public profile
Child Allan Macdonald Of The Isles, Lord Of The Isles
Angus (Aonghas) Mor Mac Domhnaill, Lord Of Islay
REGINALD son of SOMERLED (Ragnall mac Somhairle) Lord of Argyll & his wife --- of Man (-after 1192). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Dulgallum, Reginaldum, Engus et Olavum” as the four sons of “Sumerledo regulo Herergaildel” and his wife the daughter of Olav King of Man[1355]. Balfour Paul states that Reginald inherited "Kintyre and Isla" but drove his brother Angus out of Bute and Arran, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1356]. Lord of the Isles. "Reginaldus filius Sumerled dominus de Inchegal…et uxor mea Fonie" donated cows and other revenue to Paisley monastery by undated charter[1357]. Balfour Paul dates this charter to [1180], although he does not state the basis for this speculation[1358]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that Engus, son of Somerled, defeated his brother Reginald in 1192[1359]. The Book of Clanranald records the death of Reginald in 1207[1360]. m FONIE, daughter of ---. "Reginaldus filius Sumerled dominus de Inchegal…et uxor mea Fonie" donated cows and other revenue to Paisley monastery by undated charter[1361]. Reginald & his wife had [three] children:
- 1. DONALD (-Island of Kerrara 1249, bur Iona). He succeeded his father as Lord of the Isles. "Douenaldus filius Reginaldi filii Sumerled…et uxor mea" confirmed his father’s donation of cows and other revenue to Paisley monastery by undated charter[1362]. The Annals of Ulster record that "the sons of Raghnall, son of Somurlech” fought "the men of Sciadh" [Skye] in 1209 "wherein slaughter was inflicted on them"[1363]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that King Alexander II led an army into Argyll, dated to 1221 from the context, and subdued the land[1364]. Balfour Paul states that Donald died "in the island of Kerrara in 1349" and was buried "in Iona", but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[1365]. m --- Stewart, daughter of WALTER FitzAlan Stewart High Steward of Scotland & his wife ---. Balfour Paul states that Donald married "a daughter of Walter High Steward of Scotland", but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[1366]. Donald & his wife had [three] children:
- a) ANGUS Macdonald (-[1296]). He succeeded his father as Lord of the Isles. A charter dated 1292 records safe conduct granted to "Anegus filius Dovenaldi et Alexander filius eius"[1367]. "Angus filius Douenaldi" donated revenue to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Alexandro fratre meo…"[1368]. Balfour Paul says that the Lord of the Isles became the vassal of the Scottish king under the terms of the treaty with Magnus IV King of Norway in 1266[1369]. m --- Campbell, daughter of COLIN Campbell of Lochow & his wife ---. Balfour Paul says that Angus married "a daughter of Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow" but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1370]. Angus & his wife had three children:
- i) ALEXANDER Macdonald (-after 1308). A charter dated 1292 records safe conduct granted to "Anegus filius Dovenaldi et Alexander filius eius"[1371]. He succeeded his father as Lord of the Isles. He opposed Robert Bruce and was appointed Admiral of the Western Isles under the English crown[1372]. A charter dated [Jun 1297] records the crimes committed by "Alexandrum de Ergadia" against the English, signed by "Julianæ sponsæ nostræ"[1373]. m JULIANA, daughter of --- (-after [Jun 1297]). A charter dated [Jun 1297] records the crimes committed by "Alexandrum de Ergadia" against the English, signed by "Julianæ sponsæ nostræ"[1374]. Balfour Paul says that Alexander married "Juliana of Lorn, and by her had six sons John Dubh, Reginald, Somerled, Angus, Godfrey and Charles", adding that "these sons found their way to Ireland where they left numerous descendants", but does not cite the corresponding primary sources[1375].
- ii) ANGUS Macdonald (-Finlaggan Castle, Isla 1330). He succeeded his brother as Lord of the Isles.
- iii) JOHN Macdonald . Balfour Paul names "John known as Iain Sprangach" as the third son of Angus and his wife, adding that he was the ancestor of "the Macdonalds of Ardmamurchan", but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1376].
- b) ALEXANDER Macdonald . "Angus filius Douenaldi" donated revenue to Paisley monastery by undated charter, witnessed by "Alexandro fratre meo…"[1377. Balfour Paul says that Alexander was known as "Alastair Mor" and was ancestor of "the Alexanders of Menstrie, Earls of Sterling, and the Alexanders, Earls of Caledon, the MacAlisters of Loup, with their cadet families of Strathaird, Glenbarr and Torrisdal", but he does not cite the corresponding primary sources[1378].
- c) MURCHAID Macdonald .
2. RUAIRI . Balfour Paul states that "Roderick" inherited "North Kintyre, Bute and the lands of Garmoran, extending from Ardnamurchan to Gleneig", previously the possessions of his paternal uncle Angus, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1379]. The Annals of Ulster record that "the sons of Raghnall, son of Somurlech” fought "the men of Sciadh" [Skye] in 1209 "wherein slaughter was inflicted on them"[1380]. m ---. The name of Ruairi’s wife is not known. Ruairi & his wife had two children:
- a) DUGALD (-1268). The Saga of Eirspennill’s Hakon Hakon’s son records that "John, Duncan’s son, and Dugald, Ruadri’s son" met Alexander II King of Scotland in 1248 and "endeavoured…that the king should give them the title of king over the northern part of the Hebrides"[1381]. The Saga of Eirspennill’s Hakon Hakon’s son names "king Dugald, Alan Dugald’s brother, Angus and Murchaid" among those who met Haakon IV King of Norway when he invaded in 1263, adding in a later passage that the king gave "to [Dugald] the dominion that king John had had"[1382]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1268 of "Dubgallus rex Hebudum"[1383]. m ---. The name of Dugald’s wife is not known. Dugald & his wife had one child:
- i) ERIK .
- b) ALAN (-after 1263). The Saga of Eirspennill’s Hakon Hakon’s son names "king Dugald, Alan Dugald’s brother, Angus and Murchaid" among those who met Haakon IV King of Norway when he invaded in 1263[1384]. m ---. The name of Alan’s wife is not known. Alan & his wife had three children:
- i) CHRISTIANA . Robert I King of Scotland confirmed land "de Knodworache" to "Roderico filio Alani" by charter dated to [1320], which names "Cristina de Mar filia quondam Alani filii Roderici"[1385]. m DUNCAN of Mar son of ---.
- ii) RUAIRI . Robert I King of Scotland confirmed land "de Knodworache" to "Roderico filio Alani" by charter dated to [1320], which names "Cristina de Mar filia quondam Alani filii Roderici"[1386].
- iii) LACHLAN .
- 3. [[NN (Helen?) ---] (-before 1209). Balfour Paul says that Alan Lord of Galloway married first "a lady unknown, said to be a daughter of Reginald Lord of the Isles by whom he had two daughters"[1387]. He cites Chalmers’s Caledonia, but that says only that “the name of the first [wife] is unknown” without providing any indication of her family origin[1388]. Balfour Paul repeats his suggestion under the Lords of the Isles where he notes a daughter of Reginald Lord of the Isles "said to have married Alan of Galloway", without citing any source[1389]. There is no indication of the basis for Balfour Paul’s statements and no primary source which confirms this person’s parentage and marriage has been identified. Her existence should presumably be treated with caution until some such source emerges. If she did marry Alan, she was not the mother of his daughter Ellen. She was either married before his marriage to “--- de Lacy” or before he married Margaret of Huntingdon: she is shown here, for presentational purposes only, as Alan’s possible second wife. m as his [second] wife, ALAN Lord of Galloway, son of ROLAND Lord of Galloway & his wife Helen de Moreville (-[2] Feb 1234, bur Dundraynan).]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Domhnall mac Raghnaill was a Hebridean noble in the late 12th- and early 13th-century. He is the eponymous progenitor of Clan Donald (Clann Dhòmhnaill, "Children of Donald"). For this reason some traditions accumulated around him in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern period. Despite his role as the historical figurehead of one of the world's most famous kindreds and surnames, there is almost no contemporary evidence yielding certain information about his life.
His place in the genealogical tradition of the MacDonalds is the only reason for believing in his existence, a genealogical tradition that not all historians have accepted. Beyond his actual existence, there is little that is certain. Three entries in Irish annals may discuss him, though he is never named; a praise poem surviving from the Early Modern period may be descended from a poem originally written for him; a miracle in a Manx chronicle may or may not have Domhnall as its subject; and a doubtful charter surviving from a similarly late era was allegedly issued by him.
1 Origins
2 Possible evidence of life 2.1 Annals of Ulster 2.2 Domhnall mac Raghnaill, Rosg Mall 2.3 Miracle from the Manx chronicle 2.4 Possible charter 3 Death 4 Legacy 5 Notes 6 References
Domhnall was, reputedly, the son of Raghnall (fl. 1192) son of Somhairle (died 1164). The 17th-century History of the Macdonalds by Hugh MacDonald of Sleat claimed that Domhnall's father Raghnall had married a daughter or sister of the early 14th-century hero Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray. Sellar suggested that this tradition may have derived from a garbled version of reality. Perhaps, Sellar argued, his mother was a daughter of William fitz Duncan. The latter was another famous Earl of Moray, but one who lived in the 12th- rather than the 14th-century.[1]
In a charter to Paisley Abbey Domhnall's father Raghnall is given a wife named Fonia (Fionnghuala?),[2] though there is no direct proof that this was the name of Domhnall's mother. Domhnall's father Raghnall, carrying the legacy of his own father Somhairle, was a powerful Argyll and Hebridean magnate who, depending on context, bore the titles "King of the Isles", "Lord of Argyll and Kintyre", and "lord of the Hebrides (Inchegal).[3] His father's legacy was such that he became the ancestor figure of both Clan Ruaidhri and Clan Donald.[3]
There are no certain contemporary notices of Domhnall, and Domhnall's existence is not explicitly attested in any reliable contemporary source datable to any particular year. However, in 1212, Domhnall may have been one of the "sons of Raghnall" who suffered some kind of military defeat at the hands of the men of the Isle of Skye. The Annals of Ulster, reporting for the year 1209, recorded that:
A battle was fought by the sons of Raghnall, son of Somhairle, against the men of Skye, wherein slaughter was inflicted upon them.[4]
A similar report from the same source has the "sons of Raghnaill" join in a raid on the Irish city of Derry led by Tomás Mac Uchtraigh, brother of Alan, Lord of Galloway. Under the year 1212 it related that:
Tomás Mac Uchtraigh, with the sons of Raghnall, son of Somhairle, came to Derry of St. Colum-Cille with six and seventy ships and the town was greatly destroyed by them and Inis-Eogain was completely destroyed by them and by the Cenél Conaill.[5]
Two years later, a similar raid by Tomás is mentioned by the same source, though the only "son of Raghnall" reported as present that time was Domhnall's older brother, Ruaidhri mac Raghnaill.[6]
A recently rediscovered poem — though from a 17th-century manuscript written by Niall MacMhuirich — was addressed to one Domhnall mac Raghnaill, Rosg Mall ("Domhnall mac Raghnaill, of the Stately Gaze"). It is possible that this may refer to the same Domhnall mac Raghnaill, a claim made by its recent editor.[7] The poem gives little information. Besides associating him with Lennox, a quatrain addressed him as:
Ó Ghothfruigh ó hÁmhlaibh Fhinn, Descendant of Gofraidh, descendant of Amhlaibh Fionn;,
a ghallmhaoir ó thuinn go tuinn, his Gall stewards from sea to sea; fleasga donna a ndiaidh an Ghoill, following the Gall are stout youths; do chloinn Bhriain is Cholla is Chuinn. of the progeny of Brian and Colla and Conn.[8] Gall is a word that originally meant "Foreigner" or "Norseman" (later "Lowlander"), and might be meant to refer to someone from the region of Innse Gall, i.e. from the Hebrides. It is not clear who Gofraidh or Amhlaibh Fionn are, but they may refer to some of the Norse-Gaelic rulers of Mann and Dublin, possibly Amhlaibh Conung and Gofraidh Crobhán.[9]
The Chronicle of the Kings of Man related a story that may have involved Domhnall. In 1249, according to the text, following the death of Haraldr Óláfsson King of Mann, the new ruler Haraldr Guðrøðarson persecuted one of the old king's favourite vassals. This persecuted vassal, described as an "aged man", was named as Dofnaldus, i.e. Domhnall. Domhnall and his young son were subsequently imprisoned. Owing to the intervention of St Mary, Domhnall and his son managed to escape, and brought their thanks and story to the Abbey of St Mary of Rushen, the monastic house at which the Chronicle was kept.[10]
There is a charter allegedly issued by Domhnall to Paisley Abbey, found in the cartulary of that abbey.[11] In this charter Domhnall is given no title, instead merely described by his genealogy: Douenaldus filius Reginaldi filii Sumerledi, "Domhnall, son of Raghnall, son of Somhairle".[12] This charter is thought by some historians to be spurious, mainly because the witness list and wording of the charter are, in the words of Alex Woolf, "suspiciously similar" to those in a genuine charter of Domhnall's son Aonghas Mór. Presumably, the explanation is that the monks of Paisley Abbey at some later stage may have thought it in their interest to replicate Aonghas' charter in order to add the authority of the founder of Clan Donald to their land rights.[13]
In 1247 Maurice fitz Gerald, Justiciar of Ireland, invaded the territory of Maoilsheachlainn Ó Domhnaill, King of Tír Chonaill, defeating and killing this Irish king at the Battle of Ballyshannon.[14] According to the Annals of Loch Cé, one of Maoilsheachlainn's allies who died at Ballyshannon was a Mac Somhairle, a "Descendant of Somhairle":
Mac Somhairle, king of Argyll, and the nobles of the Cenel-Conaill besides, were slain.[15]
The Irish historian Seán Duffy suggested that this "Mac Somhairle" was Domhnall mac Raghnall. Duffy's main argument is that the 17th-century Book of Clanranald relayed a tradition that Domhnall had been invited by the Irish at Tara to come "to take the headship of the Western Isles and the greater part of the Gaels".[16]
McDonald believed that this "Mac Somhairle" referred to Donnchadh mac Dubhghaill, while Sellar thought that the clear favourite for this "Mac Somhairle" should be Domhnall's older brother Ruaidhri.[17] Alex Woolf more recently offered an extended case for the latter view, arguing on a number of grounds that Ruaidhri is by far the best candidate.[18]
Assuming that Domhnall is not the "dead man at Ballyshannon", the date of Domhnall's death cannot be fixed. MacDonald tradition placed it in 1289, a tradition usually rejected by modern historians as falling far too late.[19] R. Andrew McDonald suggested that Domhnall's death must have taken place before 1263, when King Haakon collected the allegiance of Aonghas Mór in the Hebrides.[20] Alex Woolf argued that it very likely must have occurred before February 1256, when Domhnall's son Aonghas made a grant to Paisley Abbey is his own name as "Lord of Islay", suggesting at the very least that Domhnall had retired.[21]
Domhnall's main legacy is being the eponymous founding figure of the famous MacDonald kindred of Islay.[22] Early modern MacDonald tradition thought of Domhnall as a "Lord of the Isles", like his descendants. One such tradition related that King Alexander II of Scotland sent a messenger to Domhnall, requesting that he hold the Isles from Alexander rather than the "King of Denmark"; Domhnall was said to have responded that his predecessors
Had their rights of the Isles from the crown of Denmark, which were renewed by the present king thereof.[23]
This anachronistic portrayal of the struggle between King Haakon IV of Norway and the Scottish crown for overlordship of the western seaboard of Scotland, giving Domhnall such a senior role, does not fit with the contemporary evidence. When it was written down, Denmark ruled Norway and the MacDonalds were well established as the rulers the Isles. However, during most of his life Domhnall was probably subordinate to his older brother, Ruaidhri mac Raghnaill, and as Alex Woolf has said "there is little or no explicit contemporary evidence that Domhnall was a significant figure during his lifetime".[24]
Nevertheless, Domhnall appears to have left his son Aonghas a lordship of respectable size centred on Islay, while his reputedly younger son Alasdair Mòr appears to been left lands in Kintyre. According to a praise-poem written for this son, the realm the latter inherited from Domhnall included "every house from Mull to Kintyre" (gach teach ó Mhuile go Maoil).[25]
The clan takes it's name from Donald, the 3rd Lord of the Isles and grandson of Somerled who lived until 1269. Donald's son was the original "Mac" (meaning "son of"). It was Donald's great-grandson, Angus Og, the 6th Lord of the Isles who sheltered Robert the Bruce at the lowest ebb of his career.Later, leading a small band of Islemen, Angus Og was instrumental in Bruce's defeat of the English at Bannockburn. This battle won independence for Scotland. In recognition of Clan Donald's part in the victory Robert the Bruce proclaimed that Clan Donald would forever occupy the honored position on the right wing of the Scottish Army.
Angus Og's grandson, Donald, the 8th Lord of the Isles, married the heiress of the Earldom of Ross and in 1411 fought the Battle of Harlaw to keep his wife's inheritance from being usurped by the Regent Duke of Albany. His army of 10,000 men included the forces of almost every clan of the Highlands and Isles. All these clans were willing vassals of the Lord of the Isles. They regarded the MacDonald Chiefs as the heads of the ancient "Race of Conn," and lineal heirs of the ancient Kings of the Dalriadic Scots, going back to the 6th century and beyond.
'note: Birth and Death dates are best guess estimates.
Recent, albeit slim, evidence has surfaced as to this mans existance in the contents of a poem addressed to him (see/read source from Wikipedia) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domhnall_mac_Raghnaill]
Title Lord of the Isles
Date of Death: Domhnall (Donald, the Progenitor of Clan Donald) had a son Angus, who reigned in the year 1249, knowing this we must assume Domhnall must have died prior to 1249.See page 13 of 95 [https://dcms.lds.org/view/action/ieViewer.do?dps_pid=IE1216898&dps_...]
1. Alexander 'Alasdair Mor' MacDonald
2. Angus Mhor 'Engull' MacDonald, of the Isles, b. 1249
Notes ◦1 - DONALD of Isla 1228 -1250 son of Rèognvald from him the name MacDonald is derived. Donald held the mainland territories of Kintyre, Morvern and Ardnamurchan with the island of Islay.
2 - The clan takes it's name from Donald "de Isla", the 3rd Lord of the Isles and grandson of Somerled, who succeeded his father Reginald, and under his guidance the clan attained great eminence. According to Highland tradition, Donald made a pilgrimage to Rome to do penance, and obtain absolution for the various enormities of his former life; and, on his return, evinced his gratitude and piety by making grants of land to the monastery of Saddel, and other religious houses in Scotland. He died in 1269.
Sources 1.[S67] Macdonald genealogy, Roddy Macdonald of the Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh, (http://www.clandonald.org.uk/genealogy.htm), genealogy/d0004/g0000034.html#I0036 (Reliability: 3)
Donald, son of Reginald, and progenitor of the Clan Donald, carried on the line of the Kings of Innsegall. He married a daughter of Walter Stewart of Scotland, and had two sons, who appear on record:
1. Angus Mor.
2. Alexander, known as Alastair Mor.
Source: "The Clan Donald" Vol 3, page 180.
1249 |
Finlaggen Castle, Isle of Islay, Scotland
Island of Kerrara
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Morven, Argyllshire, Scotland
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