Daniel Johannes Roodt, SV/PROG

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Daniel Johannes Roodt, SV/PROG

Afrikaans: Daniël Johannes Roodt, SV/PROG
Also Known As: "Johannes Rood/Rooden"
Birthplace: Zwaluwestraat, Neerijnen, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Death: January 17, 1811 (85)
Cape Town, Cape Colony, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Husband of Martha Johanna Bastiaansz, SM/PROG; Anna Catharina Hegter . Roodt and Johanna Christina Roodt, SM
Father of Johannes Hendricus Roodt, b1; Daniel Hendrik Roodt, b2; Sophia Maria Hanekom, b4; Willem Roodt, b5; Francina Elizabeth Olkers, b6 and 9 others

Occupation: Aangekom in Kaap 1752
Managed by: Hester Maria Christina Marx
Last Updated:

About Daniel Johannes Roodt, SV/PROG

The following website contains more detail about Daniel Roodt's life: https://roodt.cluedapp.co.za/ It is mostly in Afrikaans, but there are lots of pictures of his hometown and VOC ships etc.


Inventaris van alle soodanige goederen als in de jongst passeerde nagt ab intestato zijn naargelaten en mer dood ontruijmt door den burger Jan Robbertsz ten voordeele van desselfs twee kinderen in huwelijk geprocreëert bij wijl: sijn huijsvr: Anna Sophia Horsel, met naame

  • 1) Anna Catharina Robbertsz getrouwt met den burger Daniel Rooden
  • 2) Johannes Hendrik Robbertsz: oud 14 jaaren


In het huur huijs


Aldus g’inventariseert aan Cabo de Goede Hoop den 7:e November 1758.

- [Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/9.46 on http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/]

1750: Kom hy in die Kaap aan as n kanonier op die skip Leiden.

1752: Werk hy as soldaat aan die kaap

1755: Verlaat hy die diens van die VOC en word n Vryburger aan die Kaap.

1783: Verkoop hy 2 slawe aan Johan Casper Loos.

1759: Stel hy n testament op.

view all 19

Daniel Johannes Roodt, SV/PROG's Timeline

June 28, 1725
Zwaluwestraat, Neerijnen, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
July 30, 1758
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
November 4, 1764
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
May 25, 1766
Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa