Rashi's grand-daughter Alvina was a learned woman whose customs served as the basis for later halakhic decisions.
Elvina (Alvina), the daughter of Miriam and R. Yehudah ben Natan, taught some of Rashi’s customs, learned from her mother, to her cousin R. Yitzhak of Dampierre.
Birth year is probably not correct. Her father was born in 1130 - or even later. She must have been born much later. YB
Drawing: Elvina in a detail of the jacket illustration by Bagram Ibatoulline for My Guardian Angel.
Source: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F05EEDF113BF930A257...
1090 |
Worms, Germany
1165 |
Dampierre, France
1196 |
Age 106
Erfurt, Germany
???? | |||
???? |