Immediate Family
About Constance Goring
Constance Goring
- Birth: about 1505
- Parents: John Goring, Constance Dyke
- Death: May 1580
- Sir John Kingsmill on 7 NOV 1519 (Contract)
- 4. i. SIR. RICHARD4 KINGSMILL, b. Abt. 1523; d. 17 September 1600, Highclere, Hampshire.
- 5. ii. SIR. WILLIAM KINGSMILL, b. 1526; d. 11 December 1592.
- iii. GEORGE KINGSMILL, b. Abt. 1528; d. 1606; m. SARAH HARRINGTON. More About GEORGE KINGSMILL: Died without issue
- 6. iv. THOMAS KINGSMILL, b. Abt. 1530.
- vi. CATHERINE KINGSMILL, b. Abt. 1530; m. RICHARD NORTON. More About CATHERINE KINGSMILL: Known as Lady Norton
- vii. MARY KINGSMILL, b. Abt. 1530; m. GODDARD.
- Mary Kingsmill+1
- Sir William Kingsmill+1 b. 1526, d. c Dec 1592
- [S4585] Bradley Bliss, "re: Kingsmill Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053), 8 April 2010. Hereinafter cited as "re: Kingsmill Family."
- LADY CONSTANCE KINGSMILL, of Sidmanton, Hants. Will dated Mar. 1, 1579, proved June 9, 1581. (Somersetshire wills? - Page 43 by Frederick Arthur Crisp, Frederick Brown. 1890.)
- http://www.thepeerage.com/p42442.htm#i424419
- http://www.rickmansworthherts.freeserve.co.uk/webpage60.htm
- http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ancestors...
maiden name of Joan Goring born abt 1450, second wife of John Goring Born abt 1448, was HEWSTER. Her father was Humphrey Hewster. She was the widow of John Goring, her second husband's father [i.e. her second husbands step father] [hence her name at the time of her marriage would indeed be Joan Goring]
Elizabeth Constance HEWSTER GORING was born about 1500 in Burton Sussex, England.
On the floor of the south chapel is a 16th century brass plate to Sir John Kingsmill (ob. Aug 11, 1559), who married Constance Goring, with a Latin inscription giving an account of the large family born to a Kingsmill of Sydmonton, and on a shield are the Kingsmill arms impaling quarterly (1) a chevron between three rings, (2) on a chief indented three molets, (3) on a chief three roundels, (4) on a bend cotised four lions passant, (5) barry of six with a leopards head on a quarter. There are four other brasses in this chapel, one to John Bossewell, gentleman and 'notarye pulique', who died in 1580. Above the inscription is a shield bearing the arms of Bossewell, which are Argent a fesse indented gules with three molets sable in the chief. The next is a small brass figure of a priest in Mass vestments and having a shaven head, and the insciption shows him to be 'Willm Estwood late Vycar of this churche and Psonne of Newnom' who died in 1519.
Cousin of Thomas Bembridge who was burned for heresy in Hampshire on 29 July 1558.
(This quote from Protestantism and the national church in sixteenth century England By Peter Lake, Maria Dowling (google books) Pages 154/155)
'However, the Kingsmill-Gifford group clearly continued to be the focus of a vigorous and committed protestant community among the Hampshire gentry. Even before Elizabeth's reign, they attempted to resist and subvert the burning of a relative, Thomas Bembridge, as a heretic.
This episode took place on 29 July 1558 and was the only Marian burning to take place in Hampshire and it could have been called a success for the Queen and her followers. Bembridge was a bachelor and so without any direct heirs to his property.
Prior to his execution, therefore, he executed an indenture on 26 April 1558 which left his land to Richard and Anne Gifford, Anne being his 'Kinswoman'.
In the default of their heirs, his property was to go to 'CONSTANCE KINGSMILL' of Sidmontan, Bembridge's 'cousin' and the widow of John Kingsmill the protestant J.P.
Thus the only heretic burned in Hampshire came from the respectable gentry and was just a radical artisan sectary.'
The events leading up to Bembridge's arrest by John White, the Bishop of Winchester, are not known. During his imprisonment and trial he made no attempt to conceal or deny his heretical opinions.
In his examination before Bishop White, he denied the papal supremacy, admitted only the three major sacraments and denied the existence of both purgatory and transubstantiation.
Bembridge also managed to bring out that he thought 'Martin Luther died a good Christian man, whose doctrine and life he did approve and allow', even though his examiners had not even Elizabethan religious settlement.)'
Her father was supposed to be John Goring/Gering, but as her mother Constance married HEWSTER first it not believed that her father was HEWSTER
She was co heir? Her Maritagium was half of Litchfield Manor, nr. Basingstoke.
Her nephew Nicolas Dering (son of her sister Eleanor) sold his half of the Litchfield Manor to Contance's husband Sir John KINGSMILL for ?6 12s 8d in 1577??
Level Item Finding No. 19M61/2933 Title Ink drawing by Alfred Scott Gatty, York Herald of the arms of Sir John Kingsmill, married Constance Goring
The now missing Sidmanton register, stated her at death
'The right worshippfull the Lady Constance Kingsmill buried 16th May, 1581', but she was buried in Kingsclere, Hampshire.
Will of Constance Kyngesmill or Kingesmill, Widow 09 June 1581 PROB 11/63
St Mary's church Kingsclere On the floor of the south chapel is a 16th century brass plate to Sir John Kingsmill (ob. Aug 11, 1559), who married Constance Goring, with a Latin inscription giving an account of the large family born to a Kingsmill ofSydmonton, and on a shield are the Kingsmill arms impaling quarterly (1) achevron between three rings, (2) on a chief indented three molets, (3) on achief three roundels, (4) on a bend cotised four lions passant, (5) barry ofsix with a leopards head on a quarter.
Will of Constance Kyngesmill or Kingesmill, Widow 09 June 1581 PROB 11/63 THE FIRST OF MARCH IN THE YEARE of oure Lorde God a thousande fyve hundrede three score and ninetine. In the name of God amen. First I bequeathe my sowle to allmightie God my redeemerdesiringe his mercie and forgivenes for all my sinnefull and wretched lief trustinge assuredlie of his mercie through Jhesus Christe by whose passion and bloud shedinge I truste to be saved and by no other meanes and this is my verye belief and therefore I saie amen. And for the disposinge of my gooddes and chattels I Constance Kyngesmill widowe beinge in perfecte mynde and memorie doe ordayne and make my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that is to saie. I give to the Chappell of Sidmanton fortie shillinges to repaire it. Item I geve and bequeathe to Coxes widowe to poore Johan that dwellethe at Coxes to Martyns widdowe at the gate to Elsabethe Grege and William Grege tenne shillinges and to Joan Kinge to Bryans wieffe to Estese wiefe and to Regelle widow sometyme my seranntes to either of theme tenne shillinges. Also I geve tenne poundes to buye canvess of tenne pence the elle to bestowe uppon the poore as mine executors thinke the beste. Also I geve to Richarde Wallys which was my servannte twentie shillinges which he oweth me. Also I geve to my servanntes Richarde Martyne, to Peter, to John Martyne, to Estese, to Mason, to either pf theme three poundes. Item I give to James my servannte twentie shillinges. Item I geve to Josye my brewar and to Thomas my servannt to everie of them fortie shillinges. Item I geve to Marye Pyckman, to Joan Parsons my servanntes to either of theme three poundes. Item my will is that myne execut ors shall release and dischardge Sir William Kingesmyll knight myne eldest sonne of all suche monneye as he and his wieffe at tymes hathe borowed of me the whiche as appearethe by notes made withe myne owne hande amountethe to three score and and eleven poundes eightene shillinges eighte pence or right theraboutes. Also I geve and bequeathe to the saide Sir William Kingismill all the furniture that is in the best chamber on the chamber wheare Roger Lingesmill my sonne usethe to lye saving the quisshian which my daughter Thomas Kingesmill his wieffe muste have. Also I bequeathe to the saide Sir William Kyngesmill my sonne the hanginges in the greate parlor, the furnace in the brewinge howse withe all they implmentes belonging to the same withe thee chayne of the well, the furnace in the wasshing howse, the bordes in the hall, the bordes in the butterye, the boardes in the kytchin, the boardes in the larder, the boardes in the bakehowse.
Also I bequeathe to Constance Kyngesmill my sonne Richarde Kingesmill his daughter five of the beste sylver saltes guilte.
Also I geve and bequeathe to Roger Kyngesmill my sonne fortie poundes to be paide twentie markes by the yeare untill thee saide forty poundes be paide.
Also I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Kingesmill my sonne three score poundes to be paide twentie poundes by the yeare untill the saide three score poundes be paide.
Also I geve and bequeathe to Roger Kingesmill all that he hathe in his chamber and the bedde in the nexte chamber wheare Peter lyethe.
Also I geve and bequeathe to John Kyngesmyll my sonne Thomas Kingesmyll his sonne and Samuell Kyngesmill my sonne Thomas Kyngesmyll his sonne to either of theme twentie poundes to be paide unto theme when theie shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares.
Also I geve to Andrewe Kingsmill my sonne Thomas Kyngesmill his sonne tenne poundes.
Item I geve to Marye Kyngesmill my sonne Thomas Kyngesmill his daughter tenne poundes to be payd to everie of theme when theie shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares.
Also I geve to my daughter Cupper, my daughter Pilkenton, my daughter Norton, my daughter Thornbroghe, my daughter Goddard to either of theme and englishe bible.
The reste of my gooddes I bequeathe and geve to John Kynsmill my sonne and George Kyngesmyll my sonne (my legacies dischardged my debtes paide).
John Kyngesmyll my sonne and George Kyngesmyll my sonne I doe ordayne and make my executors of this my laste will and testamente.
And I desyre William Kingesmyll and Richarde Kyngesmill my sonnes to be myne overseers the daie and yeare above written. Constance Kyngesmill. Witnesses
hereof theise whose names are hereafter written, decimo die alplio? Anno domini 1580. Peter Pheerhard, Robert Mason, Anthony Daulbye, Nathaniel Mawle.
Constance Goring's Timeline
1500 |
Burton, Sussex, England
1522 |
Sidmanton, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
1526 |
Kingsclere, Hampshire, , England
Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
1528 |
Highclere, Hampshire, England
1529 |
Hants, , , England
1530 |
Sydmonton, Hampshire, England
Hants, , , England
1532 |