Elizabeth Plummer

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Elizabeth Plummer (Yate)

Also Known As: "Yates", "Yeats", "Eliza"
Birthplace: Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
Death: July 08, 1736 (58-69)
Prince George's County, Maryland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of George Yate, Gent. and Mary Yate
Wife of Thomas Plummer II, of Prince George's
Mother of Thomas Plummer, III; Jerome Plummer; Philemon Plummer; Phoebe Williams; Yate Plummer and 7 others
Sister of John Yate; Ann Prather; George Yate and George Yates
Half sister of Frances Duvall; Mary Richardson; Thomas Stockett, Esq. and Susanna Stockett

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Elizabeth Plummer

Elizabeth Yates was the daughter of "Gateway Ancestor" George Yates, Gent. 1639-1691

Her exact birth date and marriage date are unknown.

Named in George Yate's will as "my daughter Elizabeth Plummer", so she was already married to Thomas Plummer II by 6 June 1691.

Will of Captain Thomas Stockett, made April 23, 1671; probated (quite promptly) May 4, 1671:

• Will, Apr 23, 1671, , Anne Arundel, MD, USA. Thomas Stockett's will leaves his estate to his widow, Mary, where son Thomas is to inherit it after her death.

He mentions unnamed daughters and the unborn child his wife was carrying: "Child my wife now goeth with".

He also names his brothers Francis Stocket and Richard Wells (obviously a brother-in-law).

• Probate, May 4, 1671, Anne Arundel, MD, USA. He names his brothers, Francis and Henry, and brother-in-law Richard Wells the executors of his will. He gave the profits of his estate to his wife.

After her death the land was to go to his son, Thomas, and his personal estate to his daughters. ("Personal estate" meant any non-property personal items he possessed at the time of his death.) He and his wife were apparently expecting when he wrote his will as he requested his land be divided between two sons, if his next was a son. (The sex of this last child is unknown, but was presumably another daughter, since son Thomas inherited all the real estate.)


How quickly Mary Yate remarried after her first husband's death is unknown. There are known cases where remarriage was so prompt as to take place before the will was probated (though apparently not in this case, with only eleven days from making to probate).

Per English Common Law, any child born *during* a marriage was legally the child *of* that marriage, no matter what. And the Colonies did follow English Common Law.



Per email message from Mary Celine Scott to Kathleen Bowen, 01-16-1999: "Notes for Elizabeth: Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 7, page 182, Plummer, Elizabeth,Prince George's Co. 27th Mch., 1736; 8th July, 1736. To eldest son Thomas, 2nd son Samuel, 3rd son George, 4th son James, 5th son John, 6th son Jerome, 7th son Phillimon, eldest dau. Priscilla Ouchtclony, youngest dau. Phoebe Williams, [p.182] 8th son Micajah, 9th son Yate, and 10th son Abiezer, personalty. Legacy to Abiezer to be in poss. of son Yate until Abiezer arrives at age of 21. To 2 sons, viz.: Micajah and Yate tract called Liford. Residue of personal estate to be divided bet. two youngest sons, viz.: Yate and Abiezer. Exs.: sons Micajah and Yate. Test: John Evans, Sr., John Evans, Jr., Eliner Evans. 21. 617."

Per email message from Rose Mangan, 01-25-1999: "Thomas was the father of the older Philemon, the second on colonial soil to bear the name, he wed Elizabeth Smith who as Eliza; Plumer (sic) is named in the Will of her brother John Smith who also named his wife Joan and brothers Philip and Charles. A Planer, Thomas was already seated on "Seaman's Delight" in Prince George's County, MD, when his father bequeathed it to him in 1694. Originally a 100 acre tract, it was resurveyed to 201 acres when the patent was granted in 1716. (30) In this same year he also received a patent for the 50 acre part of "Dundee" (31) in Prince George's Co. At his death, he owned two further tracts, one of which was part of "Swanson's Lott" which was likely purchased from his brother-in-law Francis who inherited the full 600 acre tract from his father, Dr. Franics Swanson. Thomas' Will (32) was written 26 Jun 1726 in the presence of Thomas Stockett Jr., Thomas will and Thomas Waitt. As executrix, Elizabeth presented the document to Prince George's Court 28 Jun1728. At the writing, the three youngest sons were under 16 years of age and Elizabeth was given their custody. Five older sons and two daughters were each bequeathed personalty. The lands there to be equally shared by the younger sons George, John, Micajah, Yate and Abezier to be disposed of ony among themselves or their brother Jerome. Although evidence is lacking it would seem that he had helped the older sons in establishing plantations prior to this time.

Notes for ELIZABETH SMITH: Sister of John Smith. John lived on "Seaman's Delight" Prince George's Co. (formerly Calvert Co.), 100 acres inherited from his father, 201 acres by patent 1716; "Dundee" of 59 acres patented in 1716; owned part of"Swanson's Lot",

Elizabeth patented "Lyford" in 1734;

Elizabeth was granted a patent in 1734 for a tract which she named "Lyford". (33) She survived but two more years, writing her will (34) 28 Mar 1736 with Jno. Sr., Jno, Jr and Elinor Evans as witnesses. Though the rotation of children is slightly different from that in her hasband's will, the fact that she numbered each suggest that she followed their order of birth, Thomas III, Samuel, George, James, John, Jerome, Philimon (sic), Priscila (Mrs. John) Ouchalog, Phebe (Mrs. Joseph) Williams each received personalty, Micajah and Yate as executors received "Lyford" jointly and Abiezer under 21 years of age. Of the sons, Philemon has been fully accounted for. Mention of the nine remaining sons is made to put the family in perspective.

More About ELIZABETH SMITH: Reference 1: MD Cal. Willis, Vol. VII, p. 181; Wils, Liber 21, folio 617 Reference 33: Patent Liber EI-1, folio 321 Reference 34: Prince George's County, MD, Will lIber 21, folio 617, filed 8 Jul 1736"


Newman, Harry Wright. AnneArundel Gentry. The Lord Baltimore Press. Baltimore, MD. 1933. Page 528-529. https://archive.org/details/annearundelgentr00newm_0

Richardson, Douglas. Royal Ancestry (2013) Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 5 vols., ed. Kimball G. Everingham, (Salt Lake City, Utah: the author, 2013), Vol V, page 442, George Yate, Mary Wells.


Maryland State Archives (website)
Annapolis, Maryland

Plummer, Thomas
Anne Arundel
Liber 7, folio 56 (PDF Image 61)


Will dated July 12, 1694
"my only son Thomas Plummer"(Seamas Delight in Calvert County)
my eldest daughter Margrett now the wife of Hugh Reily
William Jackson who lately intermarried with Mary my second daughter (Mary Jackson)
my third daughter Susana the wife of Francis Swanson
my youngest daughter Elizabeth Plummer
beloved wife Elizabeth named executrix

Witnessed by Henry Hanslap, Elizabeth Hanslap, Edward Brucebank and Joseph Hanslap
Proved February 26th 1694/5


Maryland State Archives (website) ; Maryland State Archives (PDF Image)
Annapolis, Maryland
Yates, Mary
Anne Arundel
Liber 6, folio 213 (PDF image 217)
http://msa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/stagser/s500/s538/000000/00001... ** THIS LINK WILL DOWNLOAD THE FULL BOOK **

Describe The Record (Notes)
Recorded copy of Mary Yates will names the following:

Son George Yates
son John Yates

son Thomas Stockett
daughter Francis the wife of Mareen Duvall
daughter Elizabeth wife of Thomas Plummer
daughter Ann Yates

Will filed March 29, 1699


Where The Record Is Found (Citation)
Maryland State Archives.
Describe The Record (Notes)
Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Mary Yate of AA Co., m. by 6 June 1691, Thomas Plummer (MWB 2:226, 6:212; MDTP 15:180).

Proof that Elizabeth (Yate) Plummer (died 1736), wife of Thomas Plummer II (died 1728), was the daughter of George Yate (died 1691) and Mary Yate (died 1699) of Anne Arundel County, MD.


  1. Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties , link >
  2. George Yate is a Qualifying Ancestor for "The First Families of Maryland" https://firstfamiliesofmaryland.com/qualifying-ancestors
view all 15

Elizabeth Plummer's Timeline

Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
Prince George's County, Province of Maryland, British Colonial America
February 9, 1692
West River Hundred, Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
Prince George's County, Maryland, British Colonial America
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, British Colonial America
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, British Colonial America
West River, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Colonial America
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Colonial America
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, British Colonial America