Dame Margaret Kennedy, Countess of Cassillis

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Dame Margaret Kennedy, Countess of Cassillis

Birthplace: Bargany,Dailly,Ayrshire,Scotland
Death: between November 28, 1580 and December 31, 1580 (65-66)
probably at Cassillis Castle near Maybole, in the Carrick division of Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: beside her son Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargany and Marion Dunbar
Wife of Sir William Wallace of Craigie, 12th of Craigie and Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassilis
Mother of Sir John Wallace of Craigie; William Wallace; Sir Robert Wallace; Janet Kennedy, Countess of Orkney; Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of Cassilis and 5 others
Sister of Thomas Kennedy 5th of Bargany and Jonet Kennedy

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Dame Margaret Kennedy, Countess of Cassillis

DAME MARGARET KENNEDY Countess of Cassillis

Dame Margaret Kennedy is the daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargany. Her date and place of birth are not known. The Scots Peerage II: 471

Her Last Will and Testament

Dame Margaret Kennedy made her last will and testament at Maybole, probably at Cassillis Castle there, on 28 November 1580. She nominated her son Thomas Kennedy "tutor of Cassillis" to be her only executor and intromitter with "all my guids & geir" and left a number of legacies. Confirmation was granted on 12 January 1597. [National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Dame Margaret Kennedie, relict of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis, sheriffdom of Ayr, reference CC8/8/29]

  1. Image of Testament A
  2. Image of Testament B
  3. Image of Testament C
  4. Image of Testament D

Date of Death

An exact date of death cannot be identified for Dame Margaret Kennedy. She made her last will and testament on 28 November 1580 and probably died very soon thereafter. According to the opening paragraph of her testamentary record she died in 1580, and it seems safe to suppose, therefore, that she must have died after 28 November but before 31 December in that year. [Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Dame Margaret Kennedie, relict of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis, sheriffdom of Ayr, reference CC8/8/29]

Place of Death

An exact place of death cannot be identified for Dame Margaret Kennedy. However, she made her last will and testament at Maybole in the Carrick division of South Ayrshire, in Scotland, and it seems reasonable to suggest that she may have died at Cassillis Castle there.


Dame Margaret Kennedy was probably buried in the Collegiate Church of Maybole. This is certainly where she wished to be buried: "I dame mgaret kennedie countess of cassillis seik in body bot haill in mynd . . . . . In the first I leif my saull to God Almytie my body to be bureit in the college kirk of Mayboill besyde my umqle sone erle of cassillis". [Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Dame Margaret Kennedie, relict of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis, sheriffdom of Ayr, reference CC8/8/29]

First Marriage

Dame Margaret Kennedy married, as her first husband, William Wallace of Craigie. The Scots Peerage III: 471 He died in 1538. The Book of Wallace: 44

Children of First Marriage

  1. Margaret Wallace
  2. Sir John Wallace of Craigie
  3. William Wallace

Second Marriage

Dame Margaret Kennedy married, as her second husband, Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis. He died in 1558. The Scots Peerage II: 471

Children of Second Marriage

  1. Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of Cassilis
  2. David Kennedy
  3. Sir Thomas Kennedy, 1st of Culzean
  4. Janet Kennedy, Countess of Orkney
  5. Catherine Kennedy

Evidence from the National Records of Scotland


6 February 1540-41: Precept from Chancery for infefting the Earl and Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis his lady in conjunct fee and liferent in the 10 merk land of Balgray the two Auchintibbers, Fulwood Gabrachhill Brydilands, Struther and Peacockbank, with the mill thereof, the lands of Spittal, 20 shilling land of Whitelees, lands of Over and Nether Bordlands extending to a 40 merk land all lying in the Lordship of Stewarton and bailiary of Cunningham. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/406 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1513-1546, charter number 2270 on p. 518


28 August 1559: Contract between Gilbert Earl of Cassillis and Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis his mother relict of Gilbert Earl of Cassillis his father, bearing that the Countess shall have the place of Cassillis with the garden and orchard thereof for her residence during all the days of her life, and the Earl assigns to her yearly during her life, 110 bolls of meal, 52 bolls bear, 115 merks money, 89 capons, 36 salmon and the 3d. part of the Meadow of Blairboy, and that in contentation of all terce and conjunct fee lands falling to her, or to which she can anywise claim by and throw the decease of her husband, lying in the Counties of Ayr and Wigton, and which meal, bear, silver, capons and salmon, to be uplifted and payable from the Mains of Cassillis, 4 merk land of Giltreehill, 2 merk land of Pinmyrie, 2 merk land of Carsonston, and lands of Holehouse, 20 shilling land of Lindsayston, half merk land of Dunurehill, Bernard thomsons merk land, 2 merk land of Milltoun of Cassillis, Archibald Hamiltons merk land, 20 shilling land of Drumboy, 20 shilling land of Barnshean, 20 shilling land of Over Craufurdston, 2 merk land of Nether Craufurdston, 2 merk land of Middle Craufurdston, 2 merk land of Gunerston, half merk land of Makroriston, 10 shilling land of Burnmouth, Down-dunches half merk land, merk land of Garpin, 3 merk land of Burnford, 21 merk land of Balquhirn and Balmuck, and Charles Kennedys merk land all lying in the barony of Cassillis - for which causes, the Countess discharges the Earl her son and his successors, of all right and title which she had to the terce and conjunct fee lands falling to her by and through the decease of her husband as aforesaid, and of all tacks steadings and possessions pertaining to her husband, by virtue of the Act made at his going to France, dated at Edinburgh ......... 1557, and renounces her office of executrice, to the Earl her son, which office was conferred on her by her husband, with power to the Earl to use the same as fully and freely as she could have done in virtue of her husbands Latter Will - and also makes and constitutes the Earl and his successors her bailies (with service of men hosts, and raids or armies) of her terce lands, with power to his Lordship and his aforesaid, by themselves or their deputes, to hold courts, and do every thing concerning the office of bailiary, which she could have done by her deputes; and also the Earl grants permission to her, during all the days of her life, to take wood to the place of Cassillis from the woods of Cassillis and Dalrymple. Witnesses - David Kennedy of Culean, James Kennedy of Ochterlour, John Kennedy of Skeldon, John Blair of Middle-Auchindrain, and Dean John Mure Sub-Prior of Crossragwell. Dated at Mayboll.This Contract ratified at Ayr 4th Novemb. 1559, by Quintin Abbot of Crossragwell, Sir Hugh Kennedy of Girvanmains, David Kennedy of Culean, and Mr Thomas Hay Parson of Spynie, four of the six curators of the Earl. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/576


29 August 1559: Contract between Gilbert Earl of Cassillis and Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis his mother, by which for the love and favor he bears to her, and for decorating her house, he gives her during all the days of her life, the yearly rent of the 2 and a half merk land of Craigmulloch, lying in the Earldom of Carrick as possessed by John Makquhilie herd, together with 101 milk ewes, 77 yeild ewes, 108 wedders, 40 gimmers, and 40 dinments, as also other 80 gimmers and dinments all to be received by her, from the said John Makquhilie, at the feast of Beltran then next 1560, together with 11 old goats and 2 kids - as also he gives to the Countess his mother 104 head of nolt pasturing upon the lands of Kericastle in the forest of Buchan viz. 16 nicol cows and as many calves, 17 ferow and 9 yeild cows, 5 three year old cows, 22 old oxen, 2 bulls, 6 three year old oxen and 2 bulls, 5 two year old oxen, 3 two year old queys, 8 quey stirks and 9 oxen stirks, which sheep, goats, and cattle, the Countess obliges herself her heirs, and executors, to leave on the ground of the lands respectively above mentioned at her decease, or the like number, and of as great avail, for the use of the Earl and his successors - and also he gives to the Countess during all the days of her life, a silver basin and a laver, a double gilt cup of silver raised work, with a cover, 2 cases of silver, the one gilt, and the other ungilt, a gilt macer, 2 silver trenchers (plates) with 2 little salt-fats in their nooks (corners), 12 silver spoons, a silver salt-fat, and cover thereof, ungilt, a black velvet bed, with the curtains of black damask, and 4 pieces of tapestry in Edinburgh, and 4 feather beds and their bolsters - all which silver work, tapestry, and beding, the Countess obliges her and hers aforesaid, to leave to the Earl and his successors, within the place of Cassillis at her decease, or as much, and of the same avail - and also for certain good causes, she assigns the Earl her son in and to all moveable goods which may belong to her at the time of her decease, and the Earl being under age, he obliges himself to chuse curators between and Martinmas then next, and cause them ratify the Contract. Witnesses - David Kennedy of Culean, James Kennedy of Ochterlour, John Kennedy of Skeldon and John Blair of Middle-Auchindrain. Dated at Mayboll. The Contract ratified at Ayr 5th Novemb. 1559, by Quintin Abbot of Crossragwell Sir Hugh Kennedy of Girvanmains David Kennedy of Culean, and Mr Thomas Hay parson of Spynie the Earls curators. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/577


November 1573: Contract between Gilbert Earl of Cassillis and Hugh Earl of Eglinton, proceeding upon a narrative of the Earl of Cassillis having annalied under reversion to Robert Graham of Knockdolian, the greater half of the barony of Stewarton, to be holden feu of the Earl for payment yearly of £120, and also the lesser half of the said barony, to be holden blanch of the Earl, together with the barony of Dunure in warrandice of the said barony of Stewarton, from the liferent of Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis Mother of the Earl and had discharged the said Robert Graham of the feu mails of the barony of Stewarton during the not redemption, as six several Letters of Reversion granted by the said Robert Grahan containing 1000 merks each, did bear, and that the said Robert Graham had annalied to the Earl of Eglinton, the said baronies of Stewarton and Dunure to be holden of the Earl of Cassillis as said is, and had constitute the Earl of Eglinton and Dame Agnes Drummond his wife and their heirs his cessioners and assignees in and to the original Contract of Sale between the Earl of Cassillis and him, and Infeftment following thereupon, And subsuming that the Earl of Eglinton had paid to the said Robert Graham a greater sum than the 6000 merks contained in the Contract and Letters of Reversion above mentioned viz. 1100 merks, which computed along with the annualrent thereof extends to 1485 merks, so that the yearly rent which the Earl of Eglinton shall receive from the barony of Stewarton at the expiry of 3 years and a half from the date of the Contract extends to 748 merks, 6 shillings, 8 pence, and therefore he shall possess the said barony and uplift the rents thereof during the not redemption, by seven several Letters of Reversion, the first six to contain 1000 merks each, every 1000 merks redeeming 100 merks of rent, and the last to contain 1485 merks, and shall ratify the first six Letters of Reversion granted by the said Robert Graham as said is, or renew the same conform to the Original Contract, and shall grant a seventh Letter of Reversion as said is, containing 1485 merks upon redemption of the said sum of 748 merks 6 shillings 8 pence to be paid in the Church of Ayr, and at the expiry of the said 3 and a half years, the Earl of Cassillis to receive the said barony of Stewarton from the Earl of Eglinton and his wife for payment yearly of 748 merks 6 shillings 8 pence and find caution for payment thereof, according as the Earl of Eglinton shall desire. Witnesses - Thomas Master of Cassillis, William Stewart of Dunduff, Andw. Nevin of Monkridding, and William Highgate burgess of Glasgow. Dated at Glasgow, and Irvin, 9th and 10th Novemb. 1573. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/806


20 December 1576: Gift by King James VI, to John Lord Glammis Chancellor of Scotland his heirs and assignees one or more of the ward and nonentry duties of the lands, lordships, baronies, mills, woods, fishings, and others, which pertained to Gilbert Earl of Cassillis who last deceased or others his predecessors, of all years and terms that the same has been in the Kings hands by the decease of the Earl in December then instant, and of all years and terms to come during the said ward, and specially when it shall happen the said lands and others to fall in nonentry, through the decease of Dame Margaret Kennedy relict of Gilbert Earl of Cassillis grandfather of John now Earl of Cassillis and of Dame Margaret Lyon relict of the said Gilbert Earl of Cassillis who last deceased, together with the marriage of the said John now of Earl of Cassillis son and apparent heir of the said Gilbert Earl of Cassillis who last deceased. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/849


  1. The Scots Peerage II: 471
  2. The Book of Wallace: 41
  3. Darryl Lundy's Peerage

Biography and Genealogy


Account in Darryl Lundy's Peerage

Margaret Kennedy was the daughter of Alexander Kennedy. She married # firstly, William Wallace before 1540 William Wallace was born before 1525. He died before 1540 He lived at Craigie, Angus, Scotland. # secondly, Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassillis, son of Gilbert Kennedy, 2nd Earl of Cassillis and Lady Isabel Campbell, in 1540. She died circa 1596. Her will was proven (by probate) on 12 January 1596/97 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Her married name became Wallace. After her marriage, Margaret Kennedy was styled as Countess of Cassillis in 1540. Children of Margaret Kennedy and Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassillis:

  1. Lady Janet Kennedy d. 1598
  2. Katherine Kennedy
  3. Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of Cassillis b. c 1541, d. 14 Dec 1576
  4. Sir Thomas Kennedy, Master of Cassillis b. bt 1543 - 1558, d. 11 May 1602

Citations 1. [S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume III, page 75. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage. 2. [S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume III, page 79.


Account in The Book of Wallace

On the death of his uncle "the good laird's" only child and heiress, William, son of the tutor of Craigie, became owner of Craigie: he died in 1538. His wife Margaret, only daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargeny, subsequently married Gilbert, third Earl of Cassilis.



Daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargany and Mariot Dunbar of Mochrum

DAME MARGARET KENNEDY Countess of Cassillis
Dame Margaret Kennedy is the daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargany. Her date and place of birth are not known. The Scots Peerage II: 471

Her Last Will and Testament
Dame Margaret Kennedy made her last will and testament at Maybole, probably at Cassillis Castle there, on 28 November 1580. She nominated her son Thomas Kennedy "tutor of Cassillis" to be her only executor and intromitter with "all my guids & geir" and left a number of legacies. Confirmation was granted on 12 January 1597. [National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Dame Margaret Kennedie, relict of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis, sheriffdom of Ayr, reference CC8/8/29]

Image of Testament A
Image of Testament B
Image of Testament C
Image of Testament D
Date of Death
An exact date of death cannot be identified for Dame Margaret Kennedy. She made her last will and testament on 28 November 1580 and probably died very soon thereafter. According to the opening paragraph of her testamentary record she died in 1580, and it seems safe to suppose, therefore, that she must have died after 28 November but before 31 December in that year. [Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Dame Margaret Kennedie, relict of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis, sheriffdom of Ayr, reference CC8/8/29]

Place of Death
An exact place of death cannot be identified for Dame Margaret Kennedy. However, she made her last will and testament at Maybole in the Carrick division of South Ayrshire, in Scotland, and it seems reasonable to suggest that she may have died at Cassillis Castle there.

Dame Margaret Kennedy was probably buried in the Collegiate Church of Maybole. This is certainly where she wished to be buried: "I dame mgaret kennedie countess of cassillis seik in body bot haill in mynd . . . . . In the first I leif my saull to God Almytie my body to be bureit in the college kirk of Mayboill besyde my umqle sone erle of cassillis". [Edinburgh Commissary Court, Testament Testamentar and Inventory of Dame Margaret Kennedie, relict of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis, sheriffdom of Ayr, reference CC8/8/29]

First Marriage
Dame Margaret Kennedy married, as her first husband, William Wallace of Craigie. The Scots Peerage III: 471 He died in 1538. The Book of Wallace: 44

Children of First Marriage
Margaret Wallace
Sir John Wallace, of Craigie
William Wallace
Second Marriage
Dame Margaret Kennedy married, as her second husband, Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis. He died in 1558. The Scots Peerage II: 471

Children of Second Marriage
Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of Cassilis
David Kennedy
Sir Thomas Kennedy, 1st of Culzean
Janet Kennedy, Countess of Orkney
Catherine Kennedy
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
6 February 1540-41: Precept from Chancery for infefting the Earl and Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis his lady in conjunct fee and liferent in the 10 merk land of Balgray the two Auchintibbers, Fulwood Gabrachhill Brydilands, Struther and Peacockbank, with the mill thereof, the lands of Spittal, 20 shilling land of Whitelees, lands of Over and Nether Bordlands extending to a 40 merk land all lying in the Lordship of Stewarton and bailiary of Cunningham. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/406 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1513-1546, charter number 2270 on p. 518

28 August 1559: Contract between Gilbert Earl of Cassillis and Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis his mother relict of Gilbert Earl of Cassillis his father, bearing that the Countess shall have the place of Cassillis with the garden and orchard thereof for her residence during all the days of her life, and the Earl assigns to her yearly during her life, 110 bolls of meal, 52 bolls bear, 115 merks money, 89 capons, 36 salmon and the 3d. part of the Meadow of Blairboy, and that in contentation of all terce and conjunct fee lands falling to her, or to which she can anywise claim by and throw the decease of her husband, lying in the Counties of Ayr and Wigton, and which meal, bear, silver, capons and salmon, to be uplifted and payable from the Mains of Cassillis, 4 merk land of Giltreehill, 2 merk land of Pinmyrie, 2 merk land of Carsonston, and lands of Holehouse, 20 shilling land of Lindsayston, half merk land of Dunurehill, Bernard thomsons merk land, 2 merk land of Milltoun of Cassillis, Archibald Hamiltons merk land, 20 shilling land of Drumboy, 20 shilling land of Barnshean, 20 shilling land of Over Craufurdston, 2 merk land of Nether Craufurdston, 2 merk land of Middle Craufurdston, 2 merk land of Gunerston, half merk land of Makroriston, 10 shilling land of Burnmouth, Down-dunches half merk land, merk land of Garpin, 3 merk land of Burnford, 21 merk land of Balquhirn and Balmuck, and Charles Kennedys merk land all lying in the barony of Cassillis - for which causes, the Countess discharges the Earl her son and his successors, of all right and title which she had to the terce and conjunct fee lands falling to her by and through the decease of her husband as aforesaid, and of all tacks steadings and possessions pertaining to her husband, by virtue of the Act made at his going to France, dated at Edinburgh ......... 1557, and renounces her office of executrice, to the Earl her son, which office was conferred on her by her husband, with power to the Earl to use the same as fully and freely as she could have done in virtue of her husbands Latter Will - and also makes and constitutes the Earl and his successors her bailies (with service of men hosts, and raids or armies) of her terce lands, with power to his Lordship and his aforesaid, by themselves or their deputes, to hold courts, and do every thing concerning the office of bailiary, which she could have done by her deputes; and also the Earl grants permission to her, during all the days of her life, to take wood to the place of Cassillis from the woods of Cassillis and Dalrymple. Witnesses - David Kennedy of Culean, James Kennedy of Ochterlour, John Kennedy of Skeldon, John Blair of Middle-Auchindrain, and Dean John Mure Sub-Prior of Crossragwell. Dated at Mayboll.This Contract ratified at Ayr 4th Novemb. 1559, by Quintin Abbot of Crossragwell, Sir Hugh Kennedy of Girvanmains, David Kennedy of Culean, and Mr Thomas Hay Parson of Spynie, four of the six curators of the Earl. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/576

29 August 1559: Contract between Gilbert Earl of Cassillis and Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis his mother, by which for the love and favor he bears to her, and for decorating her house, he gives her during all the days of her life, the yearly rent of the 2 and a half merk land of Craigmulloch, lying in the Earldom of Carrick as possessed by John Makquhilie herd, together with 101 milk ewes, 77 yeild ewes, 108 wedders, 40 gimmers, and 40 dinments, as also other 80 gimmers and dinments all to be received by her, from the said John Makquhilie, at the feast of Beltran then next 1560, together with 11 old goats and 2 kids - as also he gives to the Countess his mother 104 head of nolt pasturing upon the lands of Kericastle in the forest of Buchan viz. 16 nicol cows and as many calves, 17 ferow and 9 yeild cows, 5 three year old cows, 22 old oxen, 2 bulls, 6 three year old oxen and 2 bulls, 5 two year old oxen, 3 two year old queys, 8 quey stirks and 9 oxen stirks, which sheep, goats, and cattle, the Countess obliges herself her heirs, and executors, to leave on the ground of the lands respectively above mentioned at her decease, or the like number, and of as great avail, for the use of the Earl and his successors - and also he gives to the Countess during all the days of her life, a silver basin and a laver, a double gilt cup of silver raised work, with a cover, 2 cases of silver, the one gilt, and the other ungilt, a gilt macer, 2 silver trenchers (plates) with 2 little salt-fats in their nooks (corners), 12 silver spoons, a silver salt-fat, and cover thereof, ungilt, a black velvet bed, with the curtains of black damask, and 4 pieces of tapestry in Edinburgh, and 4 feather beds and their bolsters - all which silver work, tapestry, and beding, the Countess obliges her and hers aforesaid, to leave to the Earl and his successors, within the place of Cassillis at her decease, or as much, and of the same avail - and also for certain good causes, she assigns the Earl her son in and to all moveable goods which may belong to her at the time of her decease, and the Earl being under age, he obliges himself to chuse curators between and Martinmas then next, and cause them ratify the Contract. Witnesses - David Kennedy of Culean, James Kennedy of Ochterlour, John Kennedy of Skeldon and John Blair of Middle-Auchindrain. Dated at Mayboll. The Contract ratified at Ayr 5th Novemb. 1559, by Quintin Abbot of Crossragwell Sir Hugh Kennedy of Girvanmains David Kennedy of Culean, and Mr Thomas Hay parson of Spynie the Earls curators. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/577

November 1573: Contract between Gilbert Earl of Cassillis and Hugh Earl of Eglinton, proceeding upon a narrative of the Earl of Cassillis having annalied under reversion to Robert Graham of Knockdolian, the greater half of the barony of Stewarton, to be holden feu of the Earl for payment yearly of £120, and also the lesser half of the said barony, to be holden blanch of the Earl, together with the barony of Dunure in warrandice of the said barony of Stewarton, from the liferent of Dame Margaret Kennedy Countess of Cassillis Mother of the Earl and had discharged the said Robert Graham of the feu mails of the barony of Stewarton during the not redemption, as six several Letters of Reversion granted by the said Robert Grahan containing 1000 merks each, did bear, and that the said Robert Graham had annalied to the Earl of Eglinton, the said baronies of Stewarton and Dunure to be holden of the Earl of Cassillis as said is, and had constitute the Earl of Eglinton and Dame Agnes Drummond his wife and their heirs his cessioners and assignees in and to the original Contract of Sale between the Earl of Cassillis and him, and Infeftment following thereupon, And subsuming that the Earl of Eglinton had paid to the said Robert Graham a greater sum than the 6000 merks contained in the Contract and Letters of Reversion above mentioned viz. 1100 merks, which computed along with the annualrent thereof extends to 1485 merks, so that the yearly rent which the Earl of Eglinton shall receive from the barony of Stewarton at the expiry of 3 years and a half from the date of the Contract extends to 748 merks, 6 shillings, 8 pence, and therefore he shall possess the said barony and uplift the rents thereof during the not redemption, by seven several Letters of Reversion, the first six to contain 1000 merks each, every 1000 merks redeeming 100 merks of rent, and the last to contain 1485 merks, and shall ratify the first six Letters of Reversion granted by the said Robert Graham as said is, or renew the same conform to the Original Contract, and shall grant a seventh Letter of Reversion as said is, containing 1485 merks upon redemption of the said sum of 748 merks 6 shillings 8 pence to be paid in the Church of Ayr, and at the expiry of the said 3 and a half years, the Earl of Cassillis to receive the said barony of Stewarton from the Earl of Eglinton and his wife for payment yearly of 748 merks 6 shillings 8 pence and find caution for payment thereof, according as the Earl of Eglinton shall desire. Witnesses - Thomas Master of Cassillis, William Stewart of Dunduff, Andw. Nevin of Monkridding, and William Highgate burgess of Glasgow. Dated at Glasgow, and Irvin, 9th and 10th Novemb. 1573. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/806

20 December 1576: Gift by King James VI, to John Lord Glammis Chancellor of Scotland his heirs and assignees one or more of the ward and nonentry duties of the lands, lordships, baronies, mills, woods, fishings, and others, which pertained to Gilbert Earl of Cassillis who last deceased or others his predecessors, of all years and terms that the same has been in the Kings hands by the decease of the Earl in December then instant, and of all years and terms to come during the said ward, and especially when it shall happen the said lands and others to fall in nonentry, through the decease of Dame Margaret Kennedy relict of Gilbert Earl of Cassillis grandfather of John now Earl of Cassillis and of Dame Margaret Lyon relict of the said Gilbert Earl of Cassillis who last deceased, together with the marriage of the said John now of Earl of Cassillis son and apparent heir of the said Gilbert Earl of Cassillis who last deceased. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments), reference GD25/1/849

The Scots Peerage II: 471
The Book of Wallace: 41
Darryl Lundy's Peerage
Biography and Genealogy
Account in Darryl Lundy's Peerage

Margaret Kennedy was the daughter of Alexander Kennedy. She married # firstly, William Wallace before 1540 William Wallace was born before 1525. He died before 1540 He lived at Craigie, Angus, Scotland. # Secondly, Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassillis, son of Gilbert Kennedy, 2nd Earl of Cassillis and Lady Isabel Campbell, in 1540. She died circa 1596. Her will was proven (by probate) on 12 January 1596/97 at Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Her married name became Wallace. After her marriage, Margaret Kennedy was styled as Countess of Cassillis in 1540. Children of Margaret Kennedy and Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassillis:

Lady Janet Kennedy d. 1598
Katherine Kennedy
Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of Cassillis b. c 1541, d. 14 Dec 1576
Sir Thomas Kennedy, Master of Cassillis b. bt 1543 - 1558, d. 11 May 1602
Citations 1. [S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume III, page 75. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage. 2. [S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume III, page 79.

Account in The Book of Wallace

On the death of his uncle "the good laird's" only child and heiress, William, son of the tutor of Craigie, became owner of Craigie: he died in 1538. His wife Margaret, only daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargeny, subsequently married Gilbert, third Earl of Cassilis.

Dame Margaret Kennedy, Countess of Cassillis
Birthdate: 1514
Death: between November 28, 1580 and December 31, 1580 (65-66)
probably at Cassillis Castle near Maybole, in the Carrick division of Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: beside her son Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Alexander Kennedy of Bargany and Mariot Dunbar of Mochrum
Wife of Sir William Wallace of Craigie, 12th of Craigie and Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassilis
Mother of Sir John Wallace, of Craigie; William Wallace; Sir Robert Wallace; Janet Kennedy, Countess of Orkney; Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of Cassilis and 4 others
Sister of Thomas Kennedy of Bargany
Half-sister of Sir Hugh Kennedy of Girvanmains, Knight

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Dame Margaret Kennedy, Countess of Cassillis's Timeline

Craigie, South Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Ayr, South Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Kirkmichael, Ayrshire, Scotland
Dunure, Maybole, Ayrshire , Scotland
Terregles, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
Cassilis House, Maybole, Ayrshire , Scotland