amongst the first to embrace the Reformation. He sat in the Reformation Parliament of 1560 when Protestant doctrines received the sanction of law. He had the Castle of Balloch built in 1580 in Perthshire, and also built "Edinample".

Colin was fostered with John MacNiell Vrek and Gregory MacNiell, his brother, on 29 April, 1510, and is then styled as third son and to whom was disponed the lands of Crannycht and Acharn by his father. He succeeded to the lands of Glenorchy on the death of his elder brother Sir John Campbell in 1550, had a charter under the Great Seal for the lands and barony of Finlarig to be held jointly by himself and his second wife Katherine Ruthven and by their heirs on 15 June, 1551, and had a charter from his brother-in-law Finlay MacNab of Bovaine, for all and whole of the lands of Ewer, Lerakene, Bovaine, Ardkelle-Easter and Doinche in the barony of Glendochart on 24 November, 1552. He had a charter from Archibald Campbell, Master of Argyll, for the lands of Stronmelichan with the manor thereof with many other lands in Glenstrae which had previously been the possession of the Clan Gregor on 26 April, 1554.

GEDCOM Source @R1203558009@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.

GEDCOM Source Ancestry Family Tree


!#200-1879-p258; !#2725-1977-p111-123; !

!#200-1879-p258; !#2725-1977-p111-123; !#4888-p no#; !#4913-p no#; !merchant-Glasgow;


!#4888-pno#; !Most records seem to place

!#4888-pno#; !Most records seem to place Colin as child of David and wife Grizell Maxwell, however a contract dated 28 Feb. 1583, seems to indicate otherwise;

Colin pedigree in source tab

view all 16

Colin Campbell, 6th of Glenorchy and Arkinglass's Timeline

July 7, 1512
Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
August 7, 1550
Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Scotland, United Kingdom
Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland
Glenorcay, Argyllshire, Scotland
Monzie Estate, Perthshire, Scotland
Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland
February 22, 1562
Scotland, United Kingdom
Of, Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland