public profile
Drogo (c.673–708), son of Pepin the Middle and Plectrude, was the duke of Champagne by appointment of his father in 690 and duke of Burgundy from the death of Nordebert in 697. He was the mayor of the palace of Burgundy from 695.
He married Adaltrudis, the daughter of Anstrudis & Berthechar, former mayor of the palace of Neustria, whose mother-in-law, Anseflede had had him murdered, to replace him as the husband of either her daughter, Anstrudis, or her granddaughter, Adaltrudis, with Drogo. At the moment, the most contemporaneous sources suggest that it was Anseflede's granddaughter, Adaltrudis, who married Drogo - so that's what Geni shows. Please come and join the Discussion if you find out anything else, or disagree with this - so we can get it correct together.
They had four sons:
Drogo ou Drocus1 († 708), noms actuellement francisé en Drogon ou Dreux, duc de Champagne, est le fils aîné de Pépin de Herstal (v.645 † 714), maire des palais d'Austrasie, de Neustrie et de Bourgogne, et de Plectrude.
Sommaire [masquer]
Biographie[modifier le code]
Il est nommé duc de Champagne en 690, puis duc des Bourguignons après 697. Il meurt au printemps de l'année 708 et son père le fait inhumer dans l'abbaye Saint-Arnoul de Metz2,3.
Mariage et enfants[modifier le code]
Dans le but de se concilier la noblesse de la Neustrie, son père le marie avec Adaltrude, fille de Berchaire, ancien maire du palais de Neustrie de 686 à 687, et d'Anstrude, elle-même fille de Waratton, également maire du palais de Neustrie de 680 à 6864,5, lequel était probablement apparenté à Ebroïn, maire du palais de Neustrie de 658 à 6806.
De ce mariage sont nés quatre enfants7 :
Drogo or Drocus1 († 708), Frenchified names currently or in Dreux Drogo, Duke of Champagne, is the eldest son of Pepin of Herstal (v.645 † 714), mayor of the palace of Austrasia, Neustria and Burgundy, and Plectrude.
He was named Duke of Champagne in 690 and Duke of Burgundy after 697. He died in the spring of the year 708 and his father is buried in the abbey of St. Arnulf of Metz2 3.
Marriage and children [edit code]
In order to conciliate the nobility of Neustria, his father married Adaltrude girl Berchaire, former mayor of the palace of Neustria from 686 to 687 and Anstrude itself Waratton girl, also mayor of the palace Neustria from 680 to 6864.5, which was probably related to Ebroin, mayor of the palace of Neustria 658-6806.
From this marriage were born four children.7:
673 |
Heristal, Leige Province, Belgium
690 |
Champagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France
700 |
Champagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, Francie occidentale
708 |
March 24, 708
Age 35
Aisne, Picardie, France
1928 |
April 21, 1928
Age 35
1933 |
March 10, 1933
Age 35
1954 |
October 14, 1954
Age 35
???? |
???? |