Immediate Family
About Enguerrand du Hommet, II
'''ENGUERRAND du Hommet'''
From Medlands:
Robert of Torigny names "Guillermum, Enjorannum, Jordanum" as the sons and heirs of "Richardus de Humet constabularius regis" when recording his death[961]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Aunay, including donations by "Richardi de Humetis et Agnetis uxoris sue, filie et heredis predicti Jordani" with the agreement of "Guillelmi de Humetis et Engerranni et Jordani filiorum suorum" and of "Engueranni de Humetis…concessu Cecilie uxoris sue et Henrici filii sui", by charter dated to [1181/89][962]. m CECILE de Semilly, daughter of GUILLAUME de Semilly & his wife ---. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated to [1181/98] under which her son "Willelmus de Similleio, filius Enguerrandi de Humeto" confirmed the donation of the church of Pert to Bayeux by "Willelmus de Similleio avus noster" with the consent of "Ceciliæ filiæ et hæredis suæ et matris nostræ"[963]. "Cæcilia filia Willelmi de Similleio" confirmed the donation of the church of Pert to Bayeux by "Willelmus de Similleio pater meus" by charter dated to [1181/98][964]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Aunay, including donations by "Engueranni de Humetis…concessu Cecilie uxoris sue et Henrici filii sui", by charter dated to [1181/89][965]. Enguerrand & his wife had two children:
(a) GUILLAUME de Semilly [de Say] . "Willelmus de Similleio, filius Enguerrandi de Humeto" confirmed the donation of the church of Pert to Bayeux by "Willelmus de Similleio avus noster" with the consent of "Ceciliæ filiæ et hæredis suæ et matris nostræ", by charter dated to [1181/98], later confirmed by Henri Bishop of Bayeux[966]. "Jordano de Humetis, Ricardo de Humetis, Baudewino Wac…Bartholomeo de Mortuo mari..:Willelmo de Sae, Henrico de Humetis fratre suo…" witnessed the charter dated to the late 12th century under which "Lucia de Humetis" donated revenue from land at Bradecroft, near Stamford to Southwick priory, Lincolnshire[967].
(b) HENRI du Hommet . Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the abbey of Aunay, including donations by "Engueranni de Humetis…concessu Cecilie uxoris sue et Henrici filii sui", by charter dated to [1181/89][968]. "Jordano de Humetis, Ricardo de Humetis, Baudewino Wac…Bartholomeo de Mortuo mari..:Willelmo de Sae, Henrico de Humetis fratre suo…" witnessed the charter dated to the late 12th century under which "Lucia de Humetis" donated revenue from land at Bradecroft, near Stamford to Southwick priory, Lincolnshire[969].