Immediate Family
About Elesa
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Stamtavlan ger Cerdics far som Elesa, som har identifierats av några forskare med romano-briten Elasius, "regionens chef", träffad av Germanus av Auxerre.
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Identifierad as Elasius by Germanus and Lupus etc .
Lupus ( franska : Loup, Leu ; walesiska : Bleiddian ; c. 383 – c. 478 AD ) var en tidig biskop av Troyes . Omkring 426 begärde biskoparna i Storbritannien hjälp från biskoparna i Gallien för att hantera pelagianism . Germanus av Auxerre och Lupus sändes.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
The Winchester (or Parker) Chronicle has Cynric, son of Cerdic , son of Elesa, son of Gewis, son of Wig, son of Freawine, son of Frithugar, son of Brand, son of Beldeg, son of Woden, son of Finn, son of Godwulf, son of Geats (‘’Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’’ (A) : The Winchester Manuscript, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 173, ff.1-32).
A.D. 552 . This year Cynric fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Sarum, and put them to flight. Cerdic was the father of Cynric, Cerdic was the son of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla of Gewis, Gewis of Wye, Wye of Frewin, Frewin of Frithgar, Frithgar of Brand, Brand of Balday, Balday of Woden. In this year Ethelbert, the son of Ermenric, was born, who on the two and thirtieth year of his reign received the rite of baptism, the first of all the kings in Britain.
Elesa's Timeline
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Saxony, Germany
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King of the West Saxons
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