Comte du Perche Rotrou de Châteaudun, Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne

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Comte du Perche Rotrou de Châteaudun, Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne

Also Known As: "Rotrou de Châteaudun", "comte de Mortagne"
Birthplace: Eure Et Loir, Beauce, Centre, France
Death: March 01, 1080 (45-46)
Eure Et Loire, Beauce, Centre, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Geoffroy du Perche, vicomte de Châteaudun and Helvise of Montagne
Husband of Countess Adelise de Bellème, De Mortagne
Father of Hugues III, vicomte de Châteaudun; Rotrou de Châteaudun, seigneur de Montfort and Geoffrey I de Châteaudun, comte de Mortagne et du Perche
Brother of Hugues, vicomte de Châteaudun and Geoffroy de Châteaudun

Occupation: Conde de Perch, Vicomte, de Châteaudun, Comte, de Mortagne, 1040, du Perche, Sieur, de Nogent, vicomte de Châteaudun, seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou, comte du Perche, comte de Mortagne
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Comte du Perche Rotrou de Châteaudun, Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne

ROTROU de Châteaudun, son of GEOFFROY Vicomte de Châteaudun & his wife Helvis [Elisabeth] de Corbon (-1 Mar [1080]). "Hugonis filii domini Gaufridi vicecomitis, Rotroci fratris eius, Eleusie matris eorum" subscribed the charter dated [20 Jul 1031/19 Jul 1032] under which "Gauffridus Castridunensium vicecomes" founded the abbey of Saint-Denis de Nogent[2099]. "Gauffredus vicecomes Dunensis Castri" made a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated 1040, witnessed by "Hugo filius Gauffridi, Rotrocus frater eius"[2100]. "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" names "Gaufridus pater meus comes" in his confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent with the consent of "filiorum meorum…Gaufridi, Hugonis, Rotroci, Fulcoisi ac filie mee Helvise" by charter dated 11 Jan 1078[2101]. Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne 1058. "Rotrochus comes de Mauritania et mea uxor Adeliz et filii nostri Rotrochus et ceteri nostri infantes" donated property to Saint-Vincent du Mans, for the anniversary of "avi mei Fulcuich comitis et avunculi mei Hugonis et patris mei vicecomitis Gaufridi" by charter dated to [1065][2102]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "Kal Mar" of "Rotrocus comes"[2103].

m ADELISE de Bellême, daughter of GUERIN [Warinus] de Bellême & his wife ---. Her parentage is suggested by Orderic Vitalis who records that the great-grandfather of Rotrou [III] Comte du Perche was Guerin "quem dæmones suffocaverunt"[2104]. It is also suggested by the reference in the same source to her son Geoffroy having a justified claim to Domfront, a castle which had been constructed by Adelise’s paternal grandfather. The source which confirms her name has not been identified.

Comte Rotrou & his wife had five children:

1. GEOFFROY de Châteaudun (-mid-Oct 1100, bur Nogent-le-Rotrou[2105]). Orderic Vitalis names him and his father[2106]. "Gauffridus vicecomes, Hugo vicecomes Castriduni, Rotrocus frater eius de Montfort" witnessed a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Henricus vicecomes Mauritanie"[2107], the charter dated to [1060] in the compilation. "Gaufridi, Hu[gonis], Rotroci, Fulcoisi filiorum meorum" consented to the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078[2108]. Orderic Vitalis names “...Goifredus Rotronis Moritoniæ comitis filius...” among those who took part in the battle of Hastings[2109]. He succeeded his father in [1080] as Comte de Mortagne. "Gaufridus castri Mauritaniæ comes" confirmed donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated [1080] in which he named "avus meus dominus Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et pater meus Rotrocus comes"[2110]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Goisfredus Rotronis Mauritaniæ comitis filius” rebelled against Robert [III] Duke of Normandy, burnt “Excalfoium” [Echaufour], and claimed (Orderic says with justification) “Danfrontem...castrum” [Domfront] from “Rodberto cognato suo”, dated to [1088][2111]. It appears that Geoffroy’s claim to Domfront was through his mother’s family, her grandfather having first constructed the castle. It is unlikely, therefore, that the claim by Duke Robert was based on a family connection: more likely Domfront had at some point been occupied by the duke or his father. This leaves open the precise relationship between Geoffroy and Duke Robert “cognato suo”, which has not been traced. He adopted the title Comte du Perche after 1090. "Hugo vicecomes de Castroduno" donated the church of Saint-Léonard de Bellême to Marmoutier, with the consent of "Gausfredo comite fratre eius, Roberto Mandaguerran fratre eius, Comitissa uxore eius, Gausfredo filio eius, Matilde filia eius", by charter dated to [1092/1100][2112]. His burial at Nogent-le-Rotrou is confirmed by the charter dated 1099 under which "Rotrocus filius domini Gauffridi comitis Mauritaniensis" confirmed donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent after returning from Jerusalem and visiting his father's tomb[2113]. m BEATRIX de Ramerupt, daughter of HILDUIN [IV] de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy & his wife Adelaide de Roucy (-2 Sep after 1129). "Beatrice uxor mea et filio meo Rotroco nec non fratribus meis" confirmed the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Gaufridus castri Mauritaniæ comes" dated [1080][2114]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Beatrix" as second daughter of Hilduin Comte de Roucy and incorrectly names her husband "Rotroldo comiti de Pertico"[2115]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "comitis Hilduini de Rameruth maior natu filia dicta Beatrix" as wife, also incorrectly, of "Rotaldo comiti de Pertica"[2116]. She is named as wife of Geoffroy Comte du Perche by Orderic Vitalis, but this source incorrectly states that she was the daughter of "the count of Rochefort"[2117], while specifying in another passage that her son Rotrou was consanguineus of Alfonso I King of Aragon[2118]. A close family relationship with the Comtes de Rochefort is nevertheless suggested by "Rotrocus comes Perticensis, Beatrix comitissa mater eiusdem" witnessing the charter dated [1114] under which "Guido comes Rocheforti" donated property to the abbey of Sainte-Trinité de Tiron[2119], although this relationship has not been identified. "Rotrocus comes et Beatrix mater eius atque Mathildis uxor comitis" subscribed the charter dated to [1105/07] under which "Guillermus de Loiscel" made donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent[2120]. Comte Geoffroy & his wife had five children:

a) ROTROU "le Grand" du Perche (-killed in battle Rouen [20 Jan/23 Apr] or 6 May 1144). He is named and his parentage given by Orderic Vitalis[2121]. "Beatrice uxor mea et filio meo Rotroco nec non fratribus meis" confirmed the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Gaufridus castri Mauritaniæ comes" dated [1080][2122]. He succeeded his father as Comte du Perche.
b) MARGUERITE du Perche (-27 Aug after 1156). Orderic Vitalis names “Margaritam...Julianam” as the daughters of “Goisfredus Rotronis Mauritaniæ comitis filius” and his wife “Beatricis”, adding that Marguerite married “Henrico comiti de Covarevico”[2123]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names " Rotaldum eiusdem loci comitem et Iulainam de Aquila matrem regine Navarrensis, et Margaretam uxorem Gisleberti de Novo-burgo" as children, incorrectly, of "Rotaldo comiti de Pertica" & his wife Beatrix de Roucy, specifying that Marguerite had children "Rotaldum Ebrodiensem episcopum cum aliis liberis utriusque sexus"[2124]. “Henricus…Warwicense consul et Margareta uxor mea et Rogerus noster filius” donated property to Warwick St Mary by undated charter[2125]. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "comitisse de Warwic" in Wiltshire[2126]. 1156. The necrology of the church of Evreux records the death "27 Aug" of "Margarita mater Rotrodi episcopi"[2127]. m HENRY de Beaumont Earl of Warwick, son of ROGER Seigneur de Beaumont-le-Roger & his wife Adeline de Meulan ([1048]-[20 Jun] 1119, bur Préaux).
c) JULIANE du Perche (-after 1132). Orderic Vitalis names “Margaritam...Julianam” as the daughters of “Goisfredus Rotronis Mauritaniæ comitis filius” and his wife “Beatricis”, adding that Juliane married “Gisleberto de Aquila oppido”[2128], in another passage describing her husband as “Gislebertum Aquilensem” son of “Richerium de Aquila Engenulfi filium”[2129]. The marriage is dated from a third passage in Orderic Vitalis which records that “Goisfredus Mauritaniæ comes” granted “Julianam filiam suam” in marriage to “Gisleberto Aquilensi nepote eius” after “Gisleberto Ingenulfi de Aquila” was killed, dated to [1092][2130]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Rotaldum eiusdem loci comitem et Iulainam de Aquila matrem regine Navarrensis, et Margaretam uxorem Gisleberti de Novo-burgo" as children, incorrectly, of "Rotaldo comiti de Pertica" & his wife Beatrix de Roucy, specifying that Marguerite had children "Rotaldum Ebrodiensem episcopum cum aliis liberis utriusque sexus"[2131]. "Rotrocus comes Perticensium" donated property to the abbey of Sainte-Trinité de Tiron by charter dated [1119] subscribed by "Juliane soror mea, Richerii filius eius"[2132]. "Juliane soror mea" witnessed the charter dated [1120] under which "Perticensis comes Rotrocus" donated property to the abbey of Sainte-Trinité de Tiron[2133]. "Domine Juliane" recognised rights of Saint-Denis de Nogent by charter dated to [1122/33], specifying that she was governing Perche while the count was absent in Spain, witnessed by "Gislebertus puer filius prefate Juliane"[2134]. m ([1092]%29 GILBERT Seigneur de Laigle, son of RICHER Seigneur de Laigle & his wife Judith d'Avranches (-[1118]).
d) MATHILDE du Perche (before 1100-27 May 1143, bur Arnaco). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records the marriage of "Guidonem", son of "Gerardus", and "Matilde, matre Bosonis de Torena quæ Arnaco condita est"[2135]. In another passage, the Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "Raymundus" married "Mathilde…soror Comitis de Pertico"[2136]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records the death "V Kal Jun" of "Mathildis uxor quondam Raymundi de Torenna" and her burial by "Guidone…Crassus viro suo filio Geraldi de Turribus" at "Arnaco", recording that her son Boson was killed within one month of his mother's death[2137]. The necrology of Saint-Martial records the death “IV Kal Jun” of “Matheldis vicecomitissa”[2138]. It is not certain that this entry relates to Mathilde du Perche Vicomtesse de Turenne, but no other vicomtesse of this name has yet been identified in the Limousin area. m firstly RAYMOND [I] Vicomte de Turenne, son of BOSON [I] Vicomte de Turenne & his wife Gerberge ---. 1127. m secondly GUY [IV] "le Gros" de Lastours, son of GERARD [I] de Lastours & his wife Humberga --- (-Jerusalem [1147/49]).
e) daughter . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.

2. HUGUES [III] de Châteaudun (-1110). "Gaufridi, Hu[gonis], Rotroci, Fulcoisi filiorum meorum" consented to the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078[2139]. He succeeded his father in [1080] as Vicomte de Châteaudun.
3. ROTROU de Châteaudun [de Montfort] (-after [1110/11]). "Gaufridi, Hu[gonis], Rotroci, Fulcoisi filiorum meorum" consented to the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078[2140]. "Rotroci fratris comitis" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Gaufridus castri Mauritaniæ comes" dated [1080][2141]. Seigneur de Montfort-le-Rotrou [1100]. "Gauffridus vicecomes, Hugo vicecomes Castriduni, Rotrocus frater eius de Montfort" witnessed a donation to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Henricus vicecomes Mauritanie"[2142], the charter dated to [1060] in the compilation. "Rotrochus de Monteforti…Rotrochus junior, Lucia eius mater…" witnessed a charter dated to [1078/80] which records a donation by "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans[2143]. "Hugo vicecomes de Castroduno" donated property "pro fratribus suis Gausfredo et Rotroco" by charter dated to [1095/1100][2144]. "…Rotrodus de Monteforti frater eiusdem Hugonis" consented to the donation by "Hugo vicecomes Castriduni" by charter dated [1110/11][2145]. "Rotrocus de Monteforti…" witnessed the undated charter, dated to late 11th century, under which "Herbertus Desreatus" donated "terram…apud Sangeium" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans[2146]. A charter dated to [1110] records the donation by "Avesgaudum de Conedrario" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, with the consent of "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis", signed by "Rotroco, Lucia uxore eius, Hugone filio eius majore, Rotrocho secundo, Fulcoio tertio, Gilduino quarto…"[2147]. m LUCIE, daughter of ---. "Rotrochus de Monteforti…Rotrochus junior, Lucia eius mater…" witnessed a charter dated to [1078/80] which records a donation by "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans[2148]. "Rotrochus de Monte Forti et uxor eius Lucia" donated "ecclesias de Flaceio et de Toreio", which previously belonged to "Gaufridus de Sonzeiaco" who had married "sororem Lucie" who had died leaving the property to her husband, her own child having died "parvulo", for the soul of "filii sui Hugonis" on the day of his burial, by charter dated to [1080/1100][2149]. A charter dated to [1110] records the donation by "Avesgaudum de Conedrario" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, with the consent of "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis", signed by "Rotroco, Lucia uxore eius, Hugone filio eius majore, Rotrocho secundo, Fulcoio tertio, Gilduino quarto, Hugone de Montibus…"[2150]. Rotrou & his wife had four children:

a) HUGUES . "Rotrochus de Monte Forti et uxor eius Lucia" donated "ecclesias de Flaceio et de Toreio", which previously belonged to "Gaufridus de Sonzeiaco" who had married "sororem Lucie" who had died leaving the property to her husband, her own child having died "parvulo", for the soul of "filii sui Hugonis" on the day of his burial, by charter dated to [1080/1100][2151]. A charter dated to [1110] records the donation by "Avesgaudum de Conedrario" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, with the consent of "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis", signed by "Rotroco, Lucia uxore eius, Hugone filio eius majore, Rotrocho secundo, Fulcoio tertio, Gilduino quarto…"[2152].
b) ROTROU . "Rotrochus de Monteforti…Rotrochus junior, Lucia eius mater…" witnessed a charter dated to [1078/80] which records a donation by "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans[2153]. A charter dated to [1110] records the donation by "Avesgaudum de Conedrario" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, with the consent of "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis", signed by "Rotroco, Lucia uxore eius, Hugone filio eius majore, Rotrocho secundo, Fulcoio tertio, Gilduino quarto…"[2154].
- SEIGNEURS de MONTFORT-le-ROTROU[2155]. “Rotrou de Montfort et Isabelle sa femme”, before leaving on their journey overseas, had donated “la moitié de la dî Neuvy en Touraine...”, with the consent of “Rotrou, Gui et Hugues leurs fils, de Marguerite et d’Agnès leurs filles et de M. fille de la susdite Isabelle”, by charter dated Jan 1236 (O.S.?)[2156]. “Isabelle dame de Semblançay, veuve de feu Rotrou de Montfort” established the anniversary of her husband at Tours Saint-Martin by charter dated Jan 1240 (O.S.?)[2157]. “Rotrou seigneur de Montfort et de St-Christophe, en Touraine et Marguerite sa femme” agreed to ensure that “Constance sœur de la dite Marguerite” would respect an agreement with the chapter of Tours Saint-Martin and “le prévôt d’Oé” by charter dated Jan 1251 (O.S.?)[2158]. “Rotrou seigneur de Montfort et de St-Christophe” confirmed the donation to Bonlieu made by “Aimery de Souz chevalier” which had been confirmed by “Hugues d’Aluye père de Marguerite femme du dit Rotrou de Montfort jadis seigneur de Châteaux et de St-Christophe” by charter dated Jan 1251 (O.S.?)[2159]. “Guillaume l’Archeveque sire de Parthenay et Jne de Montfort sa femme” donated land “à Belleville” to Marmoutier in exchange for “la dixme du marché de Foury et de l’Etang de Semblancay” by charter early Oct 1290[2160].
c) FULCO . A charter dated to [1110] records the donation by "Avesgaudum de Conedrario" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, with the consent of "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis", signed by "Rotroco, Lucia uxore eius, Hugone filio eius majore, Rotrocho secundo, Fulcoio tertio, Gilduino quarto…"[2161].
d) GILDUIN . A charter dated to [1110] records the donation by "Avesgaudum de Conedrario" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, with the consent of "domnum Rotrochum cum uxore sua…Lucia et quatuor filiis suis", signed by "Rotroco, Lucia uxore eius, Hugone filio eius majore, Rotrocho secundo, Fulcoio tertio, Gilduino quarto…"[2162].

4. FULCO de Châteaudun (-after 11 Jan 1078). "Gaufridi, Hu[gonis], Rotroci, Fulcoisi filiorum meorum" consented to the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078[2163].
5. HELVISE de Châteaudun (-after 11 Jan 1078). "Elviseque filie" consented to the confirmation of donations to Saint-Denis de Nogent by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078[2164].

Comte Rotrou had one [possibly illegitimate] child:

6. ROBERT "Manda Guerra" (-after [1095/1100]). "Roberto fratre eius Mandaguerram…" consented to the donation by "Hugonis vicecomitis" by charter dated to [1080/1100][2165]. "Hugo vicecomes de Castroduno" donated the church of Saint-Léonard de Bellême to Marmoutier, with the consent of "Gausfredo comite fratre eius, Roberto Mandaguerran fratre eius, Comitissa uxore eius, Gausfredo filio eius, Matilde filia eius", by charter dated to [1092/1100][2166]. "Hugo vicecomes de Castroduno" donated property "pro fratribus suis Gausfredo et Rotroco" with the consent of "…Roberto Mandi Guerram fratre eius…" by charter dated to [1095/1100][2167]. It is likely that Robert was illegitimate as he is not named with his father's known sons in the charter dated 11 Jan 1078.

Rotrou de Chateaudun I, died 1079. He was the son of 24. Geoffrey de Chateaudun I and 25. Heloise de Mortaigne. He married 13. Adeline Domfront.

13. Adeline Domfront She was the daughter of 26. Guerin de Domfront.

Children of Rotrou de Chateaudun and Adeline Domfront are:

 i. Hugh de Chateaudun, married Agnes de Preteval.

6 ii. Geoffrey du Perche et Mortaigne I, died 1100; married Beatrice de Montdidier.

Vicomte de Chateaudun

Comte de Mortagne

Seigneur de Nogent

  • Conflicts with merged profile:
  • Birth Location Eure Et Loir, Beauce, Centre, France Chateaudun, Normandy, France
  • Death Date 1 March 1080 1049
  • Death Location Eure Et Loire, Beauce, Centre, France Nogent-le-Rotrou, Beauce, France
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Comte du Perche Rotrou de Châteaudun, Vicomte de Châteaudun. Comte de Mortagne's Timeline