i) ALAN Durward (-[1268/75], bur Cuprose). ... m [secondly] ([1244]) MARJORY, illegitimate daughter of ALEXANDER III King of Scotland & his mistress -.
Alan & his [second] wife had three children:
(a) ERMENGARDE . The Chronicle of Melrose[570] reports that her father plotted in 1251 to have his illegitimate daughter "by the sister of the king" legitimated and declared heir to the throne, the plot being revealed by Henry III King of England. The proofs relating to the claim to the Scottish throne in 1291 made by "domini Nicolai de Soules" name "Ermegarde" as the daughter of "Margarete…uxori Alani le Husser" but do not name her husband[571]. m [WILLIAM] de Soulis, son of [NICHOLAS [I] de Soulis & his wife -].
WILLIAM [II] de Soulis, son of NICHOLAS [I] de Soulis & his wife --- (-after 8 Apr 1280). John of Fordun’s Scotichronicon (Continuator) records that "Willelmus de Soulis, filius et heres Nicholai de Soulis" was knighted "die sancti Michaelis apud Hadington", dated to [1270/71] from the context[1395]. "Willelmo de Soulys…Nicholao de Haya…" witnessed the charter dated 8 Apr 1280 under which Alexander III King of Scotland confirmed the donation of "terram de Inuerlyth" made to Newbattle abbey by "Nicholaus Pistor"[1396].
same person as…? --- de Soulis . As noted below, the proofs relating to the claim to the Scottish throne in 1291 do not name the father of Nicholas [II] de Soulis. The chronology suggests that he was William de Soulis, son of Nicholas [I] de Soulis, but this cannot yet be confirmed.
m ERMENGARDE Durward, daughter of ALAN Durward & his wife Marjory [of Scotland]. The Chronicle of Melrose[1397] reports that her father plotted in 1251 to have his illegitimate daughter "by the sister of the king" legitimated and declared heir to the throne, the plot being revealed by Henry III King of England. The proofs relating to the claim to the Scottish throne in 1291 made by "domini Nicolai de Soules" name "Ermegarde" as the daughter of "Margarete…uxori Alani le Husser" but do not name her husband[1398].
--- & his wife had one child:
1. NICHOLAS [II] de Soulis (-after 1296). The proofs relating to the claim to the Scottish throne in 1291 made by "domini Nicolai de Soules" name him as son of "Ermegarde", daughter of "Margarete…uxori Alani le Husser"[1399]. Claimant to the throne of Scotland in 1291, 6th in order on the Great Roll of Scotland. The Ragman Roll names "Nicholas de Soules knight" among those who swore allegiance to Edward I King of England at Elgyn in Moray 27 Jul 1296[1400]. m MARGARET Comyn, daughter of ALEXANDER Comyn Earl of Buchan & his wife Elizabeth de Quincy of Winchester. Andrew Wyntoun’s Cronykil records that "Jhon and Alysandyre" had five sisters, the fifth of which married "Schyr Nychol de Sowlys" by whom she had "swnnys twa, Willame and Jhon"[1401]. Nicholas [II] & his wife had four children:
Sir John de Soules (or de Soulis or Soules) (died 1310) was Guardian of Scotland from 1301 to 1304 in the Wars of Scottish Independence.
John was the second son of William I de Soules and Ermengarde Durward.
1251 |
Howick, Roxburghshire, Scotland
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Liddel Castle, Liddesdale, Roxburghshire, Scotland
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Hermitage Castle, Liddesdale, Roxburghshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
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