Matching family tree profiles for Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1949
Immediate Family
About Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1949
António Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz (29 November 1874 – 13 December 1955), known as Egas Moniz , was a Portuguese neurologist and the developer of cerebral angiography. He is sometimes regarded as the founder of modern psychosurgery, and developing the surgical procedure termed leucotomy (also known as lobotomy), for which he became the first Portuguese national to receive a Nobel Prize in 1949 (shared with Walter Rudolf Hess).
He held academic positions, wrote many medical articles and also served in several legislative and diplomatic posts in the Portuguese government. In 1911 he became professor of neurology in Lisbon until his retirement in 1944. At the same time, he pursued a demanding political career.
António Caetano de Abreu Freire de Resende, substituindo o seu padrinho o apelido Resende pelo apelido Egas Moniz, nome provinente do aio de D. Afonso Henriques (Pereira, A. L. & J. R. Pita, «Egas Moniz: em Livre Exame», MinervaCoimbra, 2000)
О Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1949 (русский)
Анто́ниу Каэта́ну де Абре́у Фре́йре Э́гаш Мони́ш (порт. António Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz; 'ɛgɐʃ mu'niʃ; 29 ноября 1874, Аванка — 13 декабря 1955, Лиссабон) — португальский психиатр и нейрохирург, лауреат Нобелевской премии по физиологии и медицине в 1949 году «за открытие терапевтического воздействия лейкотомии (лоботомии) при некоторых психических заболеваниях». Разделил премию с Вальтером Гессом, награждённым «за открытие функциональной организации промежуточного мозга как координатора активности внутренних органов»
Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1949's Timeline
1874 |
November 29, 1874
Vilarinho do Bairro, Avanca, Estarreja Municipality, Aveiro District, Portugal
1955 |
December 13, 1955
Age 81
Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal