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Elise Salinger (Bleistein)

Birthplace: Posen | Poznaň, Velkopolské, Prussia now Poland
Death: February 16, 1940 (50)
Berlin, Germany (Selbstmord | Suicide)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ludwig Bleistein and Julie Bleistein
Wife of Wolf Walter Salinger
Mother of Karl Heinz Salinger and Frank Peter Salinger
Sister of Jacob Henry Heinrich Jacob Heinz Bleistein; Klara Clara Bleistein; Anna Anne Bleistein; Ernst Julius Bleistein and Fritz Berthold Bleistein

Managed by: Ursula Steinberg
Last Updated:

About Elise Salinger

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

Salinger, Elise

geb. Bleistein geboren am 06. Juni 1889 in Posen (poln. Poznan)/Posen

wohnhaft in Berlin (Schöneberg)

TODESDATUM 16. Februar 1940

TODESORT Berlin Freitod

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Elise Salinger's Timeline

June 6, 1889
Posen | Poznaň, Velkopolské, Prussia now Poland
October 16, 1910
Posen | Poznań, wielkopolskie, Prussia now Poland
August 14, 1913
Posen, Powiat Poznański, Großpolen, Poland
February 16, 1940
Age 50
Berlin, Germany