Matching family tree profiles for Anne Thomas
Immediate Family
About Anne Thomas
The wife of Tristram (Trustram) Thomas (1629-1686) is uncertain. Some researchers have listed his wife as Anne Coursey.
Presumably, this was based on a land deed of William DeCoursey (Coursey) and his "beloved-brother-in-law" Trustram Thomas, suggesting to some researchers that Trustram's wife, Ann, was Ann DeCoursey (Coursey). However, William DeCoursey was married to Julianna Thomas, sister of Trustram Thomas. Therefore, these two men were brother-in-laws through this marriage. Furthermore, there is a marriage record in England about 1652 of the marriage of Trustram Thomas to an Ann King.
However, among the individuals receiving payments from the settlement of the estate of William Coursey (administered by his wife Elizabeth) was "Ann Thomas" (Talbot County Accounts Records 18 Feb 1686 Liber 10 folio 155). Anne's husband, Tristram Thomas, died in 1686 but the exact date is not known (his will was proved 22 May 1686). Why was this payment made to Anne Thomas? Had william Coursey owed money to her husband Tristram and Tristram was dead by the time the estate was settles and payments made? Or, could this indicate a connection between William Coursey and Anne herself? If the latter is true, this would tend to support the assertion by some that Anne was Anne "Coursey", sister of William Coursey.
Brief Life History of Anne
Anne King was born about 1636, in St Andrew's Church, Loxton, Somerset, England. She married Tristram Thomas Sr. on 20 May 1652, in St Magnus the Martyr with St Margaret New Fish Street and St Michael Crooked Lane, London, England, United Kingdom. They were the parents of at least 5 sons and 5 daughters. She died after 3 April 1708, in Queen Anne's, Maryland, British Colonial America, at the age of 72, and was buried in Queen Anne's, Maryland, British Colonial America.
23 April 1667 Col. William Coursey was commissioned as High Sheriff of Talbot County, Maryland. I think he is a brother of Anne.
Catherine Reich (ancestry member) says that Anne is mother of Rev. James Clayland 1650-1699 with first husband Henry 1620-1648; says Tristram Thomas is second husband
From "A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature 1635-1789" by Edward C. Papenfuse, et. al.
Volume 426, Page 236 < link > COURSEY, HENRY (ca. 1629-1695).
COURSEY, HENRY (ca. 1629-1695).
BORN: ca.1629, probably in Ireland.
IMMIGRATED as a free adult with his brothers from Virginia.
RESIDED: briefly in St. Mary's County; Calvert County, by 1651; the Eastern Shore by the late 1650s.
BROTHERS: John (?-1661), the sheriff of Kent County in 1657; William Coursey (?-1685); and James, of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, England.
SISTERS Jane; Catherine; Ann, who married Tristram Thomas; and Juliana, who married John Russell (?-1660).
Anne Thomas's Timeline
1630 |
1648 |
of Sundridge in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
1659 |
Kent, England, United Kingdom
1662 |
Kent County, England
1666 |
September 1666
Sevenoaks, Kent, England
1667 |
Wye River, Talbot, Maryland, United States
1669 |
October 18, 1669
Talbot, Md, USA
1671 |
October 15, 1671
Talbot, Maryland