Alfred Wiener was born in Potsdam, Germany on the 16 March 1885 and after attending grammar school in Bentschen, Poznan and then in Potsdam, he studied at the Universities of Berlin and Heidleberg, where he took his doctorate in Arab literature.
Following World War One, Wiener became the syndic and executive officer of the Centralverein, the largest Jewish organisation in Germany, which at its peak represented 300,000 people, over half the Jewish population in the country.
Its ideology was assimilation, emphasizing that Jews were national Germans entitled to full equality and differentiated only by religion. It offered legal protection to Jews, fought against the erosion of Jewish identity and the flood of anti-Semitic propaganda which was sweeping Germany in the 1920’s.
Wiener was particularly active in this struggle, regarding anti- Semitism as a test case of German democracy and constantly protesting against the indifference of the authorities, the silence of the press and public apathy.
1885 |
March 16, 1885
Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
1927 |
August 4, 1927
Berlin, Deutschland (Germany)
1930 |
September 15, 1930
Berlin, Deutschland (Germany)
1933 |
June 10, 1933
Berlin, Deutschland (Germany)
1964 |
February 4, 1964
Age 78
London, United Kingdom