Reference: "Divrei ha-Yamim le-Bnei Yahya,( דברי הימים לבני יחייא )", by Eliakim Carmoly, Printed in Frankfort am Main/Rodelheim, Published by: Isak Kaufman, 1850. Genealogy of, and biographical work on, the Yahya family by Eliakim Carmoly. There is an introduction from Carmoly, in which he informs that the Yahya family is one of distinction from the time of Maimonides. Originally achieving greatness in Portugal and Spain, they after settled in Italy and Turkey. The text is preceded by a chart of the family, beginning with the Nasi, Don Yahya, and concluding with Don Gedalia. The text, in seven chapters, is set in a single column, primarily in rabbinic type although there are instances of vocalized square letters, and is accompanied by extensive footnotes. The final page is an announcement of the forthcoming publication of seven minor Yerushalmi tractates by Carmoli. The text of this book was compared to the "bin Yahya Family Tapestry", currently stored in the antiquity archives of Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City, by Abraham Greenstein - grandson of Abraham Gindi HaKohen. The text matches the Tapestry.
Chief Rabbi of Castile, diplomat and advisor to Juan 1 of Castile and Ferdinand 1 of Castile. Resident of Castile; lost many Ibn Yahya estates in Portugal. In the war between Portugal and Castile, David provided immense help to Castile for which he incurred the wrath of King Joao of Portugal. Joao confiscated many of the Ibn Yahya estates in Portugal for what he saw as the treasonous behavior of David.
On the other hand, David was appointed Chief Rabbi of Castile and King Ferdinand awarded him the title of Almoxarife, which he held until his death in Toledo in October 1385. He was buried with honor and his tombstone has been preserved. He was appointed Chief Rabbi of Castile by Ferdinand I, known as Rav shel Sepharad; father of Gedaliah, Yitzchak, Yehuda and Shlomo. [Yehudah is known as “Don Yehudah el Negro”, Shlomo is refereed to as “Solomon Negro”]
Cousins of the Ibn Yahya Family, the Navarro family of Santarem. Moses Navarro of Santarem, was personal physician to King Pedro I and his (treasurer and receiver-general of taxes) , serving for nearly 30 years as chief rabbi (*arraby moor) of Portugal. The king granted Moses Ibn Yahya and his wife, Salva, the right to adopt the family name Navarro and to bequeath it to his descendants.
His son, Yehudah, inherited the posts of personal physician and chief tax collector under Pedro I and continued in the latter capacity under Juan I. Moses and Solomon Negro (Shlomo Ibn Yahya) agreed to pay some 200,000 livres annually for five years for the privilege of farming taxes. Moses is also known to have given King Juan I a rich estate in Alvito, Alemtejo. Moses' grandson (or son according to Amador de los Rios), also called Moses, was likewise chief rabbi and personal physician to the king, in this case Juan I.
All three Navarros used their offices to benefit their fellow-Jews. Particularly noteworthy are the efforts of the younger Moses Navarro at the time of the large-scale massacres of the Spanish Jews in 1391. In that year he presented the Portuguese king with the bull decreed on July 2, 1389, by Pope Boniface IX (based on a bull of Pope Clement VI), forbidding Christians to harm the Jews, desecrate their cemeteries, or attempt to baptize them by force. On July 17, 1392, the king ordered the promulgation of this bull throughout Portugal, reinforcing it with legislation of his own. Moses was also instrumental in acquiring the king's protection for Jewish refugees from Spain.
Don David Great Hacham and Resh Golata for all the Kingdom of Castille (....unclear....) and died in Toledo
דון דוד הכם גדול ריש גלוטה מכל מלכות קאסטיליא ובראותו ירידת המלכות ההוא צוה לבנוי וישובו לפניהם וגומר וכן עשו ונפטר בטולידו
1330 |
Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
1367 |
Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, España (Spain)
1372 |
Lisbon, Portugal
1375 |
Lisbon, Portugal
1385 |
October 1385
Age 55
Villarreal, Castellon, Valencia, Spain
Age 55
Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, España (Spain)