Immediate Family
About Elstrude, Countess of Flanders
Elstrude Of Flanders
* Marriage: Siegfred Count Of Guines
Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, Compiled by J. Orton Buck, and Timothy Beard, 1978, published by the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, page 292
Elstrude married Siegfred Count Of Guines. (Siegfred Count Of Guines died in 965.)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Flanders:
ELSTRUDE de Flandre (-966[159] or after).
The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "comes Balduinus sororem…Elstrudem" as wife of "Sifridus"[160].
According to the Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini, the couple were never married[161].
m ([960/65]%29 SIEGFRIED Comte de Guines, son of --- (-[965]).
From the French Wikipedia page on Siegfried I de Guines:
Siegfried LeVieux, premier comte de Guines dit le Danois (° v.940 - † ap.965).
Les terres de Guînes appartenaient originairement à l'abbaye Saint-Sithiu (devenue Saint-Bertin par la suite) de Saint-Omer. En 877, Charles le Chauve, leur en confirmait la possession.
Ces terres tombèrent ensuite dans le comté de Flandre.
Il existe deux hypothèses quant à la prise de possession du comté de Guînes par Sigfrid le Danois
Contre-offensive envers la Flandre
En 965, Guillaume Ier, comte de Ponthieu, enleva le Boulonnais, Guînes et Saint-Pol à Arnoul II, comte de Flandre.
Arnoul II appela les Danois qui vinrent à sa rescousse, sous la conduite de Knut Gormsson, frère de Harald Ier de Danemark, roi du Danemark, et Siegfried, son cousin. L'expédition fut victorieuse, et Arnoul II confia le fief de Guînes à Siegfried ainsi que sa sœur Elstrude de Gand.
La légende dit que Siegfried aurait devancé le mariage, et que de leur union coupable serait né Ardolf (ou Adolphe, Ardolph). Siegfried se serait alors pendu pour échapper au ressentiment d'Arnoul II.
Invasion viking
Suivant d'autres historiens, Siegfried le Danois et ses Vikings serait venu s'emparer, en 928, de l'endroit où s'éleva ensuite la ville de Guînes. Arnoul Ier renonça à la contre-attaque et livra sa fille Elstrude de Gand en mariage au pirate normand, qui fut investit comte de Guînes, vassal du comte de Flandre
Mariage et enfants
Il épousa en 964 Elstrude de Gand, née vers 932, et eut Ardolf comme fils et successeur.
L'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques et autres anciens ... par Maur-François Dantine, Charles Clémencet, Saint-Allais (Nicolas Viton), Ursin Durand, François Clément
In English:
Siegfried "The Elder" ("Le Vieux"), also called "The Dane", was the first Comte de Guines (c.940 - around 965)
The County of Guines originally belonged to the Abbey of St-Sithiu (later St-Bertin) in St-Omer. In 877, Charles the Bald confirmed it as a possession of the Abbey.
Later these lands fell to the County of Flanders.
There are two hypotheses regarding how Siegried the Dane took possession of the County.
Counter-Offensive against Flanders
In 965, William I, Comte de Ponthieu, siezed Boulogne, Guiness, and St-Pol from Arnulf II, Comte de Flandres.
Arnulf II called in the Danes, who came to his rescue - led by Knut Gormsson, brother of King Harald I of Denmark, and Siegfried, his cousin. The expedition was a success, and Arnulf II gave the fief of Guiness to Siegfried, and married off his daughter (sister?) Elstrude de Gand, to him.
The legend says that Siegfried would have foregone the marriage had he not already impregnated Elstrude with their son Ardolf (or Adolphe Ardolph). Siegfried would have been hanged by Arnulf II if he refused.
Viking Invasion
According to other historians, the Dane Siegfried and the Vikings came to take Guiness in 928. Arnulf I, Comte de Flandres, offered his daughter Elstrude de Gand in marriage to the Norman pirate, to stop the siege of his vassel Comte de Guines.
Marriage and Children:
He married in 964 Elstrude de Gand (born in 932), and they had Ardolf as a son, and Siegfried's successor.
From the Celtic Casimir online family tree:
Family Links
1. Cte Sifrid (Siegfried) "le Danois" (the Dane) DE GUОNES
1a. Cte Ardolf (Ardulf) I DE GUОNES+
1b. Hawise (Helewise, Heloise) DE GUОNES+
Elstrude (Elisende, Elftrude) DE GAND 5662,5665
Born: 939, Flanders, Belgium
Died: 970
Marriage Information:
Elstrude married Cte Sifrid (Siegfried) "le Danois" (the Dane) DE GUОNES, son of Godefroy DE DANOIS and Prncess Gisela DE LORRAINE. (Cte Sifrid (Siegfried) "le Danois" (the Dane) DE GUОNES was born in 935 in Guisnes, Flanders, Belgium and died in 970 in Guisnes, Flanders, Belgium.)
Elstrude married Count Of Guisnes Sigfried LE BLOUNT, son of Count Of Flanders Arnulf Le Blount DE FLANDERS and Alice DE VERMANDOIS. (Count Of Guisnes Sigfried LE BLOUNT was born in 925 and died in 965.)
1 boy, Ardolph, and 1 girl Heloise De Guisnes
The County of Guines originally belonged to the Abbey of St-Sithiu (later St-Bertin) in St-Omer. In 877, Charles the Bald confirmed it as a possession of the Abbey. Later these lands fell to the County of Flanders. There are two hypotheses regarding how Siegried the Dane took possession of the County. Counter-Offensive against Flanders: In 965, William I, Comte de Ponthieu, siezed Boulogne, Guiness, and St-Pol from Arnulf II, Comte de Flandres. Arnulf II called in the Danes, who came to his rescue led by Knut Gormsson, brother of King Harald I of Denmark, and Siegfried, his cousin. The expedition was a success, and Arnulf II gave the fief of Guiness to Siegfried, and married off his daughter (sister?) Elstrude de Gand, to him. The legend says that Siegfried would have foregone the marriage had he not already impregnated Elstrude with their son Ardolf (or Adolphe Ardolph). Siegfried would have been hanged by Arnulf II if he refused. Viking Invasion: According to other historians, the Dane Siegfried and the Vikings came to take Guiness in 928. Arnulf I, Comte de Flandres, offered his daughter Elstrude de Gand in marriage to the Norman pirate, to stop the siege of his vassel Comte de Guines. Marriage and Children: He married in 964 Elstrude de Gand (born in 932), and they had Ardolf as a son, and Siegfried's successor.
Elstrude, Countess of Flanders's Timeline
945 |
West-Vlaanderen, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
962 |
Castle Guînes, Pas-de-Calais, France
964 |
- 966
Age 19
Guines, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
965 |
Aisne, Picardie, France
966 |
Age 21
Castle Guines, Artois, Pas de Calais et de Nord, Pas de Calais, France
1934 |
January 22, 1934
Age 989
January 22, 1934
Age 989
January 22, 1934
Age 989
January 22, 1934
Age 989