Immediate Family
About Eberhard [III] von Thurgau-Zürichgau, Graf im Thurgau
Zürichgau, with the town of Zürich in its northern part, lay east of Aargau.
1. GEROLD [IV] (-after 852). His name suggest that Gerold [IV] was closely related to the family of Graf Gerold [I] & his wife Imma (see Chapter 3.A). A charter dated 8 Feb 838 recording a donation to St Gallen is dated to "sub Keroldo comite"[604]. "Engilperti atque Cundperti diaconi ac nepotis sui" donated property "in pago Rotagewe in villa…Skefouua" to "Monasterium Maninseo" by charter dated 852 witnessed by "Kerolt comes, Kerolt filius eius"[605].
2. GEROLD [V] (-after 21 Mar 890). Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks donated property to Kloster St Gallen which had been taken by "Geroldus comes et potestati Zurigaugensis comitatus", by charter dated 26 Feb 875[606]. A charter of Emperor Karl III dated 17 Nov 887 relating to the restoration of Kloster Reichenau names "comes…Keroldus…cum coniuge nostra Hilthigarda"[607], it being assumed that the latter is an error for "coniuge sua". "Arnolfus…rex" granted property "in pago pago Quinzingouue in comitatu Hunolfi" to Kloster St Emmeran by charter dated 21 Mar 890 which names "Engildeo comes, Odalrich comes, Meginhart comes, Chunipercht comes, Kerolt comes, Rumolt comes, Geio comes"[608]. m HILTIGARDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified.
1. EBERHARD [I] (-after 27 Jun 889). Graf im Zürichgau. The dating clause of a charter dated 27 Jun 889, under which “Perehtelo...” donated property to abbey, notes “sub dominatione Eberharti comitis et advocati sui Adalberti”[609]. same person as...? ---. m GISELA, daughter of --- (-after 911). The Annales Alamannicorum record that "Gisle…socrui Purchardi iunioris" donated all her property to St Peter's in 911[610]. One child:
a) REGINLIND ([885/90]-Insel Ufenau 958 after 29 Apr). Reginlind's mother´s identity is confirmed by the reference noted above, but direct proof that Graf Eberhard [I] was her father has not yet been found. Regino records that "viduam Burchardi" married "Herimanno"[611]. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records in Aug the donation of "Stevegeia, Kaltbrunnen et Lindowa" by "domina Regelinda cum filio suo Burcardo duce"[612]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago Zuriggaui in comitatu Liudonis commitis" to "Erig" at the request of "Regilinde…comitisse" by charter dated 10 Mar 952[613]. "Otto…rex" donated property "in pago Engrisgouue in comitatu Uualtbrahtti in loco…Uuidhergis" to "matrone fidelique nostre Reginlind" at the request of "Burghardi ducis" by charter dated 29 Apr 958[614]. m firstly (before 911) BURKHARD [II], son of BURKHARD [I] Marchio in Rätien [Duke of Swabia] & his wife --- (-murdered Novara 28/29 Apr 926). He was installed as BURKHARD II Duke of Swabia in 917. m secondly HERMANN I Duke of Swabia, son of GEBHARD Graf im oberen Rheingau [Konradiner] & his wife Hidda --- (-10 Dec 949, bur Reichenau Island).
2. ADALGOZ (-after 899). Graf im Zürichgau: the dating clause of a charter dated 7 May 893, under which “missi domini regis...Arnolfi...Hildibaldi” settled a dispute between Zürich abbey and “Ratine et Rihhilda”, specifies “sub comite Adalgoz”[615]. “Reginlind” donated property to St Gallen by charter dated 899 which names “Adalcozzum comitem”[616].
3. LIUTO (-after 16 May 960). The dating clause of a charter dated 26 Apr 925, which records an exchange of property between Zürich abbey and and St. Gallen, notes “sub duce Burchardo et comite Liutone...cum licentia Kerhardi advocati”[617]. The dating clause of a charter dated 28 Apr 946, which records the transfer of revenue to Zürich St. Peter’s church, notes “sub duce Herimanno et comite Liutone”[618]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago Zuriggaui in comitatu Liudonis commitis" to "Erig" at the request of "Regilinde…comitisse" by charter dated 10 Mar 952[619]. "Otto…rex" granted the church at Pfeffikon "in ducatu Alemaniæ in pago Zurichgeuua in comitatu Luitonis comitis…et in provincia Rhætiæ Curiensis in comitatu Adalberti comitis in villa Amadeo" to the monks of Disentis by charter dated 16 May 960[620].
4. EBERHARD [III] . Graf im Thurgau 957/971. m --- . The name of Eberhard's wife is not known. Graf Eberhard [III] & his wife had one child:
a) LIUTGARD. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. The Liber Vitæ of Einsiedeln records the donation made in Jan by “comes Lantoldus et Lutgardis uxor eius”[621]. m LANDOLT [Lancelin] Graf von Altenburg, son of GUNTRAM "der Reiche" Graf im Breisgau & his wife --- (-991).
5. BURCHARD [I] (-after 12 Apr 965). Vogt of Zürich castle: “Purchardus Turegiensis castri advocatus” reached agreement with the inhabitants of Uri over “decimacionem” by charter dated 22 Nov 955[622]. Graf im Zürichgau 963/965. “Burchardus comes...” witnessed a charter dated to [964/68] relating to a dispute involving “canonicorum...sanctis...Felici et Regule”[623]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Thureguoe in comitatu Burchardi comitis" to "Kloster Disentis in pago Curiorum in comitatu Adelberti comitis" by charter dated 12 Apr 965[624].
6. GOTTFRIED [I] (-after 28 Jun 968). Graf im Gau Schwerza: "Otto…imperator augustus" donated property "in pago Bibligouue in comitatu Anshelmi in villa Chupinga" to the bishopric of Chur in exchange for property "predii…Adalberto filio Liutuuardi…in pago Suerzza in comitatu Gotefridi in villa Alemuntinga" by charter dated 22 Apr 966[625]. Graf [im Zürichgau]: a charter dated 10 Feb and 28 Jun 968 records the hearing of a dispute before “concilio Cotifridi comitis” in Zürich involving the convent of Zürich against “Coldbrigam”[626].
Eberhard III, Count in the Thurgau
b. circa 915, d. 995
Father: Eberhard II, Count in Thurgau & Zurichgau b. 890, d. 929
Mother: Gisela of Nullenburg
Charts Some Descendants of Charlemagne
Eberhard III, Count in the Thurgau was born circa 915. He died in 995.
Luitgard von Thurgau+ d. 975
Burkhard I von Nellenburg+1 d. a 965
Mangold I, Count in Thurgau, Advocate of Einsiedeln+ b. 937, d. 28 May 991
Citations [S11600] 40000 Ancestors of the Counts of Paris, 43-122.
Eberhard [III] von Thurgau-Zürichgau, Graf im Thurgau's Timeline
915 |
995 |
Age 80
???? |